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Angelini, M., Blasilli, G., Borrello, P., Coppa, E., D’Elia, D. C., Ferracci, S., Lenti, S., Santucci, G..  2018.  ROPMate: Visually Assisting the Creation of ROP-based Exploits. 2018 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec). :1–8.

Exploits based on ROP (Return-Oriented Programming) are increasingly present in advanced attack scenarios. Testing systems for ROP-based attacks can be valuable for improving the security and reliability of software. In this paper, we propose ROPMATE, the first Visual Analytics system specifically designed to assist human red team ROP exploit builders. In contrast, previous ROP tools typically require users to inspect a puzzle of hundreds or thousands of lines of textual information, making it a daunting task. ROPMATE presents builders with a clear interface of well-defined and semantically meaningful gadgets, i.e., fragments of code already present in the binary application that can be chained to form fully-functional exploits. The system supports incrementally building exploits by suggesting gadget candidates filtered according to constraints on preserved registers and accessed memory. Several visual aids are offered to identify suitable gadgets and assemble them into semantically correct chains. We report on a preliminary user study that shows how ROPMATE can assist users in building ROP chains.

Yazici, I. M., Karabulut, E., Aktas, M. S..  2018.  A Data Provenance Visualization Approach. 2018 14th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG). :84–91.
Data Provenance has created an emerging requirement for technologies that enable end users to access, evaluate, and act on the provenance of data in recent years. In the era of Big Data, the amount of data created by corporations around the world has grown each year. As an example, both in the Social Media and e-Science domains, data is growing at an unprecedented rate. As the data has grown rapidly, information on the origin and lifecycle of the data has also grown. In turn, this requires technologies that enable the clarification and interpretation of data through the use of data provenance. This study proposes methodologies towards the visualization of W3C-PROV-O Specification compatible provenance data. The visualizations are done by summarization and comparison of the data provenance. We facilitated the testing of these methodologies by providing a prototype, extending an existing open source visualization tool. We discuss the usability of the proposed methodologies with an experimental study; our initial results show that the proposed approach is usable, and its processing overhead is negligible.
Garae, J., Ko, R. K. L., Apperley, M..  2018.  A Full-Scale Security Visualization Effectiveness Measurement and Presentation Approach. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :639–650.
What makes a security visualization effective? How do we measure visualization effectiveness in the context of investigating, analyzing, understanding and reporting cyber security incidents? Identifying and understanding cyber-attacks are critical for decision making - not just at the technical level, but also the management and policy-making levels. Our research studied both questions and extends our Security Visualization Effectiveness Measurement (SvEm) framework by providing a full-scale effectiveness approach for both theoretical and user-centric visualization techniques. Our framework facilitates effectiveness through interactive three-dimensional visualization to enhance both single and multi-user collaboration. We investigated effectiveness metrics including (1) visual clarity, (2) visibility, (3) distortion rates and (4) user response (viewing) times. The SvEm framework key components are: (1) mobile display dimension and resolution factor, (2) security incident entities, (3) user cognition activators and alerts, (4) threat scoring system, (5) working memory load and (6) color usage management. To evaluate our full-scale security visualization effectiveness framework, we developed VisualProgger - a real-time security visualization application (web and mobile) visualizing data provenance changes in SvEm use cases. Finally, the SvEm visualizations aims to gain the users' attention span by ensuring a consistency in the viewer's cognitive load, while increasing the viewer's working memory load. In return, users have high potential to gain security insights in security visualization. Our evaluation shows that viewers perform better with prior knowledge (working memory load) of security events and that circular visualization designs attract and maintain the viewer's attention span. These discoveries revealed research directions for future work relating to measurement of security visualization effectiveness.
Llopis, S., Hingant, J., Pérez, I., Esteve, M., Carvajal, F., Mees, W., Debatty, T..  2018.  A Comparative Analysis of Visualisation Techniques to Achieve Cyber Situational Awareness in the Military. 2018 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS). :1-7.
Starting from a common fictional scenario, simulated data sources and a set of measurements will feed two different visualization techniques with the aim to make a comparative analysis. Both visualization techniques described in this paper use the operational picture concept, deemed as the most appropriate tool for military commanders and their staff to achieve cyber situational awareness and to understand the cyber defence implications in operations. Cyber Common Operational Picture (CyCOP) is a tool developed by Universitat Politècnica de València in collaboration with the Spanish Ministry of Defence whose objective is to generate the Cyber Hybrid Situational Awareness (CyHSA). Royal Military Academy in Belgium developed a 3D Operational Picture able to display mission critical elements intuitively using a priori defined domain-knowledge. A comparative analysis will assist researchers in their way to progress solutions and implementation aspects.
Chen, J., Xu, R., Li, C..  2018.  Research of Security Situational Awareness and Visualization Approach in Cloud Computing. 2018 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :201-205.
Cloud computing is an innovative mechanism to optimize computing and storage resource utilization. Due to its cost-saving, high-efficiency advantage, the technology receives wide adoption from IT industries. However, the frequent emergences of security events become the heaviest obstacle for its advancement. The multi-layer and distributive characteristics of cloud computing make IT admins compulsively collect all necessary situational information at cloud runtime if they want to grasp the panoramic secure state, hereby practice configuration management and emergency response methods when necessary. On the other hand, technologies such as elastic resource pooling, dynamic load balancing and virtual machine real-time migration complicate the difficulty of data gathering, where secure information may come from virtual machine hypervisor, network accounting or host monitor proxies. How to classify, arrange, standardize and visualize these data turns into the most crucial issue for cloud computing security situation awareness and presentation. This dissertation borrows traditional fashion of data visualization to integrate into cloud computing features, proposes a new method for aggregating and displaying secure information which IT admins concern, and expects that by method realization cloud security monitor/management capabilities could be notably enhanced.
Ren, Z., Chen, G..  2017.  EntropyVis: Malware classification. 2017 10th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI). :1–6.

Malware writers often develop malware with automated measures, so the number of malware has increased dramatically. Automated measures tend to repeatedly use significant modules, which form the basis for identifying malware variants and discriminating malware families. Thus, we propose a novel visualization analysis method for researching malware similarity. This method converts malicious Windows Portable Executable (PE) files into local entropy images for observing internal features of malware, and then normalizes local entropy images into entropy pixel images for malware classification. We take advantage of the Jaccard index to measure similarities between entropy pixel images and the k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) classification algorithm to assign entropy pixel images to different malware families. Preliminary experimental results show that our visualization method can discriminate malware families effectively.

Overbye, T. J., Mao, Z., Shetye, K. S., Weber, J. D..  2017.  An interactive, extensible environment for power system simulation on the PMU time frame with a cyber security application. 2017 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC). :1–6.

Power system simulation environments with appropriate time-fidelity are needed to enable rapid testing of new smart grid technologies and for coupled simulations of the underlying cyber infrastructure. This paper presents such an environment which operates with power system models in the PMU time frame, including data visualization and interactive control action capabilities. The flexible and extensible capabilities are demonstrated by interfacing with a cyber infrastructure simulation.

Kulyk, O., Reinheimer, B. M., Gerber, P., Volk, F., Volkamer, M., Mühlhäuser, M..  2017.  Advancing Trust Visualisations for Wider Applicability and User Acceptance. 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS. :562–569.
There are only a few visualisations targeting the communication of trust statements. Even though there are some advanced and scientifically founded visualisations-like, for example, the opinion triangle, the human trust interface, and T-Viz-the stars interface known from e-commerce platforms is by far the most common one. In this paper, we propose two trust visualisations based on T-Viz, which was recently proposed and successfully evaluated in large user studies. Despite being the most promising proposal, its design is not primarily based on findings from human-computer interaction or cognitive psychology. Our visualisations aim to integrate such findings and to potentially improve decision making in terms of correctness and efficiency. A large user study reveals that our proposed visualisations outperform T-Viz in these factors.
Erola, A., Agrafiotis, I., Happa, J., Goldsmith, M., Creese, S., Legg, P. A..  2017.  RicherPicture: Semi-automated cyber defence using context-aware data analytics. 2017 International Conference On Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (Cyber SA). :1–8.

In a continually evolving cyber-threat landscape, the detection and prevention of cyber attacks has become a complex task. Technological developments have led organisations to digitise the majority of their operations. This practice, however, has its perils, since cybespace offers a new attack-surface. Institutions which are tasked to protect organisations from these threats utilise mainly network data and their incident response strategy remains oblivious to the needs of the organisation when it comes to protecting operational aspects. This paper presents a system able to combine threat intelligence data, attack-trend data and organisational data (along with other data sources available) in order to achieve automated network-defence actions. Our approach combines machine learning, visual analytics and information from business processes to guide through a decision-making process for a Security Operation Centre environment. We test our system on two synthetic scenarios and show that correlating network data with non-network data for automated network defences is possible and worth investigating further.

Vincur, J., Navrat, P., Polasek, I..  2017.  VR City: Software Analysis in Virtual Reality Environment. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :509–516.
This paper presents software visualization tool that utilizes the modified city metaphor to represent software system and related analysis data in virtual reality environment. To better address all three kinds of software aspects we propose a new layouting algorithm that provides a higher level of detail and position the buildings according to the coupling between classes that they represent. Resulting layout allows us to visualize software metrics and source code modifications at the granularity of methods, visualize method invocations involved in program execution and to support the remodularization analysis. To further reduce the cognitive load and increase efficiency of 3D visualization we allow users to observe and interact with our city in immersive virtual reality environment that also provides a source code browsing feature. We demonstrate the use of our approach on two open-source systems.
Legg, P. A., Buckley, O., Goldsmith, M., Creese, S..  2017.  Automated Insider Threat Detection System Using User and Role-Based Profile Assessment. IEEE Systems Journal. 11:503–512.

Organizations are experiencing an ever-growing concern of how to identify and defend against insider threats. Those who have authorized access to sensitive organizational data are placed in a position of power that could well be abused and could cause significant damage to an organization. This could range from financial theft and intellectual property theft to the destruction of property and business reputation. Traditional intrusion detection systems are neither designed nor capable of identifying those who act maliciously within an organization. In this paper, we describe an automated system that is capable of detecting insider threats within an organization. We define a tree-structure profiling approach that incorporates the details of activities conducted by each user and each job role and then use this to obtain a consistent representation of features that provide a rich description of the user's behavior. Deviation can be assessed based on the amount of variance that each user exhibits across multiple attributes, compared against their peers. We have performed experimentation using ten synthetic data-driven scenarios and found that the system can identify anomalous behavior that may be indicative of a potential threat. We also show how our detection system can be combined with visual analytics tools to support further investigation by an analyst.

Cordero, C. G., Vasilomanolakis, E., Milanov, N., Koch, C., Hausheer, D., Mühlhäuser, M..  2015.  ID2T: A DIY dataset creation toolkit for Intrusion Detection Systems. 2015 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :739–740.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are an important defense tool against the sophisticated and ever-growing network attacks. These systems need to be evaluated against high quality datasets for correctly assessing their usefulness and comparing their performance. We present an Intrusion Detection Dataset Toolkit (ID2T) for the creation of labeled datasets containing user defined synthetic attacks. The architecture of the toolkit is provided for examination and the example of an injected attack, in real network traffic, is visualized and analyzed. We further discuss the ability of the toolkit of creating realistic synthetic attacks of high quality and low bias.

Hu, Zhiyong, Baynard, C. W., Hu, Hongda, Fazio, M..  2015.  GIS mapping and spatial analysis of cybersecurity attacks on a florida university. 2015 23rd International Conference on Geoinformatics. :1–5.

As the centers of knowledge, discovery, and intellectual exploration, US universities provide appealing cybersecurity targets. Cyberattack origin patterns and relationships are not evident until data is visualized in maps and tested with statistical models. The current cybersecurity threat detection software utilized by University of North Florida's IT department records large amounts of attacks and attempted intrusions by the minute. This paper presents GIS mapping and spatial analysis of cybersecurity attacks on UNF. First, locations of cyberattack origins were detected by geographic Internet Protocol (GEO-IP) software. Second, GIS was used to map the cyberattack origin locations. Third, we used advanced spatial statistical analysis functions (exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial point pattern analysis) and R software to explore cyberattack patterns. The spatial perspective we promote is novel because there are few studies employing location analytics and spatial statistics in cyber-attack detection and prevention research.

Stoll, J., Bengez, R. Z..  2015.  Visual structures for seeing cyber policy strategies. 2015 7th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Architectures in Cyberspace. :135–152.

In the pursuit of cyber security for organizations, there are tens of thousands of tools, guidelines, best practices, forensics, platforms, toolkits, diagnostics, and analytics available. However according to the Verizon 2014 Data Breach Report: “after analysing 10 years of data... organizations cannot keep up with cyber crime-and the bad guys are winning.” Although billions are expended worldwide on cyber security, organizations struggle with complexity, e.g., the NISTIR 7628 guidelines for cyber-physical systems are over 600 pages of text. And there is a lack of information visibility. Organizations must bridge the gap between technical cyber operations and the business/social priorities since both sides are essential for ensuring cyber security. Identifying visual structures for information synthesis could help reduce the complexity while increasing information visibility within organizations. This paper lays the foundation for investigating such visual structures by first identifying where current visual structures are succeeding or failing. To do this, we examined publicly available analyses related to three types of security issues: 1) epidemic, 2) cyber attacks on an industrial network, and 3) threat of terrorist attack. We found that existing visual structures are largely inadequate for reducing complexity and improving information visibility. However, based on our analysis, we identified a range of different visual structures, and their possible trade-offs/limitation is framing strategies for cyber policy. These structures form the basis of evolving visualization to support information synthesis for policy actions, which has rarely been done but is promising based on the efficacy of existing visualizations for cyber incident detection, attacks, and situation awareness.

Koch, S., John, M., Worner, M., Muller, A., Ertl, T..  2014.  VarifocalReader #x2014; In-Depth Visual Analysis of Large Text Documents. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 20:1723-1732.

Interactive visualization provides valuable support for exploring, analyzing, and understanding textual documents. Certain tasks, however, require that insights derived from visual abstractions are verified by a human expert perusing the source text. So far, this problem is typically solved by offering overview-detail techniques, which present different views with different levels of abstractions. This often leads to problems with visual continuity. Focus-context techniques, on the other hand, succeed in accentuating interesting subsections of large text documents but are normally not suited for integrating visual abstractions. With VarifocalReader we present a technique that helps to solve some of these approaches' problems by combining characteristics from both. In particular, our method simplifies working with large and potentially complex text documents by simultaneously offering abstract representations of varying detail, based on the inherent structure of the document, and access to the text itself. In addition, VarifocalReader supports intra-document exploration through advanced navigation concepts and facilitates visual analysis tasks. The approach enables users to apply machine learning techniques and search mechanisms as well as to assess and adapt these techniques. This helps to extract entities, concepts and other artifacts from texts. In combination with the automatic generation of intermediate text levels through topic segmentation for thematic orientation, users can test hypotheses or develop interesting new research questions. To illustrate the advantages of our approach, we provide usage examples from literature studies.

Conglei Shi, Yingcai Wu, Shixia Liu, Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu.  2014.  LoyalTracker: Visualizing Loyalty Dynamics in Search Engines. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 20:1733-1742.

The huge amount of user log data collected by search engine providers creates new opportunities to understand user loyalty and defection behavior at an unprecedented scale. However, this also poses a great challenge to analyze the behavior and glean insights into the complex, large data. In this paper, we introduce LoyalTracker, a visual analytics system to track user loyalty and switching behavior towards multiple search engines from the vast amount of user log data. We propose a new interactive visualization technique (flow view) based on a flow metaphor, which conveys a proper visual summary of the dynamics of user loyalty of thousands of users over time. Two other visualization techniques, a density map and a word cloud, are integrated to enable analysts to gain further insights into the patterns identified by the flow view. Case studies and the interview with domain experts are conducted to demonstrate the usefulness of our technique in understanding user loyalty and switching behavior in search engines.

Craig, P., Roa Seiler, N., Olvera Cervantes, A.D..  2014.  Animated Geo-temporal Clusters for Exploratory Search in Event Data Document Collections. Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 18th International Conference on. :157-163.

This paper presents a novel visual analytics technique developed to support exploratory search tasks for event data document collections. The technique supports discovery and exploration by clustering results and overlaying cluster summaries onto coordinated timeline and map views. Users can also explore and interact with search results by selecting clusters to filter and re-cluster the data with animation used to smooth the transition between views. The technique demonstrates a number of advantages over alternative methods for displaying and exploring geo-referenced search results and spatio-temporal data. Firstly, cluster summaries can be presented in a manner that makes them easy to read and scan. Listing representative events from each cluster also helps the process of discovery by preserving the diversity of results. Also, clicking on visual representations of geo-temporal clusters provides a quick and intuitive way to navigate across space and time simultaneously. This removes the need to overload users with the display of too many event labels at any one time. The technique was evaluated with a group of nineteen users and compared with an equivalent text based exploratory search engine.

Heimerl, F., Lohmann, S., Lange, S., Ertl, T..  2014.  Word Cloud Explorer: Text Analytics Based on Word Clouds. System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on. :1833-1842.

Word clouds have emerged as a straightforward and visually appealing visualization method for text. They are used in various contexts as a means to provide an overview by distilling text down to those words that appear with highest frequency. Typically, this is done in a static way as pure text summarization. We think, however, that there is a larger potential to this simple yet powerful visualization paradigm in text analytics. In this work, we explore the usefulness of word clouds for general text analysis tasks. We developed a prototypical system called the Word Cloud Explorer that relies entirely on word clouds as a visualization method. It equips them with advanced natural language processing, sophisticated interaction techniques, and context information. We show how this approach can be effectively used to solve text analysis tasks and evaluate it in a qualitative user study.

Del Rosso, A., Liang Min, Chaoyang Jing.  2014.  High performance computation tools for real-time security assessment. PES General Meeting | Conference Exposition, 2014 IEEE. :1-1.

This paper presents an overview of the research project “High-Performance Hybrid Simulation/Measurement-Based Tools for Proactive Operator Decision-Support”, performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy grant DE-OE0000628. The objective of this project is to develop software tools to provide enhanced real-time situational awareness to support the decision making and system control actions of transmission operators. The integrated tool will combine high-performance dynamic simulation with synchrophasor measurement data to assess in real time system dynamic performance and operation security risk. The project includes: (i) The development of high-performance dynamic simulation software; (ii) the development of new computationally effective measurement-based tools to estimate operating margins of a power system in real time using measurement data from synchrophasors and SCADA; (iii) the development a hybrid framework integrating measurement-based and simulation-based approaches, and (iv) the use of cutting-edge visualization technology to display various system quantities and to visually process the results of the hybrid measurement-base/simulation-based security-assessment tool. Parallelization and high performance computing are utilized to enable ultrafast transient stability analysis that can be used in a real-time environment to quickly perform “what-if” simulations involving system dynamics phenomena. EPRI's Extended Transient Midterm Simulation Program (ETMSP) is modified and enhanced for this work. The contingency analysis is scaled for large-scale contingency analysis using MPI-based parallelization. Simulations of thousands of contingencies on a high performance computing machine are performed, and results show that parallelization over contingencies with MPI provides good scalability and computational gains. Different ways to reduce the I/O bottleneck have been also exprored. Thread-parallelization of the sparse linear solve is explored also through use of the SuperLU_MT library. Based on performance profiling results for the implicit method, the majority of CPU time is spent on the integration steps. Hence, in order to further improve the ETMSP performance, a variable time step control scheme for the original trapezoidal integration method has been developed and implemented. The Adams-Bashforth-Moulton predictor-corrector method was introduced and designed for ETMSP. Test results show superior performance with this method.

Kotenko, I., Novikova, E..  2014.  Visualization of Security Metrics for Cyber Situation Awareness. Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 2014 Ninth International Conference on. :506-513.

One of the important direction of research in situational awareness is implementation of visual analytics techniques which can be efficiently applied when working with big security data in critical operational domains. The paper considers a visual analytics technique for displaying a set of security metrics used to assess overall network security status and evaluate the efficiency of protection mechanisms. The technique can assist in solving such security tasks which are important for security information and event management (SIEM) systems. The approach suggested is suitable for displaying security metrics of large networks and support historical analysis of the data. To demonstrate and evaluate the usefulness of the proposed technique we implemented a use case corresponding to the Olympic Games scenario.

Stanisavljevic, Z., Stanisavljevic, J., Vuletic, P., Jovanovic, Z..  2014.  COALA - System for Visual Representation of Cryptography Algorithms. Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on. 7:178-190.

Educational software systems have an increasingly significant presence in engineering sciences. They aim to improve students' attitudes and knowledge acquisition typically through visual representation and simulation of complex algorithms and mechanisms or hardware systems that are often not available to the educational institutions. This paper presents a novel software system for CryptOgraphic ALgorithm visuAl representation (COALA), which was developed to support a Data Security course at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The system allows users to follow the execution of several complex algorithms (DES, AES, RSA, and Diffie-Hellman) on real world examples in a step by step detailed view with the possibility of forward and backward navigation. Benefits of the COALA system for students are observed through the increase of the percentage of students who passed the exam and the average grade on the exams during one school year.

Del Rosso, A., Liang Min, Chaoyang Jing.  2014.  High performance computation tools for real-time security assessment. PES General Meeting | Conference Exposition, 2014 IEEE. :1-1.

This paper presents an overview of the research project “High-Performance Hybrid Simulation/Measurement-Based Tools for Proactive Operator Decision-Support”, performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy grant DE-OE0000628. The objective of this project is to develop software tools to provide enhanced real-time situational awareness to support the decision making and system control actions of transmission operators. The integrated tool will combine high-performance dynamic simulation with synchrophasor measurement data to assess in real time system dynamic performance and operation security risk. The project includes: (i) The development of high-performance dynamic simulation software; (ii) the development of new computationally effective measurement-based tools to estimate operating margins of a power system in real time using measurement data from synchrophasors and SCADA; (iii) the development a hybrid framework integrating measurement-based and simulation-based approaches, and (iv) the use of cutting-edge visualization technology to display various system quantities and to visually process the results of the hybrid measurement-base/simulation-based security-assessment tool. Parallelization and high performance computing are utilized to enable ultrafast transient stability analysis that can be used in a real-time environment to quickly perform “what-if” simulations involving system dynamics phenomena. EPRI's Extended Transient Midterm Simulation Program (ETMSP) is modified and enhanced for this work. The contingency analysis is scaled for large-scale contingency analysis using MPI-based parallelization. Simulations of thousands of contingencies on a high performance computing machine are performed, and results show that parallelization over contingencies with MPI provides good scalability and computational gains. Different ways to reduce the I/O bottleneck have been also exprored. Thread-parallelization of the sparse linear solve is explored also through use of the SuperLU_MT library. Based on performance profiling results for the implicit method, the majority of CPU time is spent on the integration steps. Hence, in order to further improve the ETMSP performance, a variable time step control scheme for the original trapezoidal integration method has been developed and implemented. The Adams-Bashforth-Moulton predictor-corrector method was introduced and designed for ETMSP. Test results show superior performance with this method.