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Colter, Jamison, Kinnison, Matthew, Henderson, Alex, Schlager, Stephen M., Bryan, Samuel, O’Grady, Katherine L., Abballe, Ashlie, Harbour, Steven.  2022.  Testing the Resiliency of Consumer Off-the-Shelf Drones to a Variety of Cyberattack Methods. 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–5.
An often overlooked but equally important aspect of unmanned aerial system (UAS) design is the security of their networking protocols and how they deal with cyberattacks. In this context, cyberattacks are malicious attempts to monitor or modify incoming and outgoing data from the system. These attacks could target anywhere in the system where a transfer of data occurs but are most common in the transfer of data between the control station and the UAS. A compromise in the networking system of a UAS could result in a variety of issues including increased network latency between the control station and the UAS, temporary loss of control over the UAS, or a complete loss of the UAS. A complete loss of the system could result in the UAS being disabled, crashing, or the attacker overtaking command and control of the platform, all of which would be done with little to no alert to the operator. Fortunately, the majority of higher-end, enterprise, and government UAS platforms are aware of these threats and take actions to mitigate them. However, as the consumer market continues to grow and prices continue to drop, network security may be overlooked or ignored in favor of producing the lowest cost product possible. Additionally, these commercial off-the-shelf UAS often use uniform, standardized frequency bands, autopilots, and security measures, meaning a cyberattack could be developed to affect a wide variety of models with minimal changes. This paper will focus on a low-cost educational-use UAS and test its resilience to a variety of cyberattack methods, including man-in-the-middle attacks, spoofing of data, and distributed denial-of-service attacks. Following this experiment will be a discussion of current cybersecurity practices for counteracting these attacks and how they can be applied onboard a UAS. Although in this case the cyberattacks were tested against a simpler platform, the methods discussed are applicable to any UAS platform attempting to defend against such cyberattack methods.
ISSN: 2155-7209
De, Rohit, Moberly, Raymond, Beery, Colton, Juybari, Jeremy, Sundqvist, Kyle.  2021.  Multi-Qubit Size-Hopping Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm with Qubit Reordering for Secure Quantum Key Distribution. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE). :473—474.
As a classic quantum computing implementation, the Deustch-Jozsa (DJ) algorithm is taught in many courses pertaining to quantum information science and technology (QIST). We exploit the DJ framework as an educational testbed, illustrating fundamental qubit concepts while identifying associated algorithmic challenges. In this work, we present a self-contained exploration which may be beneficial in educating the future quantum workforce. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), an improvement over the classical Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), allows two parties, Alice and Bob, to share a secret key by using the quantum physical properties. For QKD the DJ-packets, consisting of the input qubits and the target qubit for the DJ algorithm, carry the secret information between Alice and Bob. Previous research from Nagata and Nakamura discovered in 2015 that the DJ algorithm for QKD allows an attacker to successfully intercept and remain undetected. Improving upon the past research we increased the entropy of DJ-packets through: (i) size hopping (H), where the number of qubits in consecutive DJ-packets keeps on changing and (ii) reordering (R) the qubits within the DJ-packets. These concepts together illustrate the multiple scales where entropy may increase in a DJ algorithm to make for a more robust QKD framework, and therefore significantly decrease Eve’s chance of success. The proof of concept of the new schemes is tested on Google’s Cirq quantum simulator, and detailed python simulations show that attacker’s interception success rate can be drastically reduced.
Yulianto, Arief Dwi, Sukarno, Parman, Warrdana, Aulia Arif, Makky, Muhammad Al.  2019.  Mitigation of Cryptojacking Attacks Using Taint Analysis. 2019 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE). :234—238.

Cryptojacking (also called malicious cryptocurrency mining or cryptomining) is a new threat model using CPU resources covertly “mining” a cryptocurrency in the browser. The impact is a surge in CPU Usage and slows the system performance. In this research, in-browsercryptojacking mitigation has been built as an extension in Google Chrome using Taint analysis method. The method used in this research is attack modeling with abuse case using the Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack as a testing for mitigation. The proposed model is designed so that users will be notified if a cryptojacking attack occurs. Hence, the user is able to check the script characteristics that run on the website background. The results of this research show that the taint analysis is a promising method to mitigate cryptojacking attacks. From 100 random sample websites, the taint analysis method can detect 19 websites that are infcted by cryptojacking.

Keleman, Levon, Matić, Danijel, Popović, Miroslav, Kaštelan, Ivan.  2019.  Secure firmware update in embedded systems. 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin). :16–19.
Great numbers of embedded devices are performing safety critical operations, which means it is very important to keep them operating without interference. Update is the weak point that could be exploited by potential attackers to gain access to the system, sabotage it or to simply steal someone else's intellectual property. This paper presents an implementation of secure update process for embedded systems which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks. By using a combination of hash functions, symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms it demonstrates how to achieve integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of the update package that is sent to the target hardware. It covers implementation starting from key exchange, next explaining update package encryption process and then decryption on the target hardware. It does not go into a detail about specific encryption algorithms that could be used. It presents a generalized model for secure update that could be adjusted to specific needs.
de Sá, Alan Oliveira, Carmo, Luiz Fernando Rust da C., Santos Machado, Raphael C..  2019.  Countermeasure for Identification of Controlled Data Injection Attacks in Networked Control Systems. 2019 II Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT (MetroInd4.0 IoT). :455–459.
Networked Control Systems (NCS) are widely used in Industry 4.0 to obtain better management and operational capabilities, as well as to reduce costs. However, despite the benefits provided by NCSs, the integration of communication networks with physical plants can also expose these systems to cyber threats. This work proposes a link monitoring strategy to identify linear time-invariant transfer functions performed by a Man-in-the-Middle during controlled data injection attacks in NCSs. The results demonstrate that the proposed identification scheme provides adequate accuracy when estimating the attack function, and does not interfere in the plant behavior when the system is not under attack.
Ahmed, Chuadhry Mujeeb, Ochoa, Martin, Zhou, Jianying, Mathur, Aditya P., Qadeer, Rizwan, Murguia, Carlos, Ruths, Justin.  2018.  NoisePrint: Attack Detection Using Sensor and Process Noise Fingerprint in Cyber Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :483–497.

An attack detection scheme is proposed to detect data integrity attacks on sensors in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). A combined fingerprint for sensor and process noise is created during the normal operation of the system. Under sensor spoofing attack, noise pattern deviates from the fingerprinted pattern enabling the proposed scheme to detect attacks. To extract the noise (difference between expected and observed value) a representative model of the system is derived. A Kalman filter is used for the purpose of state estimation. By subtracting the state estimates from the real system states, a residual vector is obtained. It is shown that in steady state the residual vector is a function of process and sensor noise. A set of time domain and frequency domain features is extracted from the residual vector. Feature set is provided to a machine learning algorithm to identify the sensor and process. Experiments are performed on two testbeds, a real-world water treatment (SWaT) facility and a water distribution (WADI) testbed. A class of zero-alarm attacks, designed for statistical detectors on SWaT are detected by the proposed scheme. It is shown that a multitude of sensors can be uniquely identified with accuracy higher than 90% based on the noise fingerprint.