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Aichernig, Bernhard K., Muškardin, Edi, Pferscher, Andrea.  2021.  Learning-Based Fuzzing of IoT Message Brokers. 2021 14th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). :47—58.
The number of devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) immensely grew in recent years. A frequent challenge in the assurance of the dependability of IoT systems is that components of the system appear as a black box. This paper presents a semi-automatic testing methodology for black-box systems that combines automata learning and fuzz testing. Our testing technique uses stateful fuzzing based on a model that is automatically inferred by automata learning. Applying this technique, we can simultaneously test multiple implementations for unexpected behavior and possible security vulnerabilities.We show the effectiveness of our learning-based fuzzing technique in a case study on the MQTT protocol. MQTT is a widely used publish/subscribe protocol in the IoT. Our case study reveals several inconsistencies between five different MQTT brokers. The found inconsistencies expose possible security vulnerabilities and violations of the MQTT specification.
Lee, W. van der, Verwer, S..  2018.  Vulnerability Detection on Mobile Applications Using State Machine Inference. 2018 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :1–10.

Although the importance of mobile applications grows every day, recent vulnerability reports argue the application's deficiency to meet modern security standards. Testing strategies alleviate the problem by identifying security violations in software implementations. This paper proposes a novel testing methodology that applies state machine learning of mobile Android applications in combination with algorithms that discover attack paths in the learned state machine. The presence of an attack path evidences the existence of a vulnerability in the mobile application. We apply our methods to real-life apps and show that the novel methodology is capable of identifying vulnerabilities.