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Pan, G., He, J., Wu, Q., Fang, R., Cao, J., Liao, D..  2018.  Automatic stabilization of Zigbee network. 2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD). :224–227.

We present an intelligent system that focus on how to ensure the stability of ZigBee network automatically. First, we discussed on the character of ZigBee compared with WIFI. Pointed out advantage of ZigBee resides in security, stability, low power consumption and better expandability. Second, figuring out the shortcomings of ZigBee on application is that physical limitation of the frequency band and weak ability on diffraction, especially coming across a wall or a door in the actual environment of home. The third, to put forward a method which can be used to ensure the strength of ZigBee signal. The method is to detect the strength of ZigBee relay in advance. And then, to compare it with the threshold value which had been defined in previous. The threshold value of strength of ZigBee is the minimal and tolerable value which can ensure stable transmission of ZigBee. If the detected value is out of the range of threshold, system will prompt up warning message which can be used to hint user to add ZigBee reply between the original ZigBee node and ZigBee gateway.