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Popa, Cosmin Radu.  2022.  Current-Mode CMOS Multifunctional Circuits for Analog Signal Processing. 2022 International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM). :58—61.
The paper introduces and develops the new concept of current-mode multifunctional circuit, a computational structure that is able to implement, using the same functional core, a multitude of circuit functions: amplifying, squaring, square-rooting, multiplying, exponentiation or generation of any continuous mathematical function. As a single core computes a large number of circuit functions, the original approach of analog signal processing from the perspective of multifunctional structures presents the important advantages of a much smaller power consumption and design costs per implemented function comparing with classical designs. The current-mode operation, associated with the original concrete implementation of the proposed structure increase the accuracy of computed functions and the frequency behaviour of the designed circuit. Additionally, the temperature-caused errors are almost removed by specific design techniques. It will be also shown a new method for third-order approximating the exponential function using an original approximation function. A generalization of this method will represent the functional basis for realizing an improved accuracy function synthesizer circuit with a simple implementation in CMOS technology. The proposed circuits are compatible with low-power low voltage operations.
Kraft, Oliver, Pohl, Oliver, Häger, Ulf, Heussen, Kai, Müller, Nils, Afzal, Zeeshan, Ekstedt, Mathias, Farahmand, Hossein, Ivanko, Dmytro, Singh, Ankit et al..  2022.  Development and Implementation of a Holistic Flexibility Market Architecture. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1—5.
The demand for increasing flexibility use in power systems is stressed by the changing grid utilization. Making use of largely untapped flexibility potential is possible through novel flexibility markets. Different approaches for these markets are being developed and vary considering their handling of transaction schemes and relation of participating entities. This paper delivers the conceptual development of a holistic system architecture for the realization of an interregional flexibility market, which targets a market based congestion management in the transmission and distribution system through trading between system operators and flexibility providers. The framework combines a market mechanism with the required supplements like appropriate control algorithms for emergency situations, cyber-physical system monitoring and cyber-security assessment. The resulting methods are being implemented and verified in a remote-power-hardware-in-the-loop setup coupling a real world low voltage grid with a geographically distant real time simulation using state of the art control system applications with an integration of the aforementioned architecture components.
Lazaroiu, George Cristian, Kayisli, Korhan, Roscia, Mariacristina, Steriu, Ilinca Andreaa.  2022.  Smart Contracts for Households Managed by Smart Meter Equipped with Blockchain and Chain 2. 2022 11th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA). :340—345.

Managing electricity effectively also means knowing as accurately as possible when, where and how electricity is used. Detailed metering and timely allocation of consumption can help identify specific areas where energy consumption is excessive and therefore requires action and optimization. All those interested in the measurement process (distributors, sellers, wholesalers, managers, ultimately customers and new prosumer figures - producers / consumers -) have an interest in monitoring and managing energy flows more efficiently, in real time.Smart meter plays a key role in sending data containing consumer measurements to both the producer and the consumer, thanks to chain 2. It allows you to connect consumption and production, during use and the customer’s identity, allowing billing as Time-of-Use or Real-Time Pricing, and through the new two-way channel, this information is also made available to the consumer / prosumer himself, enabling new services such as awareness of energy consumption at the very moment of energy use.This is made possible by latest generation devices that "talk" with the end user, which use chain 2 and the power line for communication.However, the implementation of smart meters and related digital technologies associated with the smart grid raises various concerns, including, privacy. This paper provides a comparative perspective on privacy policies for residential energy customers, moreover, it will be possible to improve security through the blockchain for the introduction of smart contracts.

Chiaradonna, S., Di Giandomenico, F., Murru, N..  2014.  On a Modeling Approach to Analyze Resilience of a Smart Grid Infrastructure. Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), 2014 Tenth European. :166-177.

The evolution of electrical grids, both in terms of enhanced ICT functionalities to improve efficiency, reliability and economics, as well as the increasing penetration of renewable redistributed energy resources, results in a more sophisticated electrical infrastructure which poses new challenges from several perspectives, including resilience and quality of service analysis. In addition, the presence of interdependencies, which more and more characterize critical infrastructures (including the power sector), exacerbates the need for advanced analysis approaches, to be possibly employed since the early phases of the system design, to identify vulnerabilities and appropriate countermeasures. In this paper, we outline an approach to model and analyze smart grids and discuss the major challenges to be addressed in stochastic model-based analysis to account for the peculiarities of the involved system elements. Representation of dynamic and flexible behavior of generators and loads, as well as representation of the complex ICT control functions required to preserve and/or re-establish electrical equilibrium in presence of changes need to be faced to assess suitable indicators of the resilience and quality of service of the smart grid.