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Yeh, M., Tang, S., Bhattad, A., Zou, C., Forsyth, D..  2020.  Improving Style Transfer with Calibrated Metrics. 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). :3149–3157.
Style transfer produces a transferred image which is a rendering of a content image in the manner of a style image. We seek to understand how to improve style transfer.To do so requires quantitative evaluation procedures, but current evaluation is qualitative, mostly involving user studies. We describe a novel quantitative evaluation procedure. Our procedure relies on two statistics: the Effectiveness (E) statistic measures the extent that a given style has been transferred to the target, and the Coherence (C) statistic measures the extent to which the original image's content is preserved. Our statistics are calibrated to human preference: targets with larger values of E and C will reliably be preferred by human subjects in comparisons of style and content, respectively.We use these statistics to investigate relative performance of a number of Neural Style Transfer (NST) methods, revealing a number of intriguing properties. Admissible methods lie on a Pareto frontier (i.e. improving E reduces C, or vice versa). Three methods are admissible: Universal style transfer produces very good C but weak E; modifying the optimization used for Gatys' loss produces a method with strong E and strong C; and a modified cross-layer method has slightly better E at strong cost in C. While the histogram loss improves the E statistics of Gatys' method, it does not make the method admissible. Surprisingly, style weights have relatively little effect in improving EC scores, and most variability in transfer is explained by the style itself (meaning experimenters can be misguided by selecting styles). Our GitHub Link is available1.
Handa, A., Garg, P., Khare, V..  2018.  Masked Neural Style Transfer using Convolutional Neural Networks. 2018 International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics Communication Engineering (ICRIEECE). :2099–2104.

In painting, humans can draw an interrelation between the style and the content of a given image in order to enhance visual experiences. Deep neural networks like convolutional neural networks are being used to draw a satisfying conclusion of this problem of neural style transfer due to their exceptional results in the key areas of visual perceptions such as object detection and face recognition.In this study, along with style transfer on whole image it is also outlined how transfer of style can be performed only on the specific parts of the content image which is accomplished by using masks. The style is transferred in a way that there is a least amount of loss to the content image i.e., semantics of the image is preserved.

Chen, Y., Lai, Y., Liu, Y..  2017.  Transforming Photos to Comics Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :2010–2014.

In this paper, inspired by Gatys's recent work, we propose a novel approach that transforms photos to comics using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). While Gatys's method that uses a pre-trained VGG network generally works well for transferring artistic styles such as painting from a style image to a content image, for more minimalist styles such as comics, the method often fails to produce satisfactory results. To address this, we further introduce a dedicated comic style CNN, which is trained for classifying comic images and photos. This new network is effective in capturing various comic styles and thus helps to produce better comic stylization results. Even with a grayscale style image, Gatys's method can still produce colored output, which is not desirable for comics. We develop a modified optimization framework such that a grayscale image is guaranteed to be synthesized. To avoid converging to poor local minima, we further initialize the output image using grayscale version of the content image. Various examples show that our method synthesizes better comic images than the state-of-the-art method.

Li, P., Zhao, L., Xu, D., Lu, D..  2018.  Incorporating Multiscale Contextual Loss for Image Style Transfer. 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC). :241–245.

In this paper, we propose to impose a multiscale contextual loss for image style transfer based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). In the traditional optimization framework, a new stylized image is synthesized by constraining the high-level CNN features similar to a content image and the lower-level CNN features similar to a style image, which, however, appears to lost many details of the content image, presenting unpleasing and inconsistent distortions or artifacts. The proposed multiscale contextual loss, named Haar loss, is responsible for preserving the lost details by dint of matching the features derived from the content image and the synthesized image via wavelet transform. It endows the synthesized image with the characteristic to better retain the semantic information of the content image. More specifically, the unpleasant distortions can be effectively alleviated while the style can be well preserved. In the experiments, we show the visually more consistent and simultaneously well-stylized images generated by incorporating the multiscale contextual loss.