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Prabha, K. M., Saraswathi, D. P. Vidhya.  2018.  TIGER HASH KERBEROS BIOMETRIC BLOWFISH USER AUTHENTICATION FOR SECURED DATA ACCESS IN CLOUD. 2018 2nd International Conference on 2018 2nd International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC)I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :145–151.

Cloud computing is a standard architecture for providing computing services among servers and cloud user (CU) for preserving data from unauthorized users. Therefore, the user authentication is more reliable to ensure cloud services accessed only by a genuine user. To improve the authentication accuracy, Tiger Hash-based Kerberos Biometric Blowfish Authentication (TH-KBBA) Mechanism is introduced for accessing data from server. It comprises three steps, namely Registration, Authentication and Ticket Granting. In the Registration process, client enrolls user details and stores on cloud server (CS) using tiger hashing function. User ID and password is given by CS after registration. When client wants to access data from CS, authentication server (AS) verifies user identity by sending a message. When authenticity is verified, AS accepts user as authenticated user and convinces CS that user is authentic. For convincing process, AS generates a ticket and encrypted using Blowfish encryption. Encrypted ticket is sent back to user. Then, CU sends message to server containing users ID and encrypted ticket. Finally, the server decrypts ticket using blowfish decryption and verifies the user ID. If these two ID gets matched, the CS grants requested data to the user. Experimental evaluation of TH-KBBA mechanism and existing methods are carried out with different factors such as Authentication accuracy, authentications time and confidentiality rate with respect to a number of CUs and data.