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Dikii, D. I..  2020.  Remote Access Control Model for MQTT Protocol. 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :288–291.
The author considers the Internet of Things security problems, namely, the organization of secure access control when using the MQTT protocol. Security mechanisms and methods that are employed or supported by the MQTT protocol have been analyzed. Thus, the protocol employs authentication by the login and password. In addition, it supports cryptographic processing over transferring data via the TLS protocol. Third-party services on OAuth protocol can be used for authentication. The authorization takes place by configuring the ACL-files or via third-party services and databases. The author suggests a device discretionary access control model of machine-to-machine interaction under the MQTT protocol, which is based on the HRU-model. The model entails six operators: the addition and deletion of a subject, the addition and deletion of an object, the addition and deletion of access privileges. The access control model is presented in a form of an access matrix and has three types of privileges: read, write, ownership. The model is composed in a way that makes it compatible with the protocol of a widespread version v3.1.1. The available types of messages in the MQTT protocol allow for the adjustment of access privileges. The author considered an algorithm with such a service data unit build that the unit could easily be distinguished in the message body. The implementation of the suggested model will lead to the minimization of administrator's involvement due to the possibility for devices to determine access privileges to the information resource without human involvement. The author suggests recommendations for security policies, when organizing an informational exchange in accordance with the MQTT protocol.
Zhang, Xianzhen, Chen, Zhanfang, Gong, Yue, Liu, Wen.  2019.  A Access Control Model of Associated Data Sets Based on Game Theory. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data and Business Intelligence (MLBDBI). :1–4.
With the popularity of Internet applications and rapid development, data using and sharing process may lead to the sensitive information divulgence. To deal with the privacy protection issue more effectively, in this paper, we propose the associated data sets protection model based on game theory from the point of view of realizing benefits from the access of privacy is about happen, quantify the extent to which visitors gain sensitive information, then compares the tolerance of the sensitive information owner and finally decides whether to allow the visitor to make an access request.
Chennam, KrishnaKeerthi, Muddana, Lakshmi.  2018.  Improving Privacy and Security with Fine Grained Access Control Policy using Two Stage Encryption with Partial Shuffling in Cloud. 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information Communication Technology (RTEICT). :686—690.

In a computer world, to identify anyone by doing a job or to authenticate by checking their identification and give access to computer. Access Control model comes in to picture when require to grant the permissions to individual and complete the duties. The access control models cannot give complete security when dealing with cloud computing area, where access control model failed to handle the attributes which are requisite to inhibit access based on time and location. When the data outsourced in the cloud, the information holders expect the security and confidentiality for their outsourced data. The data will be encrypted before outsourcing on cloud, still they want control on data in cloud server, where simple encryption is not a complete solution. To irradiate these issues, unlike access control models proposed Attribute Based Encryption standards (ABE). In ABE schemes there are different types like Key Policy-ABE (KP-ABE), Cipher Text-ABE (CP-ABE) and so on. The proposed method applied the access control policy of CP-ABE with Advanced Encryption Standard and used elliptic curve for key generation by using multi stage encryption which divides the users into two domains, public and private domains and shuffling the data base records to protect from inference attacks.

Fugkeaw, Somchart, Sato, Hiroyuki.  2018.  Enabling Dynamic and Efficient Data Access Control in Cloud Computing Based on Attribute Certificate Management and CP-ABE. 2018 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP). :454—461.
In this paper, we propose an access control model featured with the efficient key update function in data outsourcing environment. Our access control is based on the combination of Ciphertext Policy - Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) and Role-based Access Control (RBAC). The proposed scheme aims to improve the attribute and key update management of the original CP-ABE. In our scheme, a user's key is incorporated into the attribute certificate (AC) which will be used to decrypt the ciphertext encrypted with CP-ABE policy. If there is any change (update or revoke) of the attributes appearing in the key, the key in the AC will be updated upon the access request. This significantly reduces the overheads in updating and distributing keys of all users simultaneously compared to the existing CP-ABE based schemes. Finally, we conduct the experiment to evaluate the performance of our proposed scheme to show the efficiency of our proposed scheme.
El Haourani, Lamia, Elkalam, Anas Abou, Ouahman, Abdelah Ait.  2018.  Knowledge Based Access Control a Model for Security and Privacy in the Big Data. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart City Applications. :16:1-16:8.
The most popular features of Big Data revolve around the so-called "3V" criterion: Volume, Variety and Velocity. Big Data is based on the massive collection and in-depth analysis of personal data, with a view to profiling, or even marketing and commercialization, thus violating citizens' privacy and the security of their data. In this article we discuss security and privacy solutions in the context of Big Data. We then focus on access control and present our new model called Knowledge-based Access Control (KBAC); this strengthens the access control already deployed in the target company (e.g., based on "RBAC" role or "ABAC" attributes for example) by adding a semantic access control layer. KBAC offers thinner access control, tailored to Big Data, with effective protection against intrusion attempts and unauthorized data inferences.