Spam emails have been a chronic issue in computer security. They are very costly economically and extremely dangerous for computers and networks. Despite of the emergence of social networks and other Internet based information exchange venues, dependence on email communication has increased over the years and this dependence has resulted in an urgent need to improve spam filters. Although many spam filters have been created to help prevent these spam emails from entering a user's inbox, there is a lack or research focusing on text modifications. Currently, Naive Bayes is one of the most popular methods of spam classification because of its simplicity and efficiency. Naive Bayes is also very accurate; however, it is unable to correctly classify emails when they contain leetspeak or diacritics. Thus, in this proposes, we implemented a novel algorithm for enhancing the accuracy of the Naive Bayes Spam Filter so that it can detect text modifications and correctly classify the email as spam or ham. Our Python algorithm combines semantic based, keyword based, and machine learning algorithms to increase the accuracy of Naive Bayes compared to Spamassassin by over two hundred percent. Additionally, we have discovered a relationship between the length of the email and the spam score, indicating that Bayesian Poisoning, a controversial topic, is actually a real phenomenon and utilized by spammers.
Short Message Service is now-days the most used way of communication in the electronic world. While many researches exist on the email spam detection, we haven't had the insight knowledge about the spam done within the SMS's. This might be because the frequency of spam in these short messages is quite low than the emails. This paper presents different ways of analyzing spam for SMS and a new pre-processing way to get the actual dataset of spam messages. This dataset was then used on different algorithm techniques to find the best working algorithm in terms of both accuracy and recall. Random Forest algorithm was then implemented in a real world application library written in C\# for cross platform .Net development. This library is capable of using a prebuild model for classifying a new dataset for spam and ham.