Web technology has evolved to offer 360-degree immersive browsing experiences. This new technology, called WebVR, enables virtual reality by rendering a three-dimensional world on an HTML canvas. Unfortunately, there exists no browser-supported way of sharing this canvas between different parties. As a result, third-party library providers with ill intent (e.g., stealing sensitive information from end-users) can easily distort the entire WebVR site. To mitigate the new threats posed in WebVR, we propose CanvasMirror, which allows publishers to specify the behaviors of third-party libraries and enforce this specification. We show that CanvasMirror effectively separates the third-party context from the host origin by leveraging the privilege separation technique and safely integrates VR contents on a shared canvas.
In the context of emerging applications such as IoT, an RFID framework that can dynamically incorporate, identify, and seamlessly regulate the RFID tags is considered exciting. Earlier RFID frameworks developed using the older web technologies were limited in their ability to provide complete information about the RFID tags and their respective locations. However, the new and emerging web technologies have transformed this scenario and now framework can be developed to include all the required flexibility and security for seamless applications such as monitoring of RFID tags. This paper revisits and proposes a generic scenario of an RFID framework built using latest web technology and demonstrates its ability to customize using an application for tracking of personal user objects. This has been shown that the framework based on newer web technologies can be indeed robust, uniform, unified, and integrated.