With the rapid development of multimedia and short video, there is a growing concern for video copyright protection. Some work has been proposed to add some copyright or fingerprint information to the video to trace the source of the video when it is stolen and protect video copyright. This paper proposes a video watermarking method based on a deep neural network and curriculum learning for watermarking of sliced videos. The first frame of the segmented video is perturbed by an encoder network, which is invisible and can be distinguished by the decoder network. Our model is trained and tested on an online educational video dataset consisting of 2000 different video clips. Experimental results show that our method can successfully discriminate most watermarked and non-watermarked videos with low visual disturbance, which can be achieved even under a relatively high video compression rate(H.264 video compress with CRF 32).
Text-based CAPTCHAs are still commonly used to attempt to prevent automated access to web services. By displaying an image of distorted text, they attempt to create a challenge image that OCR software can not interpret correctly, but a human user can easily determine the correct response to. This work focuses on a CAPTCHA used by a popular Chinese language question-and-answer website and how resilient it is to modern machine learning methods. While the majority of text-based CAPTCHAs focus on transcription tasks, the CAPTCHA solved in this work is based on localization of inverted symbols in a distorted image. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was created to evaluate the likelihood of a region in the image belonging to an inverted character. It is used with a feature map and clustering to identify potential locations of inverted characters. Training of the CNN was performed using curriculum learning and compared to other potential training methods. The proposed method was able to determine the correct response in 95.2% of cases of a simulated CAPTCHA and 67.6% on a set of real CAPTCHAs. Potential methods to increase difficulty of the CAPTCHA and the success rate of the automated solver are considered.