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Fajri, M., Hariyanto, N., Gemsjaeger, B..  2020.  Automatic Protection Implementation Considering Protection Assessment Method of DER Penetration for Smart Distribution Network. 2020 International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICT-PEP). :323—328.
Due to geographical locations of Indonesia, some technology such as hydro and solar photovoltaics are very attractive to be used and developed. Distribution Energy Resources (DER) is the appropriate schemes implemented to achieve optimal operation respecting the location and capacity of the plant. The Gorontalo sub-system network was chosen as a case study considering both of micro-hydro and PV as contributed to supply the grid. The needs of a smart electrical system are required to improve reliability, power quality, and adaptation to any circumstances during DER application. While the topology was changing over time, intermittent of DER output and bidirectional power flow can be overcome with smart grid systems. In this study, an automation algorithm has been conducted to aid the engineers in solving the protection problems caused by DER implementation. The Protection Security Assessment (PSA) method is used to evaluate the state of the protection system. Determine the relay settings using an adaptive rule-based method on expert systems. The application with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed to make user easier to get the specific relay settings and locations which are sensitive, fast, reliable, and selective.
Ikhsan, Mukhammad Gufron, Ramli, Kalamullah.  2019.  Measuring the Information Security Awareness Level of Government Employees Through Phishing Assessment. 2019 34th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). :1—4.

As an important institutional element, government information security is not only related to technical issues but also to human resources. Various types of information security instruments in an institution cannot provide maximum protection as long as employees still have a low level of information security awareness. This study aims to measure the level of information security awareness of government employees through case studies at the Directorate General of ABC (DG ABC) in Indonesia. This study used two methods, behavior approach through phishing simulation and knowledge approach through a questionnaire on a Likert scale. The simulation results were analyzed on a percentage scale and compared to the results of the questionnaire to determine the level of employees' information security awareness and determine which method was the best. Results show a significant relationship between the simulation results and the questionnaire results. Among the employees who opened the email, 69% clicked on the link that led to the camouflage page and through the questionnaire, it was found that the information security awareness level of DG ABC employees was at the level of 79.32% which was the lower limit of the GOOD category.

Setyono, R. Puji, Sarno, R..  2018.  Vendor Track Record Selection Using Best Worst Method. 2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication. :41–48.
Every company will largely depend on other companies. This will help unite a large business process. Risks that arise from other companies will affect the business performance of a company. Because of this, the right choice for suppliers is crucial. Each vendor has different characteristics. Everything is not always suitable basically the selection process is quite complex and risky. This has led to a new case study which has been studied for years by researchers known as Supplier Selection Problems. Selection of vendors with multi-criteria decision making has been widely studied over years ago. The Best Worst Method is a new science in Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) determination. In this research, taking case study at XYZ company is in Indonesia which is engaged in mining and industry. The research utilized the transaction data that have been recorded by the XYZ company and analyzed vendor valuation. The weighting of Best Worst Method is calculated based on vendor assessment result. The results show that XYZ company still focuses on Price as its key criteria.