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Performance Analysis of Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector Protocol under the influence of Black-Hole, Gray-Hole and Worm-Hole Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Network. 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). :238–243.
2021. Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) is the well-known reactive routing protocol of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET). Absence of security mechanism in AODV disturbs the routing because of misbehavior of attack and hence, degrades MANET's performance. Secure and efficient routing is a need of various commercial and non-commercial applications of MANET including military and war, disaster and earthquake, and riot control. This paper presents a design of important network layer attacks include black-hole (BH), gray-hole (GH) and worm-hole (WH) attacks. The performance analysis of AODV protocol is carried out under the influence of each designed attack by using the network simulator, NetSim. Simulation results show that, the network layer attacks affect packet delivery ability of AODV protocol with low energy consumption and in short time. Design of attacks helps to understand attack's behavior and hence, to develop security mechanism in AODV.
Earthquake — A NoC-based optimized differential cache-collision attack for MPSoCs. 2018 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :648—653.
2018. Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs) are a platform for a wide variety of applications and use-cases. The high on-chip connectivity, the programming flexibility, and the reuse of IPs, however, also introduce security concerns. Problems arise when applications with different trust and protection levels share resources of the MPSoC, such as processing units, cache memories and the Network-on-Chip (NoC) communication structure. If a program gets compromised, an adversary can observe the use of these resources and infer (potentially secret) information from other applications. In this work, we explore the cache-based attack by Bogdanov et al., which infers the cache activity of a target program through timing measurements and exploits collisions that occur when the same cache location is accessed for different program inputs. We implement this differential cache-collision attack on the MPSoC Glass and introduce an optimized variant of it, the Earthquake Attack, which leverages the NoC-based communication to increase attack efficiency. Our results show that Earthquake performs well under different cache line and MPSoC configurations, illustrating that cache-collision attacks are considerable threats on MPSoCs.
Path Planning of Submarine Cables. 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). :1–4.
2019. Submarine optical-fiber cables are key components in the conveying of Internet data, and their failures have costly consequences. Currently, there are over a million km of such cables empowering the Internet. To carry the ever-growing Internet traffic, additional 100,000s of km of cables will be needed in the next few years. At an average cost of \$28,000 per km, this entails investments of billions of dollars. In current industry practice, cable paths are planned manually by experts. This paper surveys our recent work on cable path planning algorithms, where we use several methods to plan cable paths taking account of a range of cable risk factors in addition to cable costs. Two methods, namely, the fast marching method (FMM) and the Dijkstra's algorithm are applied here to long-haul cable path design in a new geographical region. A specific example is given to demonstrate the benefit of the FMM-based method in terms of the better path planning solutions over the Dijkstra's algorithm.
Seismic Cloaking Protection from Earthquakes. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–7.
2018. Each year, large ground motions from earthquakes cause infrastructure damage and loss of life worldwide. Here we present a novel concept that redirects and attenuates hazardous seismic waves using an engineered seismic-muffler acting as a cloaking device. The device employs vertically-oriented, sloping-opposing boreholes or trenches to form muffler walls and is designed to: 1) reflect and divert large amplitude surface waves as a barrier, while 2) dissipating body and converted waves traveling from depth upward into the muffler duct. Seismic wave propagation models suggest that a seismic-muffler can effectively reduce broadband ground motion directly above the muffler. 3D simulations are also compared for validation with experimental data obtained from bench-scale blocks containing machined borehole arrays and trenches. Computer models are then scaled to an earth-sized model. Results suggest a devastating seismic energy magnitude 7.0-\$\textbackslashtextbackslashmathrm M\_\textbackslashtextbackslashmathrm E\$ earthquake can be reduced to less damaging magnitudes experienced in the muffler vicinity, 4.5- \$\textbackslashtextbackslashmathrm M\_\textbackslashtextbackslashmathrm E\$ (surface wave) and 5.7- \$\textbackslashtextbackslashmathrm M\_\textbackslashtextbackslashmathrm E\$ (upgoing coupling into the muffler). Our findings imply that seismic-muffler structures significantly reduce the impact of the peak ground velocity of dangerous surface waves, while, seismic transmission upward through the muffler base at depth has marginal effects.