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Rahkema, Kristiina, Pfahl, Dietmar.  2022.  Quality Analysis of iOS Applications with Focus on Maintainability and Security. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). :602–606.
We use mobile apps on a daily basis and there is an app for everything. We trust these applications with our most personal data. It is therefore important that these apps are as secure and well usable as possible. So far most studies on the maintenance and security of mobile applications have been done on Android applications. We do, however, not know how well these results translate to iOS.This research project aims to close this gap by analysing iOS applications with regards to maintainability and security. Regarding maintainability, we analyse code smells in iOS applications, the evolution of code smells in iOS applications and compare code smell distributions in iOS and Android applications. Regarding security, we analyse the evolution of the third-party library dependency network for the iOS ecosystem. Additionally, we analyse how publicly reported vulnerabilities spread in the library dependency network.Regarding maintainability, we found that the distributions of code smells in iOS and Android applications differ. Code smells in iOS applications tend to correspond to smaller classes, such as Lazy Class. Regarding security, we found that the library dependency network of the iOS ecosystem is not growing as fast as in some other ecosystems. There are less dependencies on average than for example in the npm ecosystem and, therefore, vulnerabilities do not spread as far.
ISSN: 2576-3148
Brenner, Bernhard, Weippl, Edgar, Ekelhart, Andreas.  2019.  Security Related Technical Debt in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering Process. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 1:3012–3017.

Technical debt is an analogy introduced in 1992 by Cunningham to help explain how intentional decisions not to follow a gold standard or best practice in order to save time or effort during creation of software can later on lead to a product of lower quality in terms of product quality itself, reliability, maintainability or extensibility. Little work has been done so far that applies this analogy to cyber physical (production) systems (CP(P)S). Also there is only little work that uses this analogy for security related issues. This work aims to fill this gap: We want to find out which security related symptoms within the field of cyber physical production systems can be traced back to TD items during all phases, from requirements and design down to maintenance and operation. This work shall support experts from the field by being a first step in exploring the relationship between not following security best practices and concrete increase of costs due to TD as consequence.

Ludwig, Jeremy, Xu, Steven, Webber, Frederick.  2018.  Static Software Metrics for Reliability and Maintainability. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Technical Debt. :53-54.

This paper identifies a small, essential set of static software code metrics linked to the software product quality characteristics of reliability and maintainability and to the most commonly identified sources of technical debt. An open-source plug-in is created for the Understand code analysis tool that calculates and visualizes these metrics. The plug-in was developed as a first step in an ongoing project aimed at applying case-based reasoning to the issue of software product quality.1