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Dholey, M. K., Saha, M. K..  2018.  A Security Mechanism in DSR Routing for MANET. 2018 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). :921-925.

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous collection of mobile nodes and communicate among them in their radio range. It is an infrastructure less, bandwidth constraint multi-hop wireless network. A various routing protocol is being evolved for MANET routing and also provide security mechanism to avoid security threads. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), one of the popular reactive routing protocols for MANET, establishes path between source to destination before data communication take place using route request (RREQ) and route reply (RREP) control messages. Although in [1] authors propose to prevent route diversion due to a malicious node in the network using group Diffie-Hellman (GDH) key management applied over source address, but if any intermediate trusted node start to misbehave then there is no prevention mechanism. Here in this paper, we applied Hash function scheme over destination address to identify the misbehaving intermediate node that can provide wrong destination address. The path information towards the destination sent by the intermediate node through RREP is exactly for the intended required destination or not, here we can identified according to our proposed algorithm and pretend for further data transmission. Our proposed algorithm proves the authenticity of the destination and also prevent from misbehaving intermediate nodes.

Sharma, S..  2017.  A secure reputation based architecture for MANET routing. 2017 4th International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS). :106–110.

Mobile Ad hoc Network has a wide range of applications in military and civilian domains. It is generally assumed that the nodes are trustworthy and cooperative in routing protocols of MANETs viz. AODV, DSR etc. This assumption makes wireless ad hoc network more prone to interception and manipulation which further open possibilities of various types of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. In order to mitigate the effect of malicious nodes, a reputation based secure routing protocol is proposed in this paper. The basic idea of the proposed scheme is organize the network with 25 nodes which are deployed in a 5×5 grid structure. Each normal node in the network has a specific prime number, which acts as Node identity. A Backbone Network (BBN) is deployed in a 5×5 grid structure. The proposed scheme uses legitimacy value table and reputation level table maintained by backbone network in the network. These tables are used to provide best path selection after avoiding malicious nodes during path discovery. Based on the values collected in their legitimacy table & reputation level table backbone nodes separate and avoid the malicious nodes while making path between source and destination.