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Suriarachchi, I., Withana, S., Plale, B..  2018.  Big Provenance Stream Processing for Data Intensive Computations. 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). :245–255.
In the business and research landscape of today, data analysis consumes public and proprietary data from numerous sources, and utilizes any one or more of popular data-parallel frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark and Flink. In the Data Lake setting these frameworks co-exist. Our earlier work has shown that data provenance in Data Lakes can aid with both traceability and management. The sheer volume of fine-grained provenance generated in a multi-framework application motivates the need for on-the-fly provenance processing. We introduce a new parallel stream processing algorithm that reduces fine-grained provenance while preserving backward and forward provenance. The algorithm is resilient to provenance events arriving out-of-order. It is evaluated using several strategies for partitioning a provenance stream. The evaluation shows that the parallel algorithm performs well in processing out-of-order provenance streams, with good scalability and accuracy.