In order to be more environmentally friendly, a lot of parts and aspects of life become electrified to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. This can be seen in the increased number of electrical vehicles in everyday life. This of course only makes a positive impact on the environment, if the electricity is produced environmentally friendly and comes from renewable sources. But when the green electrical power is produced, it still needs to be transported to where it's needed, which is not necessarily near the production site. In China, one of the ways to do this transport is to use High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology. This of course means, that the current has to be converted to DC before being transported to the end user. That implies that the converter stations are of great importance for the grid security. Therefore, a precise monitoring of the stations is necessary. Ideally, this could be accomplished with wireless sensor nodes with an autarkic energy supply. A role in this energy supply could be played by a thermoelectrical generator (TEG). But to assess the power generated in the specific environment, a simulation would be highly desirable, to evaluate the power gained from the temperature difference in the converter station. This paper proposes a method to simulate the generated power by combining a model for the generator with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model converter.
Extended interaction oscillators (EIOs) are high-frequency vacuum-electronic sources, capable to generate millimeter-wave to terahertz (THz) radiations. They are considered to be potential sources of high-power submillimeter wavelengths. Different slow-wave structures and beam geometries are used for EIOs. This paper presents a quantitative figure of merit, the critical unloaded oscillating frequency (fcr) for any specific geometry of EIO. This figure is calculated and tested for 2π standing-wave modes (a common mode for EIOs) of two different slowwave structures (SWSs), one double-ridge SWS driven by a sheet electron beam and one ring-loaded waveguide driven by a cylindrical beam. The calculated fcrs are compared with particle-in-cell (PIC) results, showing an acceptable agreement. The derived fcr is calculated three to four orders of magnitude faster than the PIC solver. Generality of the method, its clear physical interpretation and computational rapidity, makes it a convenient approach to evaluate the high-frequency behavior of any specified EIO geometry. This allows to investigate the changes in geometry to attain higher frequencies at THz spectrum.