Internet of Vehicle (IoV) is an essential part of the Intelligent Transportation system (ITS) which is growing exponentially in the automotive industry domain. The term IoV is used in this paper for Internet of Vehicles. IoV is conceptualized for sharing traffic, safety and several other vehicle-related information between vehicles and end user. In recent years, the number of connected vehicles has increased allover the world. Having information sharing and connectivity as its advantage, IoV also faces the challenging task in the cybersecurity-related matters. The future consists of crowded places in an interconnected world through wearable's, sensors, smart phones etc. We are converging towards IoV technology and interactions with crowded space of connected peoples. However, this convergence demands high-security mechanism from the connected crowd as-well-as other connected vehicles to safeguard of proposed IoV system. In this paper, we coin the term of smart people crowd (SPC) and the smart vehicular crowd (SVC) for the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). These specific crowds of SPC and SVC are the potential cyber attackers of the smart IoV. People connected to the internet in the crowded place are known as a smart crowd. They have interfacing devices with sensors and the environment. A smart crowd would also consist of the random number of smart vehicles. With the future converging in to the smart connected framework for crowds, vehicles and connected vehicles, we present a novel cyber-physical surveillance system (CPSS) framework to tackle the security threats in the crowded environment for the smart automotive industry and provide the cyber security mechanism in the crowded places. We also describe an overview of use cases and their security challenges on the Internet of Vehicles.
In the past few years, visual information collection and transmission is increased significantly for various applications. Smart vehicles, service robotic platforms and surveillance cameras for the smart city applications are collecting a large amount of visual data. The preservation of the privacy of people presented in this data is an important factor in storage, processing, sharing and transmission of visual data across the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT). In this paper, a novel anonymisation method for information security and privacy preservation in visual data in sharing layer of the Web of Robotic Things (WoRT) is proposed. The proposed framework uses deep neural network based semantic segmentation to preserve the privacy in video data base of the access level of the applications and users. The data is anonymised to the applications with lower level access but the applications with higher legal access level can analyze and annotated the complete data. The experimental results show that the proposed method while giving the required access to the authorities for legal applications of smart city surveillance, is capable of preserving the privacy of the people presented in the data.