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Chowdhury, Mokter M., Fan, Harrison D. E., Chang, Mike, Dridi, Kais, Voon, Kevin, Sawatzky, George A., Nojeh, Alireza.  2018.  The Role of Lateral Confinement in the Localized Heating of Thermionic Emitters Based on Carbon Nanotube Forests. 2018 31st International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC). :1-2.

When vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays (CNT forests) are heated by optical, electrical, or any other means, heat confinement in the lateral directions (i.e. perpendicular to the CNTs' axes), which stems from the anisotropic structure of the forest, is expected to play an important role. It has been found that, in spite of being primarily conductive along the CNTs' axes, focusing a laser beam on the sidewall of a CNT forest can lead to a highly localized hot region-an effect known as ``Heat Trap''-and efficient thermionic emission. This unusual heat confinement phenomenon has applications where the spread of heat has to be minimized, but electrical conduction is required, notably in energy conversion (e.g. vacuum thermionics and thermoelectrics). However, despite its strong scientific and practical importance, the existence and role of the lateral heat confinement in the Heat Trap effect have so far been elusive. In this work, for the first time, by using a rotating elliptical laser beam, we directly observe the existence of this lateral heat confinement and its corresponding effects on the unusual temperature rise during the Heat Trap effect.

Gomez, Matthew R., Myers, C.E., Hatch, M.W., Hutsel, B.T., Jennings, C.A., Lamppa, D.C., Lowinske, M.C., Maurer, A.J., Steiner, A.M., Tomlinson, K. et al..  2021.  Developing An Extended Convolute Post To Drive An X-Pinch For Radiography At The Z Facility. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). :1—1.
X-ray radiography has been used to diagnose a wide variety of experiments at the Z facility including inertial confinement fusion capsule implosions, the growth of the magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability in solid liners, and the development of helical structures in axially magnetized liner implosions. In these experiments, the Z Beamlet laser (1 kJ, 1 ns) was used to generate the x-ray source. An alternate x-ray source is desirable in experiments where the Z Beamlet laser is used for another purpose (e.g., preheating the fuel in magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments) or when multiple radiographic lines of sight are necessary.
Liao, J., Vallobra, P., Petit, D., Vemulkar, T., O'Brien, L., Malinowski, G., Hehn, M., Mangin, S., Cowburn, R..  2017.  All-optical switching behaviours in synthetic ferrimagnetic heterostructures with different ferromagnetic-layer Curie temperatures. 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG). :1–1.
Summary form only given. All-optical switching (AOS) has been observed in ferromagnetic (FM) layers and synthetic ferrimagnetic heterostructures [1-4]. In this work, we use anomalous Hall effect (AHE) measurements to demonstrate controlled helicity-dependent switching in synthetic ferrimagnetic heterostructures. The two FM layers are engineered to have different Curie temperatures Tc1 (fixed) and Tc2 (variable). We show that irrespective of whether Tc2 is higher or lower than Tc1, the final magnetic configuration of the heterostructure is controlled by using the laser polarization to set the magnetic state of the FM layer with the highest Tc. All samples were grown on glass substrates at room temperature by DC magnetron sputtering. Two sets of samples were prepared. The first set are single FM layers with layer composition Ta (3 nm)/Pt (4 nm)/FM1(2)/Pt capping (4 nm), where FM1 = Co (0.6 nm) is a Co layer and FM2 = CoFeB (tCoFeB)/Pt(0.4 nm)/ CoFeB (tCoFeB) (0.2 ≤ tCoFeB ≤ 0.6 nm) is a composite CoFeB layer where both CoFeB layers are ferromagnetically coupled and act as a single layer. FM1 and FM2 were used to produce the second set of synthetic ferrimagnetic samples with layer structure Ta (3 nm)/Pt (4 nm)/FM1/Pt (0.4 nm)/Ru (0.9 nm)/Pt (0.4 nm)/FM2/Pt capping (4 nm). The Ru layer provides the antiferromagnetic RKKY interlayer exchange coupling between the adjacent FM1 and FM2 layers while the Pt layers on either side of the Ru layer can tune the strength of the coupling and stabilize their perpendicular anisotropy [5]. To study the AOS, we use a Ti: sapphire fs-laser with a wavelength of 800 nm and a pulse duration of 43 fs. A quarter-wave plate is used to create a circularly polarized [right(σ+) and left-handed (σ-)] beam. We first measured the magnetic properties of the FM1 and FM2 layers using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). All FM samples show full remanence in perpendicular hyst- resis loops at room temperature (not shown). The temperature-dependent magnetization scans (not shown) give a Curie temperature Tc1 of 524 K for FM1. For FM2, increasing tCoFeB increases its Curie temperatureTc2. At tCoFeB = 0.5 nm, Tc2 - Tc1. Hall crosses are patterned by optical lithography and ion milling. The width of the current carrying wire is - 5 um, giving a DC current density of - 6 x 109 A/m2 during the measurement. Figure 1(a) shows the resulting perpendicular Hall hysteresis loop of the synthetic ferrimagnetic sample with tCoFeB = 0.2 nm. At remanence, the stable magnetic configurations are the two antiparallel orientations of FM1 and FM2 [State I and II in Fig. 1(a)]. To study the AOS, we swept the laser beam with a power of 0.45 mW and a speed of 1 μm/sec across the Hall cross, and the corresponding Hall voltage was constantly monitored. In Fig. 1(b), we show the normalized Hall voltage, VHall, as a function of the laser beam position x for both beam polarizations σ+ and σ-. The initial magnetic configuration was State I. When the beam is at the center of the cross (position B), both beam polarizations give VHall - 0. As the beam leaves the cross (position C), the σbeam changes the magnetic configurations from State I to State II (FM1 magnetization pointing down), while the system reverts to State I using the σ+ beam. Changing the initial configuration from State I to State II results in the same final magnetic configurations, determined by the laser beam polarizations (not shown). Similar results (not shown) were obtained for samples with tCoFeB ≤ 0.4 nm. However, at tCoFeB = 0.6 nm, the σbeam results in the final magnetic configurations with FM2 magnetization pointing down (State I) and the σ+ beam results in the State II configuration, suggesting that the final state is determined by the beam polar