Traditionally Industrial Control System(ICS) used air-gap mechanism to protect Operational Technology (OT) networks from cyber-attacks. As internet is evolving and so are business models, customer supplier relationships and their needs are changing. Hence lot of ICS are now connected to internet by providing levels of defense strategies in between OT network and business network to overcome the traditional mechanism of air-gap. This upgrade made OT networks available and accessible through internet. OT networks involve number of physical objects and computer networks. Physical damages to system have become rare but the number of cyber-attacks occurring are evidently increasing. To tackle cyber-attacks, we have a number of measures in place like Firewalls, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). To ensure no attack on or suspicious behavior within network takes place, we can use visual aids like creating dashboards which are able to flag any such activity and create visual alert about same. This paper describes creation of parser object to convert Common Event Format(CEF) to Comma Separated Values(CSV) format and dashboard to extract maximum amount of data and analyze network behavior. And working of active querying by leveraging packet level data from network to analyze network inclusion in real-time. The mentioned methodology is verified on data collected from Waste Water Treatment Plant and results are presented.,} booktitle = {2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)
The need to process the verity, volume and velocity of data generated by today's Internet of Things (IoT) devices has pushed both academia and the industry to investigate new architectural alternatives to support the new challenges. As a result, Edge Computing (EC) has emerged to address these issues, by placing part of the cloud resources (e.g., computation, storage, logic) closer to the edge of the network, which allows faster and context dependent data analysis and storage. However, as EC infrastructures grow, different providers who do not necessarily trust each other need to collaborate in order serve different IoT devices. In this context, EC infrastructures, IoT devices and the data transiting the network all need to be subject to identity and provenance checks, in order to increase trust and accountability. Each device/data in the network needs to be identified and the provenance of its actions needs to be tracked. In this paper, we propose a blockchain container based architecture that implements the W3C-PROV Data Model, to track identities and provenance of all orchestration decisions of a business network. This architecture provides new forms of interaction between the different stakeholders, which supports trustworthy transactions and leads to a new decentralized interaction model for IoT based applications.