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Philipcris C Encarnacion, Bobby D Gerardo, Alexander A Hernandez.  2020.  Performance Analysis on Enhanced Round Function of SIMECK Block Cipher. 2020 12th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN).

There are various Lightweight Block Ciphers (LBC) nowadays that exist to meet the demand on security requirements of the current trend in computing world, the application in the resource-constrained devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. One way to evaluate these LBCs is to conduct a performance analysis. Performance evaluation parameters seek appropriate value such as encryption time, security level, scalability, and flexibility. Like SIMECK block cipher whose algorithm design was anchored with the SIMON and SPECK block ciphers were efficient in security and performance, there is a need to revisit its design. This paper aims to present a comparative study on the performance analysis of the enhanced round function of the SIMECK Family block cipher. The enhanced ARX structure of the round function on the three variants shows an efficient performance over the original algorithm in different simulations using the following methods of measurement; avalanche effect, runtime performance, and brute-force attack. Its recommended that the enhanced round function of the SIMECK family be evaluated by different security measurements and attacks.

Al Ghazo, Alaa T., Kumar, Ratnesh.  2019.  Identification of Critical-Attacks Set in an Attack-Graph. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :0716–0722.
SCADA/ICS (Supervisory Control and Data Acqui-sition/Industrial Control Systems) networks are becoming targets of advanced multi-faceted attacks, and use of attack-graphs has been proposed to model complex attacks scenarios that exploit interdependence among existing atomic vulnerabilities to stitch together the attack-paths that might compromise a system-level security property. While such analysis of attack scenarios enables security administrators to establish appropriate security measurements to secure the system, practical considerations on time and cost limit their ability to address all system vulnerabilities at once. In this paper, we propose an approach that identifies label-cuts to automatically identify a set of critical-attacks that, when blocked, guarantee system security. We utilize the Strongly-Connected-Components (SCCs) of the given attack graph to generate an abstracted version of the attack-graph, a tree over the SCCs, and next use an iterative backward search over this tree to identify set of backward reachable SCCs, along with their outgoing edges and their labels, to identify a cut with a minimum number of labels that forms a critical-attacks set. We also report the implementation and validation of the proposed algorithm to a real-world case study, a SCADA network for a water treatment cyber-physical system.
Ahmed, Yussuf, Naqvi, Syed, Josephs, Mark.  2018.  Aggregation of Security Metrics for Decision Making: A Reference Architecture. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings. :53:1–53:7.
Existing security technologies play a significant role in protecting enterprise systems but they are no longer enough on their own given the number of successful cyberattacks against businesses and the sophistication of the tactics used by attackers to bypass the security defences. Security measurement is different to security monitoring in the sense that it provides a means to quantify the security of the systems while security monitoring helps in identifying abnormal events and does not measure the actual state of an infrastructure's security. The goal of enterprise security metrics is to enable understanding of the overall security using measurements to guide decision making. In this paper we present a reference architecture for aggregating the measurement values from the different components of the system in order to enable stakeholders to see the overall security state of their enterprise systems and to assist with decision making. This will provide a newer dimension to security management by shifting from security monitoring to security measurement.