Open-source software is open to anyone by design, whether it is a community of developers, hackers or malicious users. Authors of open-source software typically hide their identity through nicknames and avatars. However, they have no protection against authorship attribution techniques that are able to create software author profiles just by analyzing software characteristics. In this paper we present an author imitation attack that allows to deceive current authorship attribution systems and mimic a coding style of a target developer. Withing this context we explore the potential of the existing attribution techniques to be deceived. Our results show that we are able to imitate the coding style of the developers based on the data collected from the popular source code repository, GitHub. To subvert author imitation attack, we propose a novel author obfuscation approach that allows us to hide the coding style of the author. Unlike existing obfuscation tools, this new obfuscation technique uses transformations that preserve code readability. We assess the effectiveness of our attacks on several datasets produced by actual developers from GitHub, and participants of the GoogleCodeJam competition. Throughout our experiments we show that the author hiding can be achieved by making sensible transformations which significantly reduce the likelihood of identifying the author's style to 0% by current authorship attribution systems.
Nowadays, many applications involve big data and big data analysis methods appear in many fields. As a preliminary attempt to solve the challenge of big data analysis, this paper presents a distributed online learning algorithm based on differential privacy. Since online learning can effectively process sensitive data, we introduce the concept of differential privacy in distributed online learning algorithms, with the aim at ensuring data privacy during online learning to prevent adversarial nodes from inferring any important data information. In particular, for different adversary models, we consider different type graphs to tolerate a limited number of adversaries near each regular node or tolerate a global limited number of adversaries.
Security issues are crucial in a number of machine learning applications, especially in scenarios dealing with human activity rather than natural phenomena (e.g., information ranking, spam detection, malware detection, etc.). In such cases, learning algorithms may have to cope with manipulated data aimed at hampering decision making. Although some previous work addressed the issue of handling malicious data in the context of supervised learning, very little is known about the behavior of anomaly detection methods in such scenarios. In this contribution, we analyze the performance of a particular method–online centroid anomaly detection–in the presence of adversarial noise. Our analysis addresses the following security-related issues: formalization of learning and attack processes, derivation of an optimal attack, and analysis of attack efficiency and limitations. We derive bounds on the effectiveness of a poisoning attack against centroid anomaly detection under different conditions: attacker's full or limited control over the traffic and bounded false positive rate. Our bounds show that whereas a poisoning attack can be effectively staged in the unconstrained case, it can be made arbitrarily difficult (a strict upper bound on the attacker's gain) if external constraints are properly used. Our experimental evaluation, carried out on real traces of HTTP and exploit traffic, confirms the tightness of our theoretical bounds and the practicality of our protection mechanisms.