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Conference Paper
Lekshmi, M. B., Deepthi, V. R..  2018.  Spam Detection Framework for Online Reviews Using Hadoop’ s Computational Capability. 2018 International CET Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (IC4). :436–440.
Nowadays, online reviews have become one of the vital elements for customers to do online shopping. Organizations and individuals use this information to buy the right products and make business decisions. This has influenced the spammers or unethical business people to create false reviews and promote their products to out-beat competitions. Sophisticated systems are developed by spammers to create bulk of spam reviews in any websites within hours. To tackle this problem, studies have been conducted to formulate effective ways to detect the spam reviews. Various spam detection methods have been introduced in which most of them extracts meaningful features from the text or used machine learning techniques. These approaches gave little importance on extracted feature type and processing rate. NetSpam[1] defines a framework which can classify the review dataset based on spam features and maps them to a spam detection procedure which performs better than previous works in predictive accuracy. In this work, a method is proposed that can improve the processing rate by applying a distributed approach on review dataset using MapReduce feature. Parallel programming concept using MapReduce is used for processing big data in Hadoop. The solution involves parallelising the algorithm defined in NetSpam and it defines a spam detection procedure with better predictive accuracy and processing rate.
Shahariar, G. M., Biswas, Swapnil, Omar, Faiza, Shah, Faisal Muhammad, Binte Hassan, Samiha.  2019.  Spam Review Detection Using Deep Learning. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0027–0033.

A robust and reliable system of detecting spam reviews is a crying need in todays world in order to purchase products without being cheated from online sites. In many online sites, there are options for posting reviews, and thus creating scopes for fake paid reviews or untruthful reviews. These concocted reviews can mislead the general public and put them in a perplexity whether to believe the review or not. Prominent machine learning techniques have been introduced to solve the problem of spam review detection. The majority of current research has concentrated on supervised learning methods, which require labeled data - an inadequacy when it comes to online review. Our focus in this article is to detect any deceptive text reviews. In order to achieve that we have worked with both labeled and unlabeled data and proposed deep learning methods for spam review detection which includes Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a variant of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that is Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). We have also applied some traditional machine learning classifiers such as Nave Bayes (NB), K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to detect spam reviews and finally, we have shown the performance comparison for both traditional and deep learning classifiers.