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He, S., Lei, D., Shuang, W., Liu, C., Gu, Z..  2020.  Network Security Analysis of Industrial Control System Based on Attack-Defense Tree. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems (ICAIIS). :651—655.
In order to cope with the network attack of industrial control system, this paper proposes a quantifiable attack-defense tree model. In order to reduce the influence of subjective factors on weight calculation and the probability of attack events, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Attack-Defense Tree model are combined. First, the model provides a variety of security attributes for attack and defense leaf nodes. Secondly, combining the characteristics of leaf nodes, a fuzzy consistency matrix is constructed to calculate the security attribute weight of leaf nodes, and the probability of attack and defense leaf nodes. Then, the influence of defense node on attack behavior is analyzed. Finally, the network risk assessment of typical airport oil supply automatic control system has been undertaken as a case study using this attack-defense tree model. The result shows that this model can truly reflect the impact of defense measures on the attack behavior, and provide a reference for the network security scheme.
Han, Ying, Li, Kun, Ge, Fawei.  2019.  Multiple Fault Diagnosis for Sucker Rod Pumping Systems Based on Matter Element Analysis with F-statistics. 2019 IEEE 8th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS). :66–70.
Dynamometer cards can reflect different down-hole working conditions of sucker rod pumping wells. It has great significances to realize multiple fault diagnosis for actual oilfield production. In this paper, the extension theory is used to build a matter-element model to describe the fault diagnosis problem of the sucker rod pumping wells. The correlation function is used to calculate the correlation degree between the diagnostic fault and many standard fault types. The diagnosed sample and many possible fault types are divided into different combinations according to the correlation degree; the F-statistics of each combination is calculated and the “unbiased transformation” is used to find the mean of interval vectors. Larger F-statistics means greater differences within the faults classification; and the minimum F-statistics reflects the real multiple fault types. Case study shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Larsson, A., Ibrahim, O., Olsson, L., Laere, J. van.  2017.  Agent based simulation of a payment system for resilience assessments. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). :314–318.

We provide an agent based simulation model of the Swedish payment system. The simulation model is to be used to analyze the consequences of loss of functionality, or disruptions of the payment system for the food and fuel supply chains as well as the bank sector. We propose a gaming simulation approach, using a computer based role playing game, to explore the collaborative responses from the key actors, in order to evoke and facilitate collective resilience.