With the rapid development of radio detection and wireless communication, narrowband radio-frequency interference (NB-RFI) is a serious threat for GNSS-R (global navigation satellite systems - reflectometry) receivers. However, interferometric GNSS-R (iGNSS-R) is more prone to the NB-RFIs than conventional GNSS-R (cGNSS-R), due to wider bandwidth and unclean replica. Therefore, there is strong demand of detecting and mitigating NB-RFIs for GNSS-R receivers, especially iGNSS-R receivers. Hence, focusing on working with high sampling rate and simplifying the fixed-point implementation on FPGA, this paper proposes a system design exploiting cascading IIR band-stop filters (BSFs) to suppress NB-RFIs. Furthermore, IIR BSF compared with IIR notch filter (NF) and IIR band-pass filter (BPF) is the merely choice that is able to mitigate both white narrowband interference (WNBI) and continuous wave interference (CWI) well. Finally, validation and evaluation are conducted, and then it is indicated that the system design can detect NB-RFIs and suppress WNBI and CWI effectively, which improves the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the Delay-Doppler map (DDM).
Energy efficiency and security is a critical requirement for computing at edge nodes. Unrolled architectures for lightweight cryptographic algorithms have been shown to be energy-efficient, providing higher performance while meeting resource constraints. Hardware implementations of unrolled datapaths have also been shown to be resistant to side channel analysis (SCA) attacks due to a reduction in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and an increased complexity in the leakage model. This paper demonstrates optimal leakage models and an improved CFA attack which makes it feasible to extract first-order side-channel leakages from combinational logic in the initial rounds of unrolled datapaths. Several leakage models, targeting initial rounds, are explored and 1-bit hamming weight (HW) based leakage model is shown to be an optimal choice. Additionally, multi-band narrow bandpass filtering techniques in conjunction with correlation frequency analysis (CFA) is demonstrated to improve SNR by up to 4×, attributed to the removal of the misalignment effect in combinational logics and signal isolation. The improved CFA attack is performed on side channel signatures acquired for 7-round unrolled SIMON datapaths, implemented on Sakura-G (XILINX spartan 6, 45nm) based FPGA platform and a 24× reduction in minimum-traces-to-disclose (MTD) for revealing 80% of the key bits is demonstrated with respect to conventional time domain correlation power analysis (CPA). Finally, the proposed method is successfully applied to a fully-unrolled datapath for PRINCE and a parallel round-based datapath for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to demonstrate its general applicability.
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) aims at providing a better quality of life to people suffering from neuromuscular disability. This paper establishes a BCI paradigm to provide a biometric security option, used for locking and unlocking personal computers or mobile phones. Although it is primarily meant for the people with neurological disorder, its application can safely be extended for the use of normal people. The proposed scheme decodes the electroencephalogram signals liberated by the brain of the subjects, when they are engaged in selecting a sequence of dots in(6×6)2-dimensional array, representing a pattern lock. The subject, while selecting the right dot in a row, would yield a P300 signal, which is decoded later by the brain-computer interface system to understand the subject's intention. In case the right dots in all the 6 rows are correctly selected, the subject would yield P300 signals six times, which on being decoded by a BCI system would allow the subject to access the system. Because of intra-subjective variation in the amplitude and wave-shape of the P300 signal, a type 2 fuzzy classifier has been employed to classify the presence/absence of the P300 signal in the desired window. A comparison of performances of the proposed classifier with others is also included. The functionality of the proposed system has been validated using the training instances generated for 30 subjects. Experimental results confirm that the classification accuracy for the present scheme is above 90% irrespective of subjects.
Air-gap data is important for the security of computer systems. The injection of the computer virus is limited but possible, however data communication channel is necessary for the transmission of stolen data. This paper considers BFSK digital modulation applied to brightness changes of screen for unidirectional transmission of valuable data. Experimental validation and limitations of the proposed technique are provided.
As a plethora of wearable devices are being introduced, significant concerns exist on the privacy and security of personal data stored on these devices. Expanding on recent works of using electrocardiogram (ECG) as a modality for biometric authentication, in this work, we investigate the possibility of using personal ECG signals as the individually unique source for physical unclonable function (PUF), which eventually can be used as the key for encryption and decryption engines. We present new signal processing and machine learning algorithms that learn and extract maximally different ECG features for different individuals and minimally different ECG features for the same individual over time. Experimental results with a large 741-subject in-house ECG database show that the distributions of the intra-subject (same person) Hamming distance of extracted ECG features and the inter-subject Hamming distance have minimal overlap. 256-b random numbers generated from the ECG features of 648 (out of 741) subjects pass the NIST randomness tests.
Most Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR) techniques produce synthesized images which contain non-uniform geometric distortions affecting edges coherency. This type of distortions are challenging for common image quality metrics. Morphological filters maintain important geometric information such as edges across different resolution levels. There is inherent congruence between the morphological pyramid decomposition scheme and human visual perception. In this paper, multi-scale measure, morphological pyramid peak signal-to-noise ratio MP-PSNR, based on morphological pyramid decomposition is proposed for the evaluation of DIBR synthesized images. It is shown that MPPSNR achieves much higher correlation with human judgment compared to the state-of-the-art image quality measures in this context.
We present a new method for mitigating wall return and a new greedy algorithm for detecting stationary targets after wall clutter has been cancelled. Given limited measurements of a stepped-frequency radar signal consisting of both wall and target return, our objective is to detect and localize the potential targets. Modulated Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences (DPSS's) form an efficient basis for sampled bandpass signals. We mitigate the wall clutter efficiently within the compressive measurements through the use of a bandpass modulated DPSS basis. Then, in each step of an iterative algorithm for detecting the target positions, we use a modulated DPSS basis to cancel nearly all of the target return corresponding to previously selected targets. With this basis, we improve upon the target detection sensitivity of a Fourier-based technique.
Sampling multiband radar signals is an essential issue of multiband/multifunction radar. This paper proposes a multiband quadrature compressive sampling (MQCS) system to perform the sampling at sub-Landau rate. The MQCS system randomly projects the multiband signal into a compressive multiband one by modulating each subband signal with a low-pass signal and then samples the compressive multiband signal at Landau-rate with output of compressive measurements. The compressive inphase and quadrature (I/Q) components of each subband are extracted from the compressive measurements respectively and are exploited to recover the baseband I/Q components. As effective bandwidth of the compressive multiband signal is much less than that of the received multiband one, the sampling rate is much less than Landau rate of the received signal. Simulation results validate that the proposed MQCS system can effectively acquire and reconstruct the baseband I/Q components of the multiband signals.
Sampling and reconstruction (S&R) are used in virtually all areas of science and technology. The classical sampling theorem is a theoretical foundation of S&R. However, for a long time, only sampling rates and ways of the sampled signals representation were derived from it. The fact that the design of S&R circuits (SCs and RCs) is based on a certain interpretation of the sampling theorem was mostly forgotten. The traditional interpretation of this theorem was selected at the time of the theorem introduction because it offered the only feasible way of S&R realization then. At that time, its drawbacks did not manifest themselves. By now, this interpretation has largely exhausted its potential and inhibits future progress in the field. This tutorial expands the theoretical foundation of S&R. It shows that the traditional interpretation, which is indirect, can be replaced by the direct one or by various combinations of the direct and indirect interpretations that enable development of novel SCs and RCs (NSCs and NRCs) with advanced properties. The tutorial explains the basic principles of the NSCs and NRCs design, their advantages, as well as theoretical problems and practical challenges of their realization. The influence of the NSCs and NRCs on the architectures of SDRs and CRs is also discussed.