Enterprise networks are increasingly moving towards Software Defined Networking, which is becoming a major trend in the networking arena. With the increased popularity of SDN, there is a greater need for security measures for protecting the enterprise networks. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of an integrated security architecture for SDN based enterprise networks. The integrated security architecture uses a policy-based approach to coordinate different security mechanisms to detect and counteract a range of security attacks in the SDN. A distinguishing characteristic of the proposed architecture is its ability to deal with dynamic changes in the security attacks as well as changes in trust associated with the network devices in the infrastructure. The adaptability of the proposed architecture to dynamic changes is achieved by having feedback between the various security components/mechanisms in the architecture and managing them using a dynamic policy framework. The paper describes the prototype implementation of the proposed architecture and presents security and performance analysis for different attack scenarios. We believe that the proposed integrated security architecture provides a significant step towards achieving a secure SDN for enterprises.
Up to now, Software-defined network (SDN) has been developing for many years and various controller implementations have appeared. Most of these controllers contain the normal business logic as well as security defense function. This makes the business logic on the controller tightly coupled with the security function, which increases the burden of the controller and is not conducive to the evolution of the controller. To address this problem, we propose a proactive security framework PSA, which decouples the business logic and security function of the controller, and deploys the security function in the proactive security layer which lies between the data plane and the control plane, so as to provide a unified security defense framework for different controller implementations. Based on PSA, we design a security defense application for the data-to-control plane saturation attack, which overloads the infrastructure of SDN networks. We evaluate the prototype implementation of PSA in the software environments. The results show that PSA is effective with adding only minor overhead into the entire SDN infrastructure.
Internet of Things is nowadays growing faster than ever before. Operators are planning or already creating dedicated networks for this type of devices. There is a need to create dedicated solutions for this type of network, especially solutions related to information security. In this article we present a mechanism of security-aware routing, which takes into account the evaluation of trust in devices and packet flows. We use trust relationships between flows and network nodes to create secure SDN paths, not ignoring also QoS and energy criteria. The system uses SDN infrastructure, enriched with Cognitive Packet Networks (CPN) mechanisms. Routing decisions are made by Random Neural Networks, trained with data fetched with Cognitive Packets. The proposed network architecture, implementing the security-by-design concept, was designed and is being implemented within the SerIoT project to demonstrate secure networks for the Internet of Things (IoT).
Software-defined networking (SDN) is enabling radically easier deployment of new routing infrastructures in enterprise and operator networks. However, it is not clear how to best exploit this flexibility, when also considering the migration costs. In this paper, we use tools from network economics to study a recent proposal of using information-centric networking (ICN) principles on an SDN infrastructure for improving the delivery of Internet Protocol (IP) services. The key value proposition of this IP-over-ICN approach is to use the native and lightweight multicast service delivery enabled by the ICN technology to reduce network load by removing redundant data. Our analysis shows that for services where IP multicast delivery is technically feasible, IP-over-ICN deployments are economically sensible if only few users will access the given service simultaneously. However, for services where native IP multicast is not a technically feasible option, such as for dynamically generated or personalized content, IP-over-ICN significantly outperforms IP.