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Shaukat, S. K., Ribeiro, V. J..  2018.  RansomWall: A layered defense system against cryptographic ransomware attacks using machine learning. 2018 10th International Conference on Communication Systems Networks (COMSNETS). :356–363.

Recent worldwide cybersecurity attacks caused by Cryptographic Ransomware infected systems across countries and organizations with millions of dollars lost in paying extortion amounts. This form of malicious software takes user files hostage by encrypting them and demands a large ransom payment for providing the decryption key. Signature-based methods employed by Antivirus Software are insufficient to evade Ransomware attacks due to code obfuscation techniques and creation of new polymorphic variants everyday. Generic Malware Attack vectors are also not robust enough for detection as they do not completely track the specific behavioral patterns shown by Cryptographic Ransomware families. This work based on analysis of an extensive dataset of Ran-somware families presents RansomWall, a layered defense system for protection against Cryptographic Ransomware. It follows a Hybrid approach of combined Static and Dynamic analysis to generate a novel compact set of features that characterizes the Ransomware behavior. Presence of a Strong Trap Layer helps in early detection. It uses Machine Learning for unearthing zero-day intrusions. When initial layers of RansomWall tag a process for suspicious Ransomware behavior, files modified by the process are backed up for preserving user data until it is classified as Ransomware or Benign. We implemented RansomWall for Microsoft Windows operating system (the most attacked OS by Cryptographic Ransomware) and evaluated it against 574 samples from 12 Cryptographic Ransomware families in real-world user environments. The testing of RansomWall with various Machine Learning algorithms evaluated to 98.25% detection rate and near-zero false positives with Gradient Tree Boosting Algorithm. It also successfully detected 30 zero-day intrusion samples (having less than 10% detection rate with 60 Security Engines linked to VirusTotal).