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Liu, T., Wen, Y..  2018.  Studied on Application of Double Encryption Algorithm in Covert Channel Transmission. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data Smart City (ICITBS). :210-213.

In the process of mobile intelligent terminal for file transfer, ensure the safety of data transmission is significant. It is necessary to prevent the file from being eavesdropped and tampered during transmission. The method of using double encryption on covert channel is proposed in this paper based on the analysis of encryption algorithms and covert channel, which uses asymmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt the key of symmetric encryption, to form hidden information, and to carry out covert transmission through covert channels to enhance the security of mobile terminal data transmission. By simulating the above scenarios in intelligent mobile terminal, the confidentiality and concealment of important information are realized in the transmission process.

Deng, Wei, Liu, Wei, Liu, Xinlin, Zhang, Jian.  2022.  Security Classification of Mobile Intelligent Terminal Based on Multi-source Data Fusion. 2022 4th International Conference on Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer (ICFTIC). :427–430.
The application of mobile intelligent terminal in the environment is very complex, and its own computing capacity is also very limited, so it is vulnerable to malicious attacks. The security classification of mobile intelligent terminals can effectively ensure the security of their use. Therefore, a security classification method for mobile intelligent terminals based on multi-source data fusion is proposed. The Boolean value is used to count the multi-source data of the mobile intelligent terminal, and the word frequency method is used to calculate the weight of the multi-source data of the mobile intelligent terminal. The D-S evidence theory is used to complete the multi-source data fusion of the mobile intelligent terminal and implement the multi-source data fusion processing of the mobile intelligent terminal. On this basis, the security level permission value of mobile intelligent terminal is calculated to achieve the security level division of mobile intelligent terminal based on multi-source data fusion. The experimental results show that the accuracy of mobile intelligent terminal security classification is higher than 96% and the classification time is less than 3.8 ms after the application of the proposed method. Therefore, the security level of mobile intelligent terminals after the application of this method is high, and the security performance of mobile intelligent terminals is strong, which can effectively improve the accuracy of security classification and shorten the time of security classification.