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Pavlenko, P., Tavrov, D., Temnikov, V., Zavgorodniy, S., Temnikov, A..  2018.  The Method of Expert Evaluation of Airports Aviation Security Using Perceptual Calculations. 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT). :406–410.

One of the effective ways to improve the quality of airport security (AS) is to improve the quality of management of the state of the system for countering acts of unlawful interference by intruders into the airports (SCAUI), which is a set of AS employees, technical systems and devices used for passenger screening, luggage, other operational procedures, as well as to protect the restricted areas of the airports. Proactive control of the SCAUI state includes ongoing conducting assessment of airport AS quality by experts, identification of SCAUI elements (functional state of AS employees, characteristics of technical systems and devices) that have a predominant influence on AS, and improvement of their performance. This article presents principles of the model and the method for conducting expert quality assessment of airport AS, whose application allows to increase the efficiency and quality of AS assessment by experts, and, consequently, the quality of SCAUI state control.