Cyber threat information can be utilized to investigate incidents by leveraging threat-related knowledge from prior incidents with digital forensic techniques and tools. However, the actionability of cyber threat information in digital forensics has not yet been evaluated. Such evaluation is important to ascertain that cyber threat information is as actionable as it can be and to reveal areas of improvement. In this study, a dataset of cyber threat information products was created from well-known cyber threat information sources and its actionability in digital forensics was evaluated. The evaluation results showed a high level of cyber threat information actionability that still needs enhancements in supporting some widely present types of attacks. To further enhance the provision of actionable cyber threat information, the development of the new TREVItoSTIX Autopsy module is presented. TREVItoSTIX allows the expression of the findings of an incident investigation in the structured threat information expression format in order to be easily shared and reused in future digital forensics investigations.
Security of VMs is now becoming a hot topic due to their outsourcing in cloud computing paradigm. All VMs present on the network are connected to each other, making exploited VMs danger to other VMs. and threats to organization. Rejuvenation of virtualization brought the emergence of hyper-visor based security services like VMI (Virtual machine introspection). As there is a greater chance for any intrusion detection system running on the same system, of being dis-abled by the malware or attacker. Monitoring of VMs using VMI, is one of the most researched and accepted technique, that is used to ensure computer systems security mostly in the paradigm of cloud computing. This thesis presents a work that is to integrate LibVMI with Volatility on a KVM, a Linux based hypervisor, to introspect memory of VMs. Both of these tools are used to monitor the state of live VMs. VMI capability of monitoring VMs is combined with the malware analysis and virtual honeypots to achieve the objective of this project. A testing environment is deployed, where a network of VMs is used to be introspected using Volatility plug-ins. Time execution of each plug-in executed on live VMs is calculated to observe the performance of Volatility plug-ins. All these VMs are deployed as Virtual Honeypots having honey-pots configured on them, which is used as a detection mechanism to trigger alerts when some malware attack the VMs. Using STIX (Structure Threat Information Expression), extracted IOCs are converted into the understandable, flexible, structured and shareable format.
Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) in cyber domain is an important threat information that describes the behavior and attack patterns of an adversary. Timely identification of associations between TTPs can lead to effective strategy for diagnosing the Cyber Threat Actors (CTAs) and their attack vectors. This study profiles the prevalence and regularities in the TTPs of CTAs. We developed a machine learning-based framework that takes as input Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) documents, selects the most prevalent TTPs with high information gain as features and based on them mine interesting regularities between TTPs using Association Rule Mining (ARM). We evaluated the proposed framework with publicly available TTPbased CTI documents. The results show that there are 28 TTPs more prevalent than the other TTPs. Our system identified 155 interesting association rules among the TTPs of CTAs. A summary of these rules is given to effectively investigate threats in the network.