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Hussain, G K Jakir, Shruthe, M, Rithanyaa, S, Madasamy, Saravana Rajesh, Velu, Nandagopal S.  2022.  Visible Light Communication using Li-Fi. 2022 6th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS). :257–262.
Over earlier years of huge technical developments, the need for a communication system has risen tremendously. Inrecent times, public realm interaction has been a popular area, hence the research group is emphasizing the necessity of quick and efficient broadband speeds, as well as upgraded security protocols. The main objective of this project work is to combine conventional Li-Fi and VLC techniques for video communication. VLC is helping to deliver fast data speeds, bandwidth efficiency, and a relatively secure channel of communication. Li-Fi is an inexpensive wireless communication (WC) system. Li-Fi can transmit information (text, audio, and video) to any electronic device via the LEDs that are positioned in the space to provide lighting. Li-Fi provides more advantages than Wi-Fi, such as security, high efficiency, speed, throughput, and low latency. The information can be transferred based on the flash property of the LED. Communication is accomplished by turning on and off LED lights at a faster pace than the human visual system can detect.
ISSN: 2644-1802
Kabir, Alamgir, Ahammed, Md. Tabil, Das, Chinmoy, Kaium, Mehedi Hasan, Zardar, Md. Abu, Prathibha, Soma.  2022.  Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) based Indoor Communication System. 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI). :1–5.
Wireless-fidelity (Wi-Fi) and Bluetooth are examples of modern wireless communication technologies that employ radio waves as the primary channel for data transmission. but it ought to find alternatives over the limitation and interference in the radio frequency (RF) band. For viable alternatives, visible light communication (VLC) technology comes to play as Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) which uses visible light as a channel for delivering very high-speed communication in a Wi-Fi way. In terms of availability, bandwidth, security and efficiency, Li-Fi is superior than Wi-Fi. In this paper, we present a Li-Fi-based indoor communication system. prototype model has been proposed for single user scenario using visible light portion of electromagnetic spectrum. This system has been designed for audio data communication in between the users in transmitter and receiver sections. LED and photoresistor have been used as optical source and receiver respectively. The electro-acoustic transducer provides the required conversion of electrical-optical signal in both ways. This system might overcome problems like radio-frequency bandwidth scarcity However, its major problem is that it only works when it is pointed directly at the target.
Kaftannikov, I. L., Kozlova, A. V., Khlyzov, A. D..  2020.  Prototype of a Li-Fi Communication System for Data Exchange Between Mobile Devices. 2020 Global Smart Industry Conference (GloSIC). :192—198.

This paper deals with the design and development of a Li-Fi (light fidelity) simplex communication system for data exchange between Android mobile devices. Li-Fi is an up-to-date technology in the modern world, since it uses visible light for data exchange, allowing for high-speed communication. The paper includes a brief review of Li-Fi technology, a review of the literature used, and a study of technological methods for implementing such systems, based on scientific sources. We propose the algorithms for data exchange, packet formation, and encryption-decryption. The paper presents the developed mobile application and the transceiver device, the development results, as well as experiments with the developed prototype. The results show that Li-Fi technology is workable and is a good alternative to existing communication methods.

Ghosh, Debanjana, Chatterjee, Soumyajit, Kothari, Vasudha, Kumar, Aakash, Nair, Mahesh, Lokesh, Ella.  2019.  An application of Li-Fi based Wireless Communication System using Visible Light Communication. 2019 International Conference on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics (Optronix). :1–3.
This paper attempts to clarify the concept and applications of Li-Fi technology. The current Wi-Fi network use Radio Frequency waves, but the usage of the available RF spectrum is limited. Therefore a new technology, Li-Fi has come into picture. Li-Fi is a recently developed technology. This paper explains how array of LEDs are used to transmit data in the visible light spectrum. This technology has advantages like security, increased accessible spectrum, low latency efficiency and much higher speed as compared to Wi- Fi. The aim of this research paper is to design a Li-Fi transceiver using Arduino which is able to transmit and receive data in binary format. The software coding is done in Arduino- Uno platform. Successful transmission and reception of data(alphanumeric) has been done.
Inn, Arba’iah, Hassan, Rosilah, Mohd Aman, Azana Hafizah, Abdul Latiff, Liza.  2019.  Framework for Handover process using Visible Light Communications in 5G. 2019 Symposium on Future Telecommunication Technologies (SOFTT). 1:1–4.
Internet of Things (IoT) revolution in 5th Generation (5G) will dynamically support all user, devices and customer worldwide where these devices, mechanical and digital machines will be connected and are able to communicate and transfer data over the network. In industries, the evolution of these technologies, known as Industrial IoT (IIoT) will enable machines to be connected and communicate where else, Internet of Everything (IoE) makes the connection more relevant between all smart devices, machines and also people with a huge data, high speed and high security. The growth of these technologies has made Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum resources for wireless communication to be more saturated. In order to solve this problem, new wireless communication technologies are proposed to meet the demand and also to enhance the performance of the system and overcome the existing bandwidth limitations. Studies done shows that Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi), based on Visible Light Communications (VLC) is one of the most promising technology in future which is based on optical wireless communication. Initial study on the Li-Fi concept has focuses on achieving speed, bi-directional transmission concept and supports multiuser access. In this paper we propose a frame work focuses on the handover process for indoor environment by using the steerable Access Point (AP) and compare the output result with fix Access Point.
Shahjalal, M., Chowdhury, M. Z., Hasan, M. K., Hossan, M. T., Jang, Y. Min.  2018.  A Generalized SDN Framework for Optical Wireless Communication Networks. 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :848–851.
Wireless communication based on optical spectrum has been a promising technology to support increasing bandwidth demand in the recent years. Light fidelity, optical camera communication, visible light communication, underwater optical wireless communication, free space optical communication are such technologies those have been already deployed to support the challenges in wireless communications. Those technologies create massive data traffic as lots of infrastructures and servers are connected with the internet. Software defined optical wireless networks have been introduced in this paper as a solution to this phenomenon. An architecture has been designed where we provide the general software defined networking (SDN) structure and describe the possible tasks which can be performed by the SDN for optical wireless communication.
Solanki, Deepak.  2018.  Optical Wireless Communication. Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. :858–860.
Data is the new currency impacting everybody's lives. As the modern world receives & sends millions of Terabytes of data every day, the present-day wireless data communication technologies comprising of Wi-Fi & 4G-LTE is on the verge of becoming partially inept for information exchange as they suffer from spectrum congestion in both controlled and uncontrolled environments. Li-Fi, also known as light fidelity, is a full duplex communication network enabling transmittal of data. The potency of bidirectional Visible Light Communication allows us to build an ideal medium, independent of congested radio frequencies and interference from electromagnetic waves, thus, resulting in faster data transfer. Inception of LED technology for lighting in 90's paved the way for high growth trajectory for LED Lighting industry which we have witnessed from the last 2 decades. As semiconductors, LEDs were poised to develop much bigger applications like integrated sensors apart from normal dimming and ambient lighting. Li-Fi is a technology which creates a bridge between the world of data communication & LED Lighting. Multiple forward & backward integration are poised to happen in coming years when lighting players will develop enterprise communication enabled lighting products. Even system integrators will look forward to Li-Fi enabled luminaires for establishing wireless networks. Li-Fi is being seen as a big step forward in enabling 5G telecommunication networks. Security benefits and outdoor long-range communication capabilities Li-Fi a potential technology for Defence & Smart Cities applications. Li-Fi uses the visible and invisible frequency band (380nm - 1500nm) which is 10,000 times broader than usable RF frequency band. The property of light spectrum to be unlicensed and free from any health regulations makes it even more desirable for us. Its applications can extend in areas where the RF technology lacks its presence like aircrafts and hospitals (operation theatres), power plants and various other areas, where electromagnetic (Radio) interference is of great concern for safety and security of equipment's and people. Since there is no potential health hazard associated with light, it can be used safely in such locations or areas. Li-Fi / OWC has applications in both indoor (≅) and outdoor ( ) scenarios.