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Zhao, Hui, Li, Zhihui, Wei, Hansheng, Shi, Jianqi, Huang, Yanhong.  2019.  SeqFuzzer: An Industrial Protocol Fuzzing Framework from a Deep Learning Perspective. 2019 12th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST). :59—67.

Industrial networks are the cornerstone of modern industrial control systems. Performing security checks of industrial communication processes helps detect unknown risks and vulnerabilities. Fuzz testing is a widely used method for performing security checks that takes advantage of automation. However, there is a big challenge to carry out security checks on industrial network due to the increasing variety and complexity of industrial communication protocols. In this case, existing approaches usually take a long time to model the protocol for generating test cases, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming. This becomes even worse when the target protocol is stateful. To help in addressing this problem, we employed a deep learning model to learn the structures of protocol frames and deal with the temporal features of stateful protocols. We propose a fuzzing framework named SeqFuzzer which automatically learns the protocol frame structures from communication traffic and generates fake but plausible messages as test cases. For proving the usability of our approach, we applied SeqFuzzer to widely-used Ethernet for Control Automation Technology (EtherCAT) devices and successfully detected several security vulnerabilities.

Sokolov, A. N., Pyatnitsky, I. A., Alabugin, S. K..  2018.  Research of Classical Machine Learning Methods and Deep Learning Models Effectiveness in Detecting Anomalies of Industrial Control System. 2018 Global Smart Industry Conference (GloSIC). :1-6.

Modern industrial control systems (ICS) act as victims of cyber attacks more often in last years. These attacks are hard to detect and their consequences can be catastrophic. Cyber attacks can cause anomalies in the work of the ICS and its technological equipment. The presence of mutual interference and noises in this equipment significantly complicates anomaly detection. Moreover, the traditional means of protection, which used in corporate solutions, require updating with each change in the structure of the industrial process. An approach based on the machine learning for anomaly detection was used to overcome these problems. It complements traditional methods and allows one to detect signal correlations and use them for anomaly detection. Additional Tennessee Eastman Process Simulation Data for Anomaly Detection Evaluation dataset was analyzed as example of industrial process. In the course of the research, correlations between the signals of the sensors were detected and preliminary data processing was carried out. Algorithms from the most common techniques of machine learning (decision trees, linear algorithms, support vector machines) and deep learning models (neural networks) were investigated for industrial process anomaly detection task. It's shown that linear algorithms are least demanding on computational resources, but they don't achieve an acceptable result and allow a significant number of errors. Decision tree-based algorithms provided an acceptable accuracy, but the amount of RAM, required for their operations, relates polynomially with the training sample volume. The deep neural networks provided the greatest accuracy, but they require considerable computing power for internal calculations.