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Frumin, Dan, Krebbers, Robbert, Birkedal, Lars.  2021.  Compositional Non-Interference for Fine-Grained Concurrent Programs. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1416—1433.
Non-interference is a program property that ensures the absence of information leaks. In the context of programming languages, there exist two common approaches for establishing non-interference: type systems and program logics. Type systems provide strong automation (by means of type checking), but they are inherently restrictive in the kind of programs they support. Program logics support challenging programs, but they typically require significant human assistance, and cannot handle modules or higher-order programs.To connect these two approaches, we present SeLoC—a separation logic for non-interference, on top of which we build a type system using the technique of logical relations. By building a type system on top of separation logic, we can compositionally verify programs that consist of typed and untyped parts. The former parts are verified through type checking, while the latter parts are verified through manual proof.The core technical contribution of SeLoC is a relational form of weakest preconditions that can track information flow using separation logic resources. SeLoC is fully machine-checked, and built on top of the Iris framework for concurrent separation logic in Coq. The integration with Iris provides seamless support for fine-grained concurrency, which was beyond the reach of prior type systems and program logics for non-interference.
Ghosal, Sandip, Shyamasundar, R. K..  2020.  A Generalized Notion of Non-interference for Flow Security of Sequential and Concurrent Programs. 2020 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). :51–60.
For the last two decades, a wide spectrum of interpretations of non-interference11The notion of non-interference discussed in this paper enforces flow security in a program and is different from the concept of non-interference used for establishing functional correctness of parallel programs [1] have been used in the security analysis of programs, starting with the notion proposed by Goguen & Meseguer along with arguments of its impact on security practice. While the majority of works deal with sequential programs, several researchers have extended the notion of non-interference to enforce information flow-security in non-deterministic and concurrent programs. Major efforts of generalizations are based on (i) considering input sequences as a basic unit for input/output with semantic interpretation on a two-point information flow lattice, or (ii) typing of expressions as values for reading and writing, or (iii) typing of expressions along with its limited effects. Such approaches have limited compositionality and, thus, pose issues while extending these notions for concurrent programs. Further, in a general multi-point lattice, the notion of a public observer (or attacker) is not unique as it depends on the level of the attacker and the one attacked. In this paper, we first propose a compositional variant of non-interference for sequential systems that follow a general information flow lattice and place it in the context of earlier definitions of non-interference. We show that such an extension leads to the capturing of violations of information flow security in a concrete setting of a sequential language. Finally, we generalize non-interference for concurrent programs and illustrate its use for security analysis, particularly in the cases where information is transmitted through shared variables.
Morris, Eric Rothstein, Murguia, Carlos G., Ochoa, Martin.  2017.  Design-time Quantification of Integrity in Cyber-physical Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security. :63–74.

In a software system it is possible to quantify the amount of information that is leaked or corrupted by analysing the flows of information present in the source code. In a cyber-physical system, information flows are not only present at the digital level but also at a physical level, and they are also present to and fro the two levels. In this work, we provide a methodology to formally analyse a composite, cyber-physical system model (combining physics and control) using an information flow-theoretic approach. We use this approach to quantify the level of vulnerability of a system with respect to attackers with different capabilities. We illustrate our approach by means of a water distribution case study.

Finkbeiner, Bernd, Müller, Christian, Seidl, Helmut, Z\u alinescu, Eugen.  2017.  Verifying Security Policies in Multi-Agent Workflows with Loops. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :633–645.

We consider the automatic verification of information flow security policies of web-based workflows, such as conference submission systems like EasyChair. Our workflow description language allows for loops, non-deterministic choice, and an unbounded number of participating agents. The information flow policies are specified in a temporal logic for hyperproperties. We show that the verification problem can be reduced to the satisfiability of a formula of first-order linear-time temporal logic, and provide decidability results for relevant classes of workflows and specifications. We report on experimental results obtained with an implementation of our approach on a series of benchmarks.