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Aissaoui, K., idar, H. Ait, Belhadaoui, H., Rifi, M..  2017.  Survey on data remanence in Cloud Computing environment. 2017 International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS). :1–4.

The Cloud Computing is a developing IT concept that faces some issues, which are slowing down its evolution and adoption by users across the world. The lack of security has been the main concern. Organizations and entities need to ensure, inter alia, the integrity and confidentiality of their outsourced sensible data within a cloud provider server. Solutions have been examined in order to strengthen security models (strong authentication, encryption and fragmentation before storing, access control policies...). More particularly, data remanence is undoubtedly a major threat. How could we be sure that data are, when is requested, truly and appropriately deleted from remote servers? In this paper, we aim to produce a survey about this interesting subject and to address the problem of residual data in a cloud-computing environment, which is characterized by the use of virtual machines instantiated in remote servers owned by a third party.

Contreras, G. K., Nahiyan, A., Bhunia, S., Forte, D., Tehranipoor, M..  2017.  Security vulnerability analysis of design-for-test exploits for asset protection in SoCs. 2017 22nd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). :617–622.

SoCs implementing security modules should be both testable and secure. Oversights in a design's test structure could expose internal modules creating security vulnerabilities during test. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a novel automated security vulnerability analysis framework to identify violations of confidentiality, integrity, and availability policies caused by test structures and designer oversights during SoC integration. Results demonstrate existing information leakage vulnerabilities in implementations of various encryption algorithms and secure microprocessors. These can be exploited to obtain secret keys, control finite state machines, or gain unauthorized access to memory read/write functions.

Taylor, J. M., Sharif, H. R..  2017.  Security challenges and methods for protecting critical infrastructure cyber-physical systems. 2017 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNeT). :1–6.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) represent a fundamental link between information technology (IT) systems and the devices that control industrial production and maintain critical infrastructure services that support our modern world. Increasingly, the interconnections among CPS and IT systems have created exploitable security vulnerabilities due to a number of factors, including a legacy of weak information security applications on CPS and the tendency of CPS operators to prioritize operational availability at the expense of integrity and confidentiality. As a result, CPS are subject to a number of threats from cyber attackers and cyber-physical attackers, including denial of service and even attacks against the integrity of the data in the system. The effects of these attacks extend beyond mere loss of data or the inability to access information system services. Attacks against CPS can cause physical damage in the real world. This paper reviews the challenges of providing information assurance services for CPS that operate critical infrastructure systems and industrial control systems. These methods are thorough measures to close integrity and confidentiality gaps in CPS and processes to highlight the security risks that remain. This paper also outlines approaches to reduce the overhead and complexity for security methods, as well as examine novel approaches, including covert communications channels, to increase CPS security.

Fatayer, T. S. A..  2017.  Generated Un-detectability Covert Channel Algorithm for Dynamic Secure Communication Using Encryption and Authentication. 2017 Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (PICICT). :6–9.

The keys generated by (symmetric or asymmetric) have been still compromised by attackers. Cryptography algorithms need extra efforts to enhance the security of keys that are transferring between parities. Also, using cryptography algorithms increase time consumption and overhead cost through communication. Encryption is very important issue for protecting information from stealing. Unfortunately encryption can achieve confidentiality not integrity. Covert channel allows two parties to indirectly send information, where the main drawbacks of covert channel are detectability and the security of pre-agreement knowledge. In this paper, i merge between encryption, authentication and convert channel to achieve un-detectability covert channel. This channel guarantee integrity and confidentiality of covert data and sending data dynamically. I propose and implement un-detectability a covert channel using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm and HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code). Where this channel is un-detectability with integrity and confidentiality agreement process between the sender and the receiver. Instead of sending fake key directly through channel, encryption and HMAC function used to hide fake key. After that investigations techniques for improving un-detectability of channel is proposed.

Sinha, Rohit, Costa, Manuel, Lal, Akash, Lopes, Nuno P., Rajamani, Sriram, Seshia, Sanjit A., Vaswani, Kapil.  2016.  A Design and Verification Methodology for Secure Isolated Regions. Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. :665–681.

Hardware support for isolated execution (such as Intel SGX) enables development of applications that keep their code and data confidential even while running in a hostile or compromised host. However, automatically verifying that such applications satisfy confidentiality remains challenging. We present a methodology for designing such applications in a way that enables certifying their confidentiality. Our methodology consists of forcing the application to communicate with the external world through a narrow interface, compiling it with runtime checks that aid verification, and linking it with a small runtime that implements the narrow interface. The runtime includes services such as secure communication channels and memory management. We formalize this restriction on the application as Information Release Confinement (IRC), and we show that it allows us to decompose the task of proving confidentiality into (a) one-time, human-assisted functional verification of the runtime to ensure that it does not leak secrets, (b) automatic verification of the application's machine code to ensure that it satisfies IRC and does not directly read or corrupt the runtime's internal state. We present /CONFIDENTIAL: a verifier for IRC that is modular, automatic, and keeps our compiler out of the trusted computing base. Our evaluation suggests that the methodology scales to real-world applications.

Stephen, Julian James, Savvides, Savvas, Sundaram, Vinaitheerthan, Ardekani, Masoud Saeida, Eugster, Patrick.  2016.  STYX: Stream Processing with Trustworthy Cloud-based Execution. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing. :348–360.

With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), billions of devices are expected to continuously collect and process sensitive data (e.g., location, personal health). Due to limited computational capacity available on IoT devices, the current de facto model for building IoT applications is to send the gathered data to the cloud for computation. While private cloud infrastructures for handling large amounts of data streams are expensive to build, using low cost public (untrusted) cloud infrastructures for processing continuous queries including on sensitive data leads to concerns over data confidentiality. This paper presents STYX, a novel programming abstraction and managed runtime system, that ensures confidentiality of IoT applications whilst leveraging the public cloud for continuous query processing. The key idea is to intelligently utilize partially homomorphic encryption to perform as many computationally intensive operations as possible in the untrusted cloud. STYX provides a simple abstraction to the IoT developer to hide the complexities of (1) applying complex cryptographic primitives, (2) reasoning about performance of such primitives, (3) deciding which computations can be executed in an untrusted tier, and (4) optimizing cloud resource usage. An empirical evaluation with benchmarks and case studies shows the feasibility of our approach.

Sankalpa, I., Dhanushka, T., Amarasinghe, N., Alawathugoda, J., Ragel, R..  2016.  On implementing a client-server setting to prevent the Browser Reconnaissance and Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression of Hypertext (BREACH) attacks. 2016 Manufacturing Industrial Engineering Symposium (MIES). :1–5.

Compression is desirable for network applications as it saves bandwidth. Differently, when data is compressed before being encrypted, the amount of compression leaks information about the amount of redundancy in the plaintext. This side channel has led to the “Browser Reconnaissance and Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression of Hypertext (BREACH)” attack on web traffic protected by the TLS protocol. The general guidance to prevent this attack is to disable HTTP compression, preserving confidentiality but sacrificing bandwidth. As a more sophisticated countermeasure, fixed-dictionary compression was introduced in 2015 enabling compression while protecting high-value secrets, such as cookies, from attacks. The fixed-dictionary compression method is a cryptographically sound countermeasure against the BREACH attack, since it is proven secure in a suitable security model. In this project, we integrate the fixed-dictionary compression method as a countermeasure for BREACH attack, for real-world client-server setting. Further, we measure the performance of the fixed-dictionary compression algorithm against the DEFLATE compression algorithm. The results evident that, it is possible to save some amount of bandwidth, with reasonable compression/decompression time compared to DEFLATE operations. The countermeasure is easy to implement and deploy, hence, this would be a possible direction to mitigate the BREACH attack efficiently, rather than stripping off the HTTP compression entirely.

V. Waghmare, K. Gojre, A. Watpade.  2015.  "Approach to Enhancing Concurrent and Self-Reliant Access to Cloud Database: A Review". 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :777-781.

Now a day's cloud computing is power station to run multiple businesses. It is cumulating more and more users every day. Database-as-a-service is service model provided by cloud computing to store, manage and process data on a cloud platform. Database-as-a-service has key characteristics such as availability, scalability, elasticity. A customer does not have to worry about database installation and management. As a replacement, the cloud database service provider takes responsibility for installing and maintaining the database. The real problem occurs when it comes to storing confidential or private information in the cloud database, we cannot rely on the cloud data vendor. A curious cloud database vendor may capture and leak the secret information. For that purpose, Protected Database-as-a-service is a novel solution to this problem that provides provable and pragmatic privacy in the face of a compromised cloud database service provider. Protected Database-as-a-service defines various encryption schemes to choose encryption algorithm and encryption key to encrypt and decrypt data. It also provides "Master key" to users, so that a metadata storage table can be decrypted only by using the master key of the users. As a result, a cloud service vendor never gets access to decrypted data, and even if all servers are jeopardized, in such inauspicious circumstances a cloud service vendor will not be able to decrypt the data. Proposed Protected Database-as-a-service system allows multiple geographically distributed clients to execute concurrent and independent operation on encrypted data and also conserve data confidentiality and consistency at cloud level, to eradicate any intermediate server between the client and the cloud database.

Al-Anzi, F.S., Salman, A.A., Jacob, N.K., Soni, J..  2014.  Towards robust, scalable and secure network storage in Cloud Computing. Digital Information and Communication Technology and it's Applications (DICTAP), 2014 Fourth International Conference on. :51-55.

The term Cloud Computing is not something that appeared overnight, it may come from the time when computer system remotely accessed the applications and services. Cloud computing is Ubiquitous technology and receiving a huge attention in the scientific and industrial community. Cloud computing is ubiquitous, next generation's in-formation technology architecture which offers on-demand access to the network. It is dynamic, virtualized, scalable and pay per use model over internet. In a cloud computing environment, a cloud service provider offers “house of resources” includes applications, data, runtime, middleware, operating system, virtualization, servers, data storage and sharing and networking and tries to take up most of the overhead of client. Cloud computing offers lots of benefits, but the journey of the cloud is not very easy. It has several pitfalls along the road because most of the services are outsourced to third parties with added enough level of risk. Cloud computing is suffering from several issues and one of the most significant is Security, privacy, service availability, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and compliance. Security is a shared responsibility of both client and service provider and we believe security must be information centric, adaptive, proactive and built in. Cloud computing and its security are emerging study area nowadays. In this paper, we are discussing about data security in cloud at the service provider end and proposing a network storage architecture of data which make sure availability, reliability, scalability and security.

Kumar, A., Sinha, M..  2014.  Overview on vehicular ad hoc network and its security issues. Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2014 International Conference on. :792-797.

Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) provides infrastructure less, rapidly deployable, self-configurable network connectivity. The network is the collection vehicles interlinked by wireless links and willing to store and forward data for their peers. As vehicles move freely and organize themselves arbitrarily, message routing is done dynamically based on network connectivity. Compared with other ad-hoc networks, VANETs are particularly challenging due to the part of the vehicles' high rate of mobility and the numerous signal-weakening barrier, such as buildings, in their environments. Due to their enormous potential, VANET have gained an increasing attention in both industry and academia. Research activities range from lower layer protocol design to applications and implementation issues. A secure VANET system, while exchanging information should protect the system against unauthorized message injection, message alteration, eavesdropping. The security of VANET is one of the most critical issues because their information transmission is propagated in open access (wireless) environments. A few years back VANET has received increased attention as the potential technology to enhance active and preventive safety on the road, as well as travel comfort Safekeeping and privacy are mandatory in vehicular communications for a grateful acceptance and use of such technology. This paper is an attempt to highlight the problems occurred in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks and security issues.

Shukla, S., Sadashivappa, G..  2014.  Secure multi-party computation protocol using asymmetric encryption. Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2014 International Conference on. :780-785.

Privacy preservation is very essential in various real life applications such as medical science and financial analysis. This paper focuses on implementation of an asymmetric secure multi-party computation protocol using anonymization and public-key encryption where all parties have access to trusted third party (TTP) who (1) doesn't add any contribution to computation (2) doesn't know who is the owner of the input received (3) has large number of resources (4) decryption key is known to trusted third party (TTP) to get the actual input for computation of final result. In this environment, concern is to design a protocol which deploys TTP for computation. It is proposed that the protocol is very proficient (in terms of secure computation and individual privacy) for the parties than the other available protocols. The solution incorporates protocol using asymmetric encryption scheme where any party can encrypt a message with the public key but decryption can be done by only the possessor of the decryption key (private key). As the protocol works on asymmetric encryption and packetization it ensures following: (1) Confidentiality (Anonymity) (2) Security (3) Privacy (Data).

Sindhu, S.M., Kanchana, R..  2014.  Security solutions for Web Service attacks in a dynamic composition scenario. Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), 2014 International Conference on. :624-628.

Web Services can be invoked from anywhere through internet without having enough knowledge about the implementation details. In some cases, single service cannot accomplish user needs. One or more services must be composed which together satisfy the user needs. Therefore, security is the most important concern not only at single service level but also at composition level. Several attacks are possible on SOAP messages communicated among Web Services because of their standardized interfaces. Examples of Web Service attacks are oversize payload, SOAPAction spoofing, XML injection, WS-Addressing spoofing, etc. Most of the existing works provide solution to ensure basic security features of Web Services such as confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, and non-repudiation. Very few of the existing works provide solutions such as schema validation and schema hardening for attacks on Web Services. But these solutions do not address and provide attack specific solutions for SOAP messages communicated between Web Service. Hence, it is proposed to provide solutions for two of the prevailing Web Service attacks. Since new types of Web Service attacks are evolving over time, the proposed security solutions are implemented as APIs that are pluggable in any server where the Web Service is deployed.

Mercy, S.S., Srikanth, G.U..  2014.  An efficient data security system for group data sharing in cloud system environment. Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), 2014 International Conference on. :1-4.

Cloud Computing delivers the service to the users by having reliable internet connection. In the secure cloud, services are stored and shared by multiple users because of less cost and data maintenance. Sharing the data is the vital intention of cloud data centres. On the other hand, storing the sensitive information is the privacy concern of the cloud. Cloud service provider has to protect the stored client's documents and applications in the cloud by encrypting the data to provide data integrity. Designing proficient document sharing among the group members in the cloud is the difficult task because of group user membership change and conserving document and group user identity confidentiality. To propose the fortified data sharing scheme in secret manner for providing efficient group revocation Advanced Encryption Standard scheme is used. Proposed System contributes efficient group authorization, authentication, confidentiality and access control and document security. To provide more data security Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is used to encrypt the document. By asserting security and confidentiality in this proficient method securely share the document among the multiple cloud user.

Bheemeswara Rao, K.V., Ravi, N., Phani Bhushan, R., Pramod Kumar, K., Venkataraman, S..  2014.  Bluetooth technology: ApXLglevel end-to-end security. Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2014 International Conference on. :340-344.

The innovations in communication and computing technologies are changing the way we carry-out the tasks in our daily lives. These revolutionary and disrupting technologies are available to the users in various hardware form-factors like Smart Phones, Embedded Appliances, Configurable or Customizable add-on devices, etc. One such technology is Bluetooth [1], which enables the users to communicate and exchange various kinds of information like messages, audio, streaming music and file transfer in a Personal Area Network (PAN). Though it enables the user to carry-out these kinds of tasks without much effort and infrastructure requirements, they inherently bring with them the security and privacy concerns, which need to be addressed at different levels. In this paper, we present an application-layer framework, which provides strong mutual authentication of applications, data confidentiality and data integrity independent of underlying operating system. It can make use of the services of different Cryptographic Service Providers (CSP) on different operating systems and in different programming languages. This framework has been successfully implemented and tested on Android Operating System on one end (using Java language) and MS-Windows 7 Operating System on the other end (using ANSI C language), to prove the framework's reliability/compatibility across OS, Programming Language and CSP. This framework also satisfies the three essential requirements of Security, i.e. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability, as per the NIST Guide to Bluetooth Security specification and enables the developers to suitably adapt it for different kinds of applications based on Bluetooth Technology.

Al-Anzi, F.S., Salman, A.A., Jacob, N.K., Soni, J..  2014.  Towards robust, scalable and secure network storage in Cloud Computing. Digital Information and Communication Technology and it's Applications (DICTAP), 2014 Fourth International Conference on. :51-55.

The term Cloud Computing is not something that appeared overnight, it may come from the time when computer system remotely accessed the applications and services. Cloud computing is Ubiquitous technology and receiving a huge attention in the scientific and industrial community. Cloud computing is ubiquitous, next generation's in-formation technology architecture which offers on-demand access to the network. It is dynamic, virtualized, scalable and pay per use model over internet. In a cloud computing environment, a cloud service provider offers “house of resources” includes applications, data, runtime, middleware, operating system, virtualization, servers, data storage and sharing and networking and tries to take up most of the overhead of client. Cloud computing offers lots of benefits, but the journey of the cloud is not very easy. It has several pitfalls along the road because most of the services are outsourced to third parties with added enough level of risk. Cloud computing is suffering from several issues and one of the most significant is Security, privacy, service availability, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and compliance. Security is a shared responsibility of both client and service provider and we believe security must be information centric, adaptive, proactive and built in. Cloud computing and its security are emerging study area nowadays. In this paper, we are discussing about data security in cloud at the service provider end and proposing a network storage architecture of data which make sure availability, reliability, scalability and security.