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D’Alterio, P., Garibaldi, J. M., John, R. I..  2020.  Constrained Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Classification Systems for Explainable AI (XAI). 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–8.
In recent year, there has been a growing need for intelligent systems that not only are able to provide reliable classifications but can also produce explanations for the decisions they make. The demand for increased explainability has led to the emergence of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) as a specific research field. In this context, fuzzy logic systems represent a promising tool thanks to their inherently interpretable structure. The use of a rule-base and linguistic terms, in fact, have allowed researchers to create models that are able to produce explanations in natural language for each of the classifications they make. So far, however, designing systems that make use of interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy logic and also give explanations for their outputs has been very challenging, partially due to the presence of the type-reduction step. In this paper, it will be shown how constrained interval type-2 (CIT2) fuzzy sets represent a valid alternative to conventional interval type-2 sets in order to address this issue. Through the analysis of two case studies from the medical domain, it is shown how explainable CIT2 classifiers are produced. These systems can explain which rules contributed to the creation of each of the endpoints of the output interval centroid, while showing (in these examples) the same level of accuracy as their IT2 counterpart.
Houzé, É, Diaconescu, A., Dessalles, J.-L., Mengay, D., Schumann, M..  2020.  A Decentralized Approach to Explanatory Artificial Intelligence for Autonomic Systems. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C). :115–120.
While Explanatory AI (XAI) is attracting increasing interest from academic research, most AI-based solutions still rely on black box methods. This is unsuitable for certain domains, such as smart homes, where transparency is key to gaining user trust and solution adoption. Moreover, smart homes are challenging environments for XAI, as they are decentralized systems that undergo runtime changes. We aim to develop an XAI solution for addressing problems that an autonomic management system either could not resolve or resolved in a surprising manner. This implies situations where the current state of affairs is not what the user expected, hence requiring an explanation. The objective is to solve the apparent conflict between expectation and observation through understandable logical steps, thus generating an argumentative dialogue. While focusing on the smart home domain, our approach is intended to be generic and transferable to other cyber-physical systems offering similar challenges. This position paper focuses on proposing a decentralized algorithm, called D-CAN, and its corresponding generic decentralized architecture. This approach is particularly suited for SISSY systems, as it enables XAI functions to be extended and updated when devices join and leave the managed system dynamically. We illustrate our proposal via several representative case studies from the smart home domain.
Meskauskas, Z., Jasinevicius, R., Kazanavicius, E., Petrauskas, V..  2020.  XAI-Based Fuzzy SWOT Maps for Analysis of Complex Systems. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–8.
The classical SWOT methodology and many of the tools based on it used so far are very static, used for one stable project and lacking dynamics [1]. This paper proposes the idea of combining several SWOT analyses enriched with computing with words (CWW) paradigm into a single network. In this network, individual analysis of the situation is treated as the node. The whole structure is based on fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) that have forward and backward chaining, so it is called fuzzy SWOT maps. Fuzzy SWOT maps methodology newly introduces the dynamics that projects are interacting, what exists in a real dynamic environment. The whole fuzzy SWOT maps network structure has explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) traits because each node in this network is a "white box"-all the reasoning chain can be tracked and checked why a particular decision has been made, which increases explainability by being able to check the rules to determine why a particular decision was made or why and how one project affects another. To confirm the vitality of the approach, a case with three interacting projects has been analyzed with a developed prototypical software tool and results are delivered.
Kuppa, A., Le-Khac, N.-A..  2020.  Black Box Attacks on Explainable Artificial Intelligence(XAI) methods in Cyber Security. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.

Cybersecurity community is slowly leveraging Machine Learning (ML) to combat ever evolving threats. One of the biggest drivers for successful adoption of these models is how well domain experts and users are able to understand and trust their functionality. As these black-box models are being employed to make important predictions, the demand for transparency and explainability is increasing from the stakeholders.Explanations supporting the output of ML models are crucial in cyber security, where experts require far more information from the model than a simple binary output for their analysis. Recent approaches in the literature have focused on three different areas: (a) creating and improving explainability methods which help users better understand the internal workings of ML models and their outputs; (b) attacks on interpreters in white box setting; (c) defining the exact properties and metrics of the explanations generated by models. However, they have not covered, the security properties and threat models relevant to cybersecurity domain, and attacks on explainable models in black box settings.In this paper, we bridge this gap by proposing a taxonomy for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods, covering various security properties and threat models relevant to cyber security domain. We design a novel black box attack for analyzing the consistency, correctness and confidence security properties of gradient based XAI methods. We validate our proposed system on 3 security-relevant data-sets and models, and demonstrate that the method achieves attacker's goal of misleading both the classifier and explanation report and, only explainability method without affecting the classifier output. Our evaluation of the proposed approach shows promising results and can help in designing secure and robust XAI methods.

Jentzsch, Sophie F., Hochgeschwender, Nico.  2019.  Don't Forget Your Roots! Using Provenance Data for Transparent and Explainable Development of Machine Learning Models. 2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshop (ASEW). :37–40.
Explaining reasoning and behaviour of artificial intelligent systems to human users becomes increasingly urgent, especially in the field of machine learning. Many recent contributions approach this issue with post-hoc methods, meaning they consider the final system and its outcomes, while the roots of included artefacts are widely neglected. However, we argue in this position paper that there needs to be a stronger focus on the development process. Without insights into specific design decisions and meta information that accrue during the development an accurate explanation of the resulting model is hardly possible. To remedy this situation we propose to increase process transparency by applying provenance methods, which serves also as a basis for increased explainability.
Volz, V., Majchrzak, K., Preuss, M..  2018.  A Social Science-based Approach to Explanations for (Game) AI. 2018 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG). :1–2.

The current AI revolution provides us with many new, but often very complex algorithmic systems. This complexity does not only limit understanding, but also acceptance of e.g. deep learning methods. In recent years, explainable AI (XAI) has been proposed as a remedy. However, this research is rarely supported by publications on explanations from social sciences. We suggest a bottom-up approach to explanations for (game) AI, by starting from a baseline definition of understandability informed by the concept of limited human working memory. We detail our approach and demonstrate its application to two games from the GVGAI framework. Finally, we discuss our vision of how additional concepts from social sciences can be integrated into our proposed approach and how the results can be generalised.

Zhu, J., Liapis, A., Risi, S., Bidarra, R., Youngblood, G. M..  2018.  Explainable AI for Designers: A Human-Centered Perspective on Mixed-Initiative Co-Creation. 2018 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG). :1–8.

Growing interest in eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to make AI and machine learning more understandable to human users. However, most existing work focuses on new algorithms, and not on usability, practical interpretability and efficacy on real users. In this vision paper, we propose a new research area of eXplainable AI for Designers (XAID), specifically for game designers. By focusing on a specific user group, their needs and tasks, we propose a human-centered approach for facilitating game designers to co-create with AI/ML techniques through XAID. We illustrate our initial XAID framework through three use cases, which require an understanding both of the innate properties of the AI techniques and users' needs, and we identify key open challenges.

Oyekanlu, E..  2018.  Distributed Osmotic Computing Approach to Implementation of Explainable Predictive Deep Learning at Industrial IoT Network Edges with Real-Time Adaptive Wavelet Graphs. 2018 IEEE First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE). :179–188.
Challenges associated with developing analytics solutions at the edge of large scale Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks close to where data is being generated in most cases involves developing analytics solutions from ground up. However, this approach increases IoT development costs and system complexities, delay time to market, and ultimately lowers competitive advantages associated with delivering next-generation IoT designs. To overcome these challenges, existing, widely available, hardware can be utilized to successfully participate in distributed edge computing for IIoT systems. In this paper, an osmotic computing approach is used to illustrate how distributed osmotic computing and existing low-cost hardware may be utilized to solve complex, compute-intensive Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) deep learning problem from the edge, through the fog, to the network cloud layer of IIoT systems. At the edge layer, the C28x digital signal processor (DSP), an existing low-cost, embedded, real-time DSP that has very wide deployment and integration in several IoT industries is used as a case study for constructing real-time graph-based Coiflet wavelets that could be used for several analytic applications including deep learning pre-processing applications at the edge and fog layers of IIoT networks. Our implementation is the first known application of the fixed-point C28x DSP to construct Coiflet wavelets. Coiflet Wavelets are constructed in the form of an osmotic microservice, using embedded low-level machine language to program the C28x at the network edge. With the graph-based approach, it is shown that an entire Coiflet wavelet distribution could be generated from only one wavelet stored in the C28x based edge device, and this could lead to significant savings in memory at the edge of IoT networks. Pearson correlation coefficient is used to select an edge generated Coiflet wavelet and the selected wavelet is used at the fog layer for pre-processing and denoising IIoT data to improve data quality for fog layer based deep learning application. Parameters for implementing deep learning at the fog layer using LSTM networks have been determined in the cloud. For XAI, communication network noise is shown to have significant impact on results of predictive deep learning at IIoT network fog layer.
Murray, B., Islam, M. A., Pinar, A. J., Havens, T. C., Anderson, D. T., Scott, G..  2018.  Explainable AI for Understanding Decisions and Data-Driven Optimization of the Choquet Integral. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–8.

To date, numerous ways have been created to learn a fusion solution from data. However, a gap exists in terms of understanding the quality of what was learned and how trustworthy the fusion is for future-i.e., new-data. In part, the current paper is driven by the demand for so-called explainable AI (XAI). Herein, we discuss methods for XAI of the Choquet integral (ChI), a parametric nonlinear aggregation function. Specifically, we review existing indices, and we introduce new data-centric XAI tools. These various XAI-ChI methods are explored in the context of fusing a set of heterogeneous deep convolutional neural networks for remote sensing.

Ha, Taehyun, Lee, Sangwon, Kim, Sangyeon.  2018.  Designing Explainability of an Artificial Intelligence System. Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, and Society. :14:1–14:1.

Explainability and accuracy of the machine learning algorithms usually laid on a trade-off relationship. Several algorithms such as deep-learning artificial neural networks have high accuracy but low explainability. Since there were only limited ways to access the learning and prediction processes in algorithms, researchers and users were not able to understand how the results were given to them. However, a recent project, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) by DARPA, showed that AI systems can be highly explainable but also accurate. Several technical reports of XAI suggested ways of extracting explainable features and their positive effects on users; the results showed that explainability of AI was helpful to make users understand and trust the system. However, only a few studies have addressed why the explainability can bring positive effects to users. We suggest theoretical reasons from the attribution theory and anthropomorphism studies. Trough a review, we develop three hypotheses: (1) causal attribution is a human nature and thus a system which provides casual explanation on their process will affect users to attribute the result of system; (2) Based on the attribution results, users will perceive the system as human-like and which will be a motivation of anthropomorphism; (3) The system will be perceived by the users through the anthropomorphism. We provide a research framework for designing causal explainability of an AI system and discuss the expected results of the research.

Beaton, Brian.  2018.  Crucial Answers About Humanoid Capital. Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. :5–12.

Inside AI research and engineering communities, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is one of the most provocative and promising lines of AI research and development today. XAI has the potential to make expressible the context and domain-specific benefits of particular AI applications to a diverse and inclusive array of stakeholders and audiences. In addition, XAI has the potential to make AI benefit claims more deeply evidenced. Outside AI research and engineering communities, one of the most provocative and promising lines of research happening today is the work on "humanoid capital" at the edges of the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. Humanoid capital theorists renovate older discussions of "human capital" as part of trying to make calculable and provable the domain-specific capital value, value-adding potential, or relative worth (i.e., advantages and benefits) of different humanoid models over time. Bringing these two exciting streams of research into direct conversation for the first time is the larger goal of this landmark paper. The primary research contribution of the paper is to detail some of the key requirements for making humanoid robots explainable in capital terms using XAI approaches. In this regard, the paper not only brings two streams of provocative research into much-needed conversation but also advances both streams.