The value and size of information exchanged through dark-web pages are remarkable. Recently Many researches showed values and interests in using machine-learning methods to extract security-related useful knowledge from those dark-web pages. In this scope, our goals in this research focus on evaluating best prediction models while analyzing traffic level data coming from the dark web. Results and analysis showed that feature selection played an important role when trying to identify the best models. Sometimes the right combination of features would increase the model’s accuracy. For some feature set and classifier combinations, the Src Port and Dst Port both proved to be important features. When available, they were always selected over most other features. When absent, it resulted in many other features being selected to compensate for the information they provided. The Protocol feature was never selected as a feature, regardless of whether Src Port and Dst Port were available.
This paper examines multiple machine learning models to find the model that best indicates anomalous activity in an industrial control system that is under a software-based attack. The researched machine learning models are Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machine, Artificial Neural Network, and Recurrent Neural Network classifiers built-in Python and tested against the HIL-based Augmented ICS dataset. Although the results showed that Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machine, Artificial Neural Network, and Long Short-Term Memory classification models have great potential for anomaly detection in industrial control systems, we found that Random Forest with tuned hyperparameters slightly outperformed the other models.
Comment spam is one of the great challenges faced by forum administrators. Detecting and blocking comment spam can relieve the load on servers, improve user experience and purify the network conditions. This paper focuses on the detection of comment spam. The behaviors of spammer and the content of spam were analyzed. According to analysis results, two types of effective features are extracted which can make a better description of spammer characteristics. Additionally, a gradient boosting tree algorithm was used to construct the comment spam detector based on the extracted features. Our proposed method is examined on a blog spam dataset which was published by previous research, and the result illustrates that our method performs better than the previous method on detection accuracy. Moreover, the CPU time is recorded to demonstrate that the time spent on both training and testing maintains a small value.
The computer network is used by billions of people worldwide for variety of purposes. This has made the security increasingly important in networks. It is essential to use Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and devices whose main function is to detect anomalies in networks. Mostly all the intrusion detection approaches focuses on the issues of boosting techniques since results are inaccurate and results in lengthy detection process. The major pitfall in network based intrusion detection is the wide-ranging volume of data gathered from the network. In this paper, we put forward a hybrid anomaly based intrusion detection system which uses Classification and Boosting technique. The Paper is organized in such a way it compares the performance three different Classifiers along with boosting. Boosting process maximizes classification accuracy. Results of proposed scheme will analyzed over different datasets like Intrusion Detection Kaggle Dataset and NSL KDD. Out of vast analysis it is found Random tree provides best average Accuracy rate of around 99.98%, Detection rate of 98.79% and a minimum False Alarm rate.
This paper investigates the possibility of using ensemble learning methods to improve the performance of intrusion detection systems. We compare an ensemble of three ensemble learning methods, boosting, bagging and stacking in order to improve the detection rate and to reduce the false alarm rate. These ensemble methods use well-known and different base classification algorithms, J48 (decision tree), NB (Naïve Bayes), MLP (Neural Network) and REPTree. The comparison experiments are applied on UNSW-NB15 data set a recent public data set for network intrusion detection systems. Results show that using boosting, bagging can achieve higher accuracy than single classifier but stacking performs better than other ensemble learning methods.