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Speith, Julian, Schweins, Florian, Ender, Maik, Fyrbiak, Marc, May, Alexander, Paar, Christof.  2022.  How Not to Protect Your IP – An Industry-Wide Break of IEEE 1735 Implementations. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1656–1671.
Modern hardware systems are composed of a variety of third-party Intellectual Property (IP) cores to implement their overall functionality. Since hardware design is a globalized process involving various (untrusted) stakeholders, a secure management of the valuable IP between authors and users is inevitable to protect them from unauthorized access and modification. To this end, the widely adopted IEEE standard 1735-2014 was created to ensure confidentiality and integrity. In this paper, we outline structural weaknesses in IEEE 1735 that cannot be fixed with cryptographic solutions (given the contemporary hardware design process) and thus render the standard inherently insecure. We practically demonstrate the weaknesses by recovering the private keys of IEEE 1735 implementations from major Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool vendors, namely Intel, Xilinx, Cadence, Siemens, Microsemi, and Lattice, while results on a seventh case study are withheld. As a consequence, we can decrypt, modify, and re-encrypt all allegedly protected IP cores designed for the respective tools, thus leading to an industry-wide break. As part of this analysis, we are the first to publicly disclose three RSA-based white-box schemes that are used in real-world products and present cryptanalytical attacks for all of them, finally resulting in key recovery.
Farion-Melnyk, Antonina, Rozheliuk, Viktoria, Slipchenko, Tetiana, Banakh, Serhiy, Farion, Mykhailyna, Bilan, Oksana.  2021.  Ransomware Attacks: Risks, Protection and Prevention Measures. 2021 11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). :473—478.
This article is about the current situation of cybercrime activity in the world. Research was planned to seek the possible protection measures taking into account the last events which might create an appropriate background for increasing of ransomware damages and cybercrime attacks. Nowadays, the most spread types of cybercrimes are fishing, theft of personal or payment data, cryptojacking, cyberespionage and ransomware. The last one is the most dangerous. It has ability to spread quickly and causes damages and sufficient financial loses. The major problem of this ransomware type is unpredictability of its behavior. It could be overcome only after the defined ransom was paid. This conditions created an appropriate background for the activation of cyber criminals’ activity even the organization of cyber gangs – professional, well-organized and well-prepared (tactical) group. So, researches conducted in this field have theoretical and practical value in the scientific sphere of research.
Zeng, Siping, Guo, Xiaozhen.  2021.  Research on Key Technology of Software Intellectual Property Protection. 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data & Smart City (ICITBS). :329–332.
Traditional software intellectual property protection technology improves the complexity and anti-attack ability of the program, while it also increases the extra execution cost of the program. Therefore, this paper starts with the obfuscation of program control flow in reverse engineering to provide defense strategies for the protection of software intellectual property rights. Focusing on the parsing and obfuscation of Java byte code, we implement a prototype of code obfuscation system. The scheme improves the class aggregation and class splitting algorithms, discusses the fusion methods of various independent code obfuscation technologies, and provides the description and implementation of other key module algorithms. The experimental analysis shows that the obfuscation transformation scheme in this paper not only gets higher security, but also improves the program performance to a certain extent, which can effectively protect the intellectual property rights of Java software.
Kelly, Daniel M., Wellons, Christopher C., Coffman, Joel, Gearhart, Andrew S..  2019.  Automatically Validating the Effectiveness of Software Diversity Schemes. 2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks – Supplemental Volume (DSN-S). :1–2.
Software diversity promises to invert the current balance of power in cybersecurity by preventing exploit reuse. Nevertheless, the comparative evaluation of diversity techniques has received scant attention. In ongoing work, we use the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC) environment to assess the effectiveness of diversifying compilers in mitigating exploits. Our approach provides a quantitative comparison of diversity strategies and demonstrates wide variation in their effectiveness.
Proy, Julien, Heydemann, Karine, Berzati, Alexandre, Cohen, Albert.  2017.  Compiler-Assisted Loop Hardening Against Fault Attacks. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim.. 14:36:1–36:25.
Secure elements widely used in smartphones, digital consumer electronics, and payment systems are subject to fault attacks. To thwart such attacks, software protections are manually inserted requiring experts and time. The explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) in home, business, and public spaces motivates the hardening of a wider class of applications and the need to offer security solutions to non-experts. This article addresses the automated protection of loops at compilation time, covering the widest range of control- and data-flow patterns, in both shape and complexity. The security property we consider is that a sensitive loop must always perform the expected number of iterations; otherwise, an attack must be reported. We propose a generic compile-time loop hardening scheme based on the duplication of termination conditions and of the computations involved in the evaluation of such conditions. We also investigate how to preserve the security property along the compilation flow while enabling aggressive optimizations. We implemented this algorithm in LLVM 4.0 at the Intermediate Representation (IR) level in the backend. On average, the compiler automatically hardens 95% of the sensitive loops of typical security benchmarks, and 98% of these loops are shown to be robust to simulated faults. Performance and code size overhead remain quite affordable, at 12.5% and 14%, respectively.
Wu, Meng, Zhang, Yi, Mi, Xianya.  2016.  Binary Protection Using Dynamic Fine-grained Code Hiding and Obfuscation. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Network Security. :1–8.

Anti-reverse engineering is one of the core technologies of software intellectual property protection, prevailing techniques of which are static and dynamic obfuscation. Static obfuscation can only prevent static analysis with code mutation done before execution by compressing, encrypting and obfuscating. Dynamic obfuscation can prevent both static and dynamic analysis, which changes code while being executed. Popular dynamic obfuscation techniques include self-modifying code and virtual machine protection. Despite the higher safety, dynamic obfuscation has its problems: 1) code appear in plain text remains a long time; 2) control flow is exposable; 3) time and space overheads are too big. This paper presents a binary protection scheme using dynamic fine-grained code hiding and obfuscation named dynFCHO. In this scheme, basic blocks to be protected are hidden in original code and will be restored while being executed. Code obfuscation is also implemented additionally to enhance safety. Experiments prove that dynFCHO can effectively resist static and dynamic analysis without destructing original software functions. It can be used on most binary programs compiled by standard compilers. This scheme can be widely used with the advantages of strong protection, light-weight implementation, and good extendibility.

Kulkarni, A., Metta, R..  2014.  A New Code Obfuscation Scheme for Software Protection. Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), 2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on. :409-414.

IT industry loses tens of billions of dollars annually from security attacks such as tampering and malicious reverse engineering. Code obfuscation techniques counter such attacks by transforming code into patterns that resist the attacks. None of the current code obfuscation techniques satisfy all the obfuscation effectiveness criteria such as resistance to reverse engineering attacks and state space increase. To address this, we introduce new code patterns that we call nontrivial code clones and propose a new obfuscation scheme that combines nontrivial clones with existing obfuscation techniques to satisfy all the effectiveness criteria. The nontrivial code clones need to be constructed manually, thus adding to the development cost. This cost can be limited by cloning only the code fragments that need protection and by reusing the clones across projects. This makes it worthwhile considering the security risks. In this paper, we present our scheme and illustrate it with a toy example.