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Doroud, Hossein, Alaswad, Ahmad, Dressler, Falko.  2022.  Encrypted Traffic Detection: Beyond the Port Number Era. 2022 IEEE 47th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). :198–204.
Internet service providers (ISP) rely on network traffic classifiers to provide secure and reliable connectivity for their users. Encrypted traffic introduces a challenge as attacks are no longer viable using classic Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) techniques. Distinguishing encrypted from non-encrypted traffic is the first step in addressing this challenge. Several attempts have been conducted to identify encrypted traffic. In this work, we compare the detection performance of DPI, traffic pattern, and randomness tests to identify encrypted traffic in different levels of granularity. In an experimental study, we evaluate these candidates and show that a traffic pattern-based classifier outperforms others for encryption detection.
ISSN: 0742-1303
Saleh, I., Ji, H..  2020.  Network Traffic Images: A Deep Learning Approach to the Challenge of Internet Traffic Classification. 2020 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0329–0334.
The challenge of network traffic classification exists at the heart of many networking related tasks aimed at improving the overall user experience and usability of the internet. Current techniques, such as deep packet inspection, depend heavily on interaction by network administrators and engineers to maintain up to date stores of application network signatures and the infrastructure required to utilize them effectively. In this paper, we introduce Network Traffic Images, a 2-dimensional (2D) formulation of a stream of packet header lengths, which enable us to employ deep convolutional neural networks for network traffic classification. Five different network traffic image orientation mappings are carefully designed to deduce the best way to transform the 1-dimensional packet-subflow into a 2D image. Two different mapping strategies, one packet-relative and the other time-relative, are experimented with to map the packets of a packet flow to the pixels in the image. Experiments shows that high classification accuracy can be achieved with minimal manual effort using network traffic images in deep learning.
Khandait, P., Hubballi, N., Mazumdar, B..  2020.  Efficient Keyword Matching for Deep Packet Inspection based Network Traffic Classification. 2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems NETworkS (COMSNETS). :567–570.
Network traffic classification has a range of applications in network management including QoS and security monitoring. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is one of the effective method used for traffic classification. DPI is computationally expensive operation involving string matching between payload and application signatures. Existing traffic classification techniques perform multiple scans of payload to classify the application flows - first scan to extract the words and the second scan to match the words with application signatures. In this paper we propose an approach which can classify network flows with single scan of flow payloads using a heuristic method to achieve a sub-linear search complexity. The idea is to scan few initial bytes of payload and determine potential application signature(s) for subsequent signature matching. We perform experiments with a large dataset containing 171873 network flows and show that it has a good classification accuracy of 98%.
Usama, Muhammad, Qayyum, Adnan, Qadir, Junaid, Al-Fuqaha, Ala.  2019.  Black-box Adversarial Machine Learning Attack on Network Traffic Classification. 2019 15th International Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). :84—89.

Deep machine learning techniques have shown promising results in network traffic classification, however, the robustness of these techniques under adversarial threats is still in question. Deep machine learning models are found vulnerable to small carefully crafted adversarial perturbations posing a major question on the performance of deep machine learning techniques. In this paper, we propose a black-box adversarial attack on network traffic classification. The proposed attack successfully evades deep machine learning-based classifiers which highlights the potential security threat of using deep machine learning techniques to realize autonomous networks.

Chen, S., Chen, Y., Tzeng, W..  2018.  Effective Botnet Detection Through Neural Networks on Convolutional Features. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :372-378.

Botnet is one of the major threats on the Internet for committing cybercrimes, such as DDoS attacks, stealing sensitive information, spreading spams, etc. It is a challenging issue to detect modern botnets that are continuously improving for evading detection. In this paper, we propose a machine learning based botnet detection system that is shown to be effective in identifying P2P botnets. Our approach extracts convolutional version of effective flow-based features, and trains a classification model by using a feed-forward artificial neural network. The experimental results show that the accuracy of detection using the convolutional features is better than the ones using the traditional features. It can achieve 94.7% of detection accuracy and 2.2% of false positive rate on the known P2P botnet datasets. Furthermore, our system provides an additional confidence testing for enhancing performance of botnet detection. It further classifies the network traffic of insufficient confidence in the neural network. The experiment shows that this stage can increase the detection accuracy up to 98.6% and decrease the false positive rate up to 0.5%.

Vu, Ly, Bui, Cong Thanh, Nguyen, Quang Uy.  2017.  A Deep Learning Based Method for Handling Imbalanced Problem in Network Traffic Classification. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology. :333–339.

Network traffic classification is an important problem in network traffic analysis. It plays a vital role in many network tasks including quality of service, firewall enforcement and security. One of the challenging problems of classifying network traffic is the imbalanced property of network data. Usually, the amount of traffic in some classes is much higher than the amount of traffic in other classes. In this paper, we proposed an application of a deep learning approach to address imbalanced data problem in network traffic classification. We used a recent proposed deep network for unsupervised learning called Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network to generate synthesized data samples for balancing between the minor and the major classes. We tested our method on a well-known network traffic dataset and the results showed that our proposed method achieved better performance compared to a recent proposed method for handling imbalanced problem in network traffic classification.