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Decentralized Data Marketplace to Enable Trusted Machine Economy. 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE). :246–250.
2019. Transacting IoT data must be different in many from traditional approaches in order to build much-needed trust in data marketplaces, trust that will be the key to their sustainability. Data generated internally to an organization is usually not enough to remain competitive, enhance customer experiences, or improve strategic decision-making. In this paper, we propose a decentralized and trustless architecture through the posting of trade records while including the transaction process on distributed ledgers. This approach can efficiently enhance the degree of transparency, as all contract-oriented interactions will be written on-chain. Storage via an end-to-end encrypted message channel allows transmitting and accessing trusted data streams over distributed ledgers regardless of the size or cost of the device, while simultaneously making a verifiable Auth-compliant request to the platform. Furthermore, the platform will complete matching, trading and refunding processes with-out human intervention, and it also protects the rights of data providers and consumers through trading policies which apply revolutionary game theory to the machine economy.
Multimodal Biometrics Feature Level Fusion for Iris and Hand Geometry Using Chaos-based Encryption Technique. 2019 Fifth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP). :304—309.
2019. Biometrics has enormous role to authenticate or substantiate an individual's on the basis of their physiological or behavioral attributes for pattern recognition system. Multimodal biometric systems cover up the limitations of single/ uni-biometric system. In this work, the multimodal biometric system is proposed; iris and hand geometry features are fused at feature level. The iris features are extracted by using moments and morphological operations are used to extract the features of hand geometry. The Chaos-based encryption is applied in order to enhance the high security on the database. Accuracy is predicted by performing the matching process. The experimental result shows that the overall performance of multimodal system has increased with accuracy, Genuine Acceptance Rate (GAR) and reduces with False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR) by using chaos with iris and hand geometry biometrics.
Scalable Framework for Accurate Binary Code Comparison. 2017 Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference (ISPRAS). :34–38.
2017. Comparison of two binary files has many practical applications: the ability to detect programmatic changes between two versions, the ability to find old versions of statically linked libraries to prevent the use of well-known bugs, malware analysis, etc. In this article, a framework for comparison of binary files is presented. Framework uses IdaPro [1] disassembler and Binnavi [2] platform to recover structure of the target program and represent it as a call graph (CG). A program dependence graph (PDG) corresponds to each vertex of the CG. The proposed comparison algorithm consists of two main stages. At the first stage, several heuristics are applied to find the exact matches. Two functions are matched if at least one of the calculated heuristics is the same and unique in both binaries. At the second stage, backward and forward slicing is applied on matched vertices of CG to find further matches. According to empiric results heuristic method is effective and has high matching quality for unchanged or slightly modified functions. As a contradiction, to match heavily modified functions, binary code clone detection is used and it is based on finding maximum common subgraph for pair of PDGs. To achieve high performance on extensive binaries, the whole matching process is parallelized. The framework is tested on the number of real world libraries, such as python, openssh, openssl, libxml2, rsync, php, etc. Results show that in most cases more than 95% functions are truly matched. The tool is scalable due to parallelization of functions matching process and generation of PDGs and CGs.