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Dhingra, Akshaya, Sindhu, Vikas.  2022.  A Study of RPL Attacks and Defense Mechanisms in the Internet of Things Network. 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS). :1-6.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that has evolved to make day-to-day life faster and easier. But with the increase in the number of users, the IoT network is prone to various security and privacy issues. And most of these issues/attacks occur during the routing of the data in the IoT network. Therefore, for secure routing among resource-constrained nodes of IoT, the RPL protocol has been standardized by IETF. But the RPL protocol is also vulnerable to attacks based on resources, topology formation and traffic flow between nodes. The attacks like DoS, Blackhole, eavesdropping, flood attacks and so on cannot be efficiently defended using RPL protocol for routing data in IoT networks. So, defense mechanisms are used to protect networks from routing attacks. And are classified into Secure Routing Protocols (SRPs) and Intrusion Detection systems (IDs). This paper gives an overview of the RPL attacks and the defense mechanisms used to detect or mitigate the RPL routing attacks in IoT networks.

Kiran, Usha.  2022.  IDS To Detect Worst Parent Selection Attack In RPL-Based IoT Network. 2022 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS). :769-773.

The most widely used protocol for routing across the 6LoWPAN stack is the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy (RPL) Network. However, the RPL lacks adequate security solutions, resulting in numerous internal and external security vulnerabilities. There is still much research work left to uncover RPL's shortcomings. As a result, we first implement the worst parent selection (WPS) attack in this paper. Second, we offer an intrusion detection system (IDS) to identify the WPS attack. The WPS attack modifies the victim node's objective function, causing it to choose the worst node as its preferred parent. Consequently, the network does not achieve optimal convergence, and nodes form the loop; a lower rank node selects a higher rank node as a parent, effectively isolating many nodes from the network. In addition, we propose DWA-IDS as an IDS for detecting WPS attacks. We use the Contiki-cooja simulator for simulation purposes. According to the simulation results, the WPS attack reduces system performance by increasing packet transmission time. The DWA-IDS simulation results show that our IDS detects all malicious nodes that launch the WPS attack. The true positive rate of the proposed DWA-IDS is more than 95%, and the detection rate is 100%. We also deliberate the theoretical proof for the false-positive case as our DWA-IDS do not have any false-positive case. The overhead of DWA-IDS is modest enough to be set up with low-power and memory-constrained devices.

Aneja, Sakshi, Mittal, Sumit, Sharma, Dhirendra.  2022.  An Optimized Mobility Management Framework for Routing Protocol Lossy Networks using Optimization Algorithm. 2022 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Internet of Things (IC3IoT). :1-8.

As a large number of sensor nodes as well as limited resources such as energy, memory, computing power, as well as bandwidth. Lossy linkages connect these nodes together. In early 2008,IETF working group looked into using current routing protocols for LLNs. Routing Over minimum power and Lossy networksROLL standardizes an IPv6 routing solution for LLNs because of the importance of LLNs in IoT.IPv6 Routing Protocol is based on the 6LoWPAN standard. RPL has matured significantly. The research community is becoming increasingly interested in it. The topology of RPL can be built in a variety of ways. It creates a topology in advance. Due to the lack of a complete review of RPL, in this paper a mobility management framework has been proposed along with experimental evaluation by applying parameters likePacket Delivery Ratio, throughput, end to end delay, consumed energy on the basis of the various parameters and its analysis done accurately. Finally, this paper can help academics better understand the RPL and engage in future research projects to improve it.

Raich, Philipp, Kastner, Wolfgang.  2022.  Failure Detectors for 6LoWPAN: Model and Implementation. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). :1-6.

Consensus is a basic building block in distributed systems for a myriad of related problems that involve agreement. For asynchronous networks, consensus has been proven impossible, and is well known as Augean task. Failure Detectors (FDs) have since emerged as a possible remedy, able to solve consensus in asynchronous systems under certain assumptions. With the increasing use of asynchronous, wireless Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, such as IEEE 802.15.4/6LoWPAN, the demand of applications that require some form of reliability and agreement is on the rise. What was missing so far is an FD that can operate under the tight constraints offered by Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) without compromising the efficiency of the network. We present 6LoFD, an FD specifically aimed at energy and memory efficient operation in small scale, unreliable networks, and evaluate its working principles by using an ns-3 implementation of 6LoFD.

Nair, Devika S, BJ, Santhosh Kumar.  2021.  Identifying Rank Attacks and Alert Application in WSN. 2021 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :798–802.
Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) is a fundamental routing protocol of 6LoWPAN, a centre correspondence standard for the Internet of Things. RPL outplay other wireless sensor and ad hoc routing protocols in the aspect of service (QoS), device management, and energy-saving performance. The Rank definition in RPL addresses several issues, such as path optimization, loop avoidance, and power overhead management. RPL rank and version number attacks are two types of the most common forms of RPL attacks, may have crucial ramification for RPL networks. The research directed upon these attacks includes considerable vulnerabilities and efficiency issues. The rank attack on sensor networks is perhaps the utmost common, posing a challenge to network connectivity by falling data or disrupting routing routes. This work presents a rank attack detection system focusing on RPL. Considering many of such issues a method has been proposed using spatial correlation function (SCF) and Dijkstra's algorithm considering parameters like energy and throughput.
Preda, M., Patriciu, V..  2020.  Simulating RPL Attacks in 6lowpan for Detection Purposes. 2020 13th International Conference on Communications (COMM). :239–245.
The Internet of Things (IoT) integrates the Internet and electronic devices belonging to different domains, such as smart home automation, industrial processes, military applications, health, and environmental monitoring. Usually, IoT devices have limited resources and Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) are being used to interconnect such devices. Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is one of the preferred routing protocols for this type of network, since it was specially developed for LLNs, also known as IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN). In this paper the most well-known routing attacks against 6LoWPAN networks were studied and implemented through simulation, conducting a behavioral analysis of network components (resources, topology, and data traffic) under attack condition. In order to achieve a better understanding on how attacks in 6LoWPAN work, we first conducted a study on 6LoWPAN networks and RPL protocol functioning. Furthermore, we also studied a series of well-known routing attacks against this type of Wireless Sensor Networks and these attacks were then simulated using Cooja simulator provided by Contiki operating system. The results obtained after the simulations are discussed along with other previous researches. This analysis may be of real interest when it comes to identify indicators of compromise for each type of attack and appropriate countermeasures for prevention and detection of these attacks.
Nandhini, P.S., Mehtre, B.M..  2019.  Intrusion Detection System Based RPL Attack Detection Techniques and Countermeasures in IoT: A Comparison. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :666—672.

Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Network (RPL) is a light weight routing protocol designed for LLN (Low Power Lossy Networks). It is a source routing protocol. Due to constrained nature of resources in LLN, RPL is exposed to various attacks such as blackhole attack, wormhole attack, rank attack, version attack, etc. IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is one of the countermeasures for detection and prevention of attacks for RPL based loT. Traditional IDS techniques are not suitable for LLN due to certain characteristics like different protocol stack, standards and constrained resources. In this paper, we have presented various IDS research contribution for RPL based routing attacks. We have also classified the proposed IDS in the literature, according to the detection techniques. Therefore, this comparison will be an eye-opening stuff for future research in mitigating routing attacks for RPL based IoT.

Semedo, Felisberto, Moradpoor, Naghmeh, Rafiq, Majid.  2018.  Vulnerability Assessment of Objective Function of RPL Protocol for Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. :1:1–1:6.
The Internet of Things (IoT) can be described as the ever-growing global network of objects with built-in sensing and communication interfaces such as sensors, Global Positioning devices (GPS) and Local Area Network (LAN) interfaces. Security is by far one of the biggest challenges in IoT networks. This includes secure routing which involves the secure creation of traffic routes and secure transmission of routed packets from a source to a destination. The Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy network (RPL) is one of the popular IoT's routing protocol that supports IPv6 communication. However, it suffers from having a basic system for supporting secure routing procedure which makes the RPL vulnerable to many attacks. This includes rank attack manipulation. Objective Function (OF) is one of the extreme importance features of RPL which influences an IoT network in terms of routing strategies as well as network topology. However, current literature lacks study of vulnerability analysis of OFs. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the vulnerability assessment of OF of RPL protocol. For this, we focus on the rank attack manipulation and two popular OFs: Objective Function Zero (OF0) and the Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function (MRHOF).