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Piskachev, Goran, Nguyen Quang Do, Lisa, Johnson, Oshando, Bodden, Eric.  2019.  SWAN\_ASSIST: Semi-Automated Detection of Code-Specific, Security-Relevant Methods. 2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). :1094–1097.
To detect specific types of bugs and vulnerabilities, static analysis tools must be correctly configured with security-relevant methods (SRM), e.g., sources, sinks, sanitizers and authentication methods-usually a very labour-intensive and error-prone process. This work presents the semi-automated tool SWAN\_ASSIST, which aids the configuration with an IntelliJ plugin based on active machine learning. It integrates our novel automated machine-learning approach SWAN, which identifies and classifies Java SRM. SWAN\_ASSIST further integrates user feedback through iterative learning. SWAN\_ASSIST aids developers by asking them to classify at each point in time exactly those methods whose classification best impact the classification result. Our experiments show that SWAN\_ASSIST classifies SRM with a high precision, and requires a relatively low effort from the user. A video demo of SWAN\_ASSIST can be found at The source code is available at
Singleton, Larry, Zhao, Rui, Song, Myoungkyu, Siy, Harvey.  2019.  FireBugs: Finding and Repairing Bugs with Security Patterns. 2019 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft). :30—34.

Security is often a critical problem in software systems. The consequences of the failure lead to substantial economic loss or extensive environmental damage. Developing secure software is challenging, and retrofitting existing systems to introduce security is even harder. In this paper, we propose an automated approach for Finding and Repairing Bugs based on security patterns (FireBugs), to repair defects causing security vulnerabilities. To locate and fix security bugs, we apply security patterns that are reusable solutions comprising large amounts of software design experience in many different situations. In the evaluation, we investigated 2,800 Android app repositories to apply our approach to 200 subject projects that use javax.crypto APIs. The vision of our automated approach is to reduce software maintenance burdens where the number of outstanding software defects exceeds available resources. Our ultimate vision is to design more security patterns that have a positive impact on software quality by disseminating correlated sets of best security design practices and knowledge.

Sultana, Kazi Zakia, Chong, Tai-Yin.  2019.  A Proposed Approach to Build an Automated Software Security Assessment Framework using Mined Patterns and Metrics. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). :176–181.

Software security is a major concern of the developers who intend to deliver a reliable software. Although there is research that focuses on vulnerability prediction and discovery, there is still a need for building security-specific metrics to measure software security and vulnerability-proneness quantitatively. The existing methods are either based on software metrics (defined on the physical characteristics of code; e.g. complexity or lines of code) which are not security-specific or some generic patterns known as nano-patterns (Java method-level traceable patterns that characterize a Java method or function). Other methods predict vulnerabilities using text mining approaches or graph algorithms which perform poorly in cross-project validation and fail to be a generalized prediction model for any system. In this paper, we envision to construct an automated framework that will assist developers to assess the security level of their code and guide them towards developing secure code. To accomplish this goal, we aim to refine and redefine the existing nano-patterns and software metrics to make them more security-centric so that they can be used for measuring the software security level of a source code (either file or function) with higher accuracy. In this paper, we present our visionary approach through a series of three consecutive studies where we (1) will study the challenges of the current software metrics and nano-patterns in vulnerability prediction, (2) will redefine and characterize the nano-patterns and software metrics so that they can capture security-specific properties of code and measure the security level quantitatively, and finally (3) will implement an automated framework for the developers to automatically extract the values of all the patterns and metrics for the given code segment and then flag the estimated security level as a feedback based on our research results. We accomplished some preliminary experiments and presented the results which indicate that our vision can be practically implemented and will have valuable implications in the community of software security.

Visalli, Nicholas, Deng, Lin, Al-Suwaida, Amro, Brown, Zachary, Joshi, Manish, Wei, Bingyang.  2019.  Towards Automated Security Vulnerability and Software Defect Localization. 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA). :90–93.

Security vulnerabilities and software defects are prevalent in software systems, threatening every aspect of cyberspace. The complexity of modern software makes it hard to secure systems. Security vulnerabilities and software defects become a major target of cyberattacks which can lead to significant consequences. Manual identification of vulnerabilities and defects in software systems is very time-consuming and tedious. Many tools have been designed to help analyze software systems and to discover vulnerabilities and defects. However, these tools tend to miss various types of bugs. The bugs that are not caught by these tools usually include vulnerabilities and defects that are too complicated to find or do not fall inside of an existing rule-set for identification. It was hypothesized that these undiscovered vulnerabilities and defects do not occur randomly, rather, they share certain common characteristics. A methodology was proposed to detect the probability of a bug existing in a code structure. We used a comprehensive experimental evaluation to assess the methodology and report our findings.

Imtiaz, Sayem Mohammad, Bhowmik, Tanmay.  2018.  Towards Data-driven Vulnerability Prediction for Requirements. Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. :744–748.
Due to the abundance of security breaches we continue to see, the software development community is recently paying attention to a more proactive approach towards security. This includes predicting vulnerability before exploitation employing static code analysis and machine learning techniques. Such mechanisms, however, are designed to detect post-implementation vulnerabilities. As the root of a vulnerability can often be traced back to the requirement specification, and vulnerability discovered later in the development life cycle is more expensive to fix, we need additional preventive mechanisms capable of predicting vulnerability at a much earlier stage. In this paper, we propose a novel framework providing an automated support to predict vulnerabilities for a requirement as early as during requirement engineering. We further present a preliminary demonstration of our framework and the promising results we observe clearly indicate the value of this new research idea.
Schwartz, Edward J., Cohen, Cory F., Duggan, Michael, Gennari, Jeffrey, Havrilla, Jeffrey S., Hines, Charles.  2018.  Using Logic Programming to Recover C++ Classes and Methods from Compiled Executables. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :426–441.
High-level C++ source code abstractions such as classes and methods greatly assist human analysts and automated algorithms alike when analyzing C++ programs. Unfortunately, these abstractions are lost when compiling C++ source code, which impedes the understanding of C++ executables. In this paper, we propose a system, OOAnalyzer, that uses an innovative new design to statically recover detailed C++ abstractions from executables in a scalable manner. OOAnalyzer's design is motivated by the observation that many human analysts reason about C++ programs by recognizing simple patterns in binary code and then combining these findings using logical inference, domain knowledge, and intuition. We codify this approach by combining a lightweight symbolic analysis with a flexible Prolog-based reasoning system. Unlike most existing work, OOAnalyzer is able to recover both polymorphic and non-polymorphic C++ classes. We show in our evaluation that OOAnalyzer assigns over 78% of methods to the correct class on our test corpus, which includes both malware and real-world software such as Firefox and MySQL. These recovered abstractions can help analysts understand the behavior of C++ malware and cleanware, and can also improve the precision of program analyses on C++ executables.
Pasic, Faruk.  2018.  Model-driven Development of Condition Monitoring Software. Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings. :162–167.
High availability of automation systems is one of the main goals for the companies from all industrial branches. To achieve and maintain this high availability, the condition monitoring of the automation systems is an essential building block. However, as automation systems become increasingly equipped with numerous mechanical, electrical, and software components, creating a condition monitoring solution is becoming more and more challenging and requires knowledge from multiple engineering disciplines. Today, creating a condition monitoring solution is mostly based on the experience and preferences of the developers without a systematic and interdisciplinary method. Today, methods and tools supporting an interdisciplinary development exist. However, they do not fully consider condition monitoring relevant information. In addition, tools that increase software productivity and ease the adjustment of condition monitoring software are lacking. The main goal of this paper is to narrow the condition monitoring expertise gap by proposing convenient, systematic, and automated techniques to support the development of condition monitoring solutions from their design to their implementation. To achieve this goal, we propose an extension of the CONSENS systems engineering method to face issues caused in the design phase. By adopting a Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach, we propose a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for condition monitoring that promotes increased understandability, and automation during the software implementation phase.
Hammad, Mahmoud, Garcia, Joshua, Malek, Sam.  2018.  Self-protection of Android Systems from Inter-component Communication Attacks. Proceedings of the 33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. :726–737.
The current security mechanisms for Android apps, both static and dynamic analysis approaches, are insufficient for detection and prevention of the increasingly dynamic and sophisticated security attacks. Static analysis approaches suffer from false positives whereas dynamic analysis approaches suffer from false negatives. Moreover, they all lack the ability to efficiently analyze systems with incremental changes—such as adding/removing apps, granting/revoking permissions, and dynamic components’ communications. Each time the system changes, the entire analysis needs to be repeated, making the existing approaches inefficient for practical use. To mitigate their shortcomings, we have developed SALMA, a novel self-protecting Android software system that monitors itself and adapts its behavior at runtime to prevent a wide-range of security risks. SALMA maintains a precise architectural model, represented as a Multiple-Domain-Matrix, and incrementally and efficiently analyzes an Android system in response to incremental system changes. The maintained architecture is used to reason about the running Android system. Every time the system changes, SALMA determines (1) the impacted part of the system, and (2) the subset of the security analyses that need to be performed, thereby greatly improving the performance of the approach. Our experimental results on hundreds of real-world apps corroborate SALMA’s scalability and efficiency as well as its ability to detect and prevent security attacks at runtime with minimal disruption.
Kannavara, R., Vangore, J., Roberts, W., Lindholm, M., Shrivastav, P..  2018.  Automating Threat Intelligence for SDL. 2018 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev). :137–137.
Threat intelligence is very important in order to execute a well-informed Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). Although there are many readily available solutions supporting tactical threat intelligence focusing on enterprise Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, the lack of threat intelligence solutions focusing on SDL is a known gap which is acknowledged by the security community. To address this shortcoming, we present a solution to automate the process of mining open source threat information sources to deliver product specific threat indicators designed to strategically inform the SDL while continuously monitoring for disclosures of relevant potential vulnerabilities during product design, development, and beyond deployment.
Lin, Y., Qi, Z., Wu, H., Yang, Z., Zhang, J., Wenyin, L..  2018.  CoderChain: A BlockChain Community for Coders. 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :246–247.
An online community based on blockchain is proposed for software developers to share, assess, and learn codes and other codes or software related knowledge. It involves three modules or roles, namely: developer (or coder, or more generally, knowledge contributor), code (or knowledge contribution), and jury (or assessor, who is usually a developer with advanced skills), in addition to the blockchain based database. Each full node of the blockchain hosts a copy of all activities of developers in such community, including uploading contributions, assessing others' contributions, and conducting transactions. Smart contracts are applicable to automate transactions after code assessment or other related activities. The system aims to assess and improve the value of codes accurately, stimulate the creativity of the developers, and improve software development efficiency, so as to establish a virtuous cycle of a software development community.
Laverdière, M., Merlo, E..  2018.  Detection of protection-impacting changes during software evolution. 2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :434–444.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is often used in web applications to restrict operations and protect security sensitive information and resources. Web applications regularly undergo maintenance and evolution and their security may be affected by source code changes between releases. To prevent security regression and vulnerabilities, developers have to take re-validation actions before deploying new releases. This may become a significant undertaking, especially when quick and repeated releases are sought. We define protection-impacting changes as those changed statements during evolution that alter privilege protection of some code. We propose an automated method that identifies protection-impacting changes within all changed statements between two versions. The proposed approach compares statically computed security protection models and repository information corresponding to different releases of a system to identify protection-impacting changes. Results of experiments present the occurrence of protection-impacting changes over 210 release pairs of WordPress, a PHP content management web application. First, we show that only 41% of the release pairs present protection-impacting changes. Second, for these affected release pairs, protection-impacting changes can be identified and represent a median of 47.00 lines of code, that is 27.41% of the total changed lines of code. Over all investigated releases in WordPress, protection-impacting changes amounted to 10.89% of changed lines of code. Conversely, an average of about 89% of changed source code have no impact on RBAC security and thus need no re-validation nor investigation. The proposed method reduces the amount of candidate causes of protection changes that developers need to investigate. This information could help developers re-validate application security, identify causes of negative security changes, and perform repairs in a more effective way.

Zeinali, M., Hadavi, M. A..  2018.  Threat Extraction Method Based on UML Software Description. 2018 15th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :1–8.
Threat modeling is one of the best practices to secure software development. A primary challenge for using this practice is how to extract threats. Existing threat extraction methods to this purpose are mainly based on penetration tests or vulnerability databases. This imposes a non-automated timeconsuming process, which fully relies on the human knowledge and expertise. In this paper, a method is presented, which can extract the threats to a software system based on the existing description of the software behavior. We elaborately describe software behavior with sequence diagrams enriched by security relevant attributes. To enrich a sequence diagram, some attributes and their associated values are added to the diagram elements and the communication between them. We have also developed a threat knowledge base from reliable sources such as CWE and CAPEC lists. Every threat in the knowledge base is described according to its occurrence conditions in the software. To extract threats of a software system, the enriched sequence diagrams describing the software behavior are matched with the threat rules in our knowledge base using a simple inference process. Results in a set of potential threats for the software system. The proposed method is applied on a software application to extract its threats. Our case study indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to other existing methods.
Hejderup, J., Deursen, A. v, Gousios, G..  2018.  Software Ecosystem Call Graph for Dependency Management. 2018 IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Technologies Results (ICSE-NIER). :101–104.
A popular form of software reuse is the use of open source software libraries hosted on centralized code repositories, such as Maven or npm. Developers only need to declare dependencies to external libraries, and automated tools make them available to the workspace of the project. Recent incidents, such as the Equifax data breach and the leftpad package removal, demonstrate the difficulty in assessing the severity, impact and spread of bugs in dependency networks. While dependency checkers are being adapted as a counter measure, they only provide indicative information. To remedy this situation, we propose a fine-grained dependency network that goes beyond packages and into call graphs. The result is a versioned ecosystem-level call graph. In this paper, we outline the process to construct the proposed graph and present a preliminary evaluation of a security issue from a core package to an affected client application.
Krishnamurthy, R., Meinel, M., Haupt, C., Schreiber, A., Mader, P..  2018.  DLR Secure Software Engineering. 2018 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Security Awareness from Design to Deployment (SEAD). :49–50.
DLR as research organization increasingly faces the task to share its self-developed software with partners or publish openly. Hence, it is very important to harden the softwares to avoid opening attack vectors. Especially since DLR software is typically not developed by software engineering or security experts. In this paper we describe the data-oriented approach of our new found secure software engineering group to improve the software development process towards more secure software. Therefore, we have a look at the automated security evaluation of software as well as the possibilities to capture information about the development process. Our aim is to use our information sources to improve software development processes to produce high quality secure software.