By representing large corpora with concise and meaningful elements, topic-based generative models aim to reduce the dimension and understand the content of documents. Those techniques originally analyze on words in the documents, but their extensions currently accommodate meta-data such as authorship information, which has been proved useful for textual modeling. The importance of learning authorship is to extract author interests and assign authors to anonymous texts. Author-Topic (AT) model, an unsupervised learning technique, successfully exploits authorship information to model both documents and author interests using topic representations. However, the AT model simplifies that each author has equal contribution on multiple-author documents. To overcome this limitation, we assumes that authors give different degrees of contributions on a document by using a Dirichlet distribution. This automatically transforms the unsupervised AT model to Supervised Author-Topic (SAT) model, which brings a novelty of authorship prediction on anonymous texts. The SAT model outperforms the AT model for identifying authors of documents written by either single authors or multiple authors with a better Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and a significantly higher Area Under Curve (AUC). The SAT model not only achieves competitive performance to state-of-the-art techniques e.g. Random forests but also maintains the characteristics of the unsupervised models for information discovery i.e. Word distributions of topics, author interests, and author contributions.
Trust relationships occur naturally in many diverse contexts such as collaborative systems, e-commerce, interpersonal interactions, social networks, and semantic sensor web. As agents providing content and services become increasingly removed from the agents that consume them, the issue of robust trust inference and update becomes critical. There is a need to find online substitutes for traditional (direct or face-to-face) cues to derive measures of trust, and create efficient and robust systems for managing trust in order to support decision-making. Unfortunately, there is neither a universal notion of trust that is applicable to all domains nor a clear explication of its semantics or computation in many situations. We motivate the trust problem, explain the relevant concepts, summarize research in modeling trust and gleaning trustworthiness, and discuss challenges confronting us. The goal is to provide a comprehensive broad overview of the trust landscape, with the nitty-gritties of a handful of approaches. We also provide details of the theoretical underpinnings and comparative analysis of Bayesian approaches to binary and multi-level trust, to automatically determine trustworthiness in a variety of reputation systems including those used in sensor networks, e-commerce, and collaborative environments. Ultimately, we need to develop expressive trust networks that can be assigned objective semantics.