The process of release of a single domain wall from the closure domain structure at the microwire ends and the process of nucleation of the reversed domain in regions far from the microwire ends were studied using the technique that consists in determining the critical parameters of the rectangular magnetic field pulse (magnitude-Hpc and length-τc) needed for free domain wall production. Since these processes can be influenced by the magnitude of the magnetic field before or after the application of the field pulse (Hi, τ), we propose a modified experiment in which the so-called three-level pulse is used. The three-level pulse starts from the first level, then continues with the second measuring rectangular pulse (Hi, τ), which ends at the third field level. Based on the results obtained in experiments using three-level field pulses, it has been shown that reversed domains are not present in the remanent state in regions far from the microwire ends. Some modification of the theoretical model of a single domain wall trapped in a potential well will be needed for an adequate description of the depinning processes.
One method to increase bit density in magnetic memory devices is to use multi-state structures, such as a ferromagnetic nanoring with multiple domain walls (DWs), to encode information. However, there is a competition between decreasing the ring size in order to more densely pack bits and increasing it to make multiple DWs stable. This paper examines the effects of ring geometry, specifically inner and outer diameters (ODs), on the formation of 360° DWs. By sequentially increasing the strength of an applied circular magnetic field, we examine how DWs form under the applied field and whether they remain when the field is returned to zero. We examine the relationships between field strength, number of walls initially formed, and the stability of these walls at zero field for different ring geometries. We demonstrate that there is a lower limit of 200 nm to the ring diameter for the formation of any 360° DWs under an applied field, and that a high number of 360° DWs are stable at remanence only for narrow rings with large ODs.