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Akshara Vemuri, Sai, Krishna Chaitanya, Gogineni.  2022.  Insider Attack Detection and Prevention using Server Authentication using Elgamal Encryption. 2022 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :967—972.
Web services are growing demand with fundamental advancements and have given more space to researchers for improving security of all real world applications. Accessing and get authenticated in many applications on web services, user discloses their password and other privacy data to the server for authentication purposes. These shared information should be maintained by the server with high security, otherwise it can be used for illegal purposes for any authentication breach. Protecting the applications from various attacks is more important. Comparing the security threats, insider attacks are most challenging to identify due to the fact that they use the authentication of legitimate users and their privileges to access the application and may cause serious threat to the application. Insider attacks has been studied in previous researchers with different security measures, however there is no much strong work proposed. Various security protocols were proposed for defending insider attackers. The proposed work focused on insider attack protection through Elgamal cryptography technique. The proposed work is much effective on insider attacks and also defends against various attacks. The proposed protocol is better than existing works. The key computation cost and communication cost is relatively low in this proposed work. The proposed work authenticates the application by parallel process of two way authentication mechanism through Elgamal algorithm.
Jain, Kurunandan, Krishnan, Prabhakar, Rao, Vaishnavi V.  2021.  A Comparison Based Approach on Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Using DNA Cryptography. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). :1—6.
Cryptography is the science of encryption and decryption of data using the techniques of mathematics to achieve secure communication. This enables the user to send the data in an insecure channel. These channels are usually vulnerable to security attacks due to the data that they possess. A lot of work is being done these days to protect data and data communication. Hence securing them is the utmost concern. In recent times a lot of researchers have come up with different cryptographic techniques to protect the data over the network. One such technique used is DNA cryptography. The proposed approach employs a DNA sequencing-based encoding and decoding mechanism. The data is secured over the network using a secure authentication and key agreement procedure. A significant amount of work is done to show how DNA cryptography is secure when compared to other forms of cryptography techniques over the network.
Toutara, F., Spathoulas, G..  2020.  A distributed biometric authentication scheme based on blockchain. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :470–475.

Biometric authentication is the preferred authentication scheme in modern computing systems. While it offers enhanced usability, it also requires cautious handling of sensitive users' biometric templates. In this paper, a distributed scheme that eliminates the requirement for a central node that holds users' biometric templates is presented. This is replaced by an Ethereum/IPFS combination to which the templates of the users are stored in a homomorphically encrypted form. The scheme enables the biometric authentication of the users by any third party service, while the actual biometric templates of the user never leave his device in non encrypted form. Secure authentication of users in enabled, while sensitive biometric data are not exposed to anyone. Experiments show that the scheme can be applied as an authentication mechanism with minimal time overhead.

Bentahar, A., Meraoumia, A., Bendjenna, H., Chitroub, S., Zeroual, A..  2020.  Fuzzy Extractor-Based Key Agreement for Internet of Things. 020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP). :25–29.
The emergence of the Internet of Things with its constraints obliges researchers in this field to find light and accurate solutions to secure the data exchange. This document presents secure authentication using biometrics coupled with an effective key agreement scheme to save time and energy. In our scheme, the agreed key is used to encrypt transmission data between different IoT actors. While the fuzzy extractor based on the fuzzy vault principle, is used as authentication and as key agreement scheme. Besides, our system incorporates the Reed Solomon and Hamming codes to give some tolerance to errors. The experimental results have been discussed according to several recognition rates and computation times. Indeed, the recognition rate results have been compared to other works to validate our system. Also, we clarify how our system resists to specific transmission attacks without affecting lightness and accuracy.
Kim, MyeongHyun, Lee, JoonYoung, Yu, SungJin, Park, KiSung, Park, YoHan, Park, YoungHo.  2019.  A Secure Authentication and Key Establishment Scheme for Wearable Devices. 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN). :1—2.
With the rapid development of micro-electronics and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), users can utilize various service such as Internet of Things(IoT), smart-healthcare and smart-home using wearable devices. However, the sensitive information of user are revealed by attackers because the medical services are provided through open channel. Therefore, secure mutual authentication and key establishment are essential to provide secure services for legitimate users in Wireless Body Area Networks(WBAN). In 2019, Gupta et al. proposed a lightweight anonymous user authentication and key establishment scheme for wearable devices. We demonstrate that their scheme cannot withstand user impersonation, session key disclosure and wearable device stolen attacks. We also propose a secure and lightweight mutual authentication and key establishment scheme using wearable devices to resolve the security shortcomings of Gupta et al.'s scheme. The proposed scheme can be suitable to resource-limited environments.
Vegh, Laura.  2018.  Cyber-physical systems security through multi-factor authentication and data analytics. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). :1369–1374.
We are living in a society where technology is present everywhere we go. We are striving towards smart homes, smart cities, Internet of Things, Internet of Everything. Not so long ago, a password was all you needed for secure authentication. Nowadays, even the most complicated passwords are not considered enough. Multi-factor authentication is gaining more and more terrain. Complex system may also require more than one solution for real, strong security. The present paper proposes a framework based with MFA as a basis for access control and data analytics. Events within a cyber-physical system are processed and analyzed in an attempt to detect, prevent and mitigate possible attacks.
Zhou, Xinyan, Ji, Xiaoyu, Yan, Chen, Deng, Jiangyi, Xu, Wenyuan.  2019.  NAuth: Secure Face-to-Face Device Authentication via Nonlinearity. IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2080–2088.
With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, face-to-face device-to-device (D2D) communication has been applied to a variety of daily scenarios such as mobile payment and short distance file transfer. In D2D communications, a critical security problem is verifying the legitimacy of devices when they share no secrets in advance. Previous research addressed the problem with device authentication and pairing schemes based on user intervention or exploiting physical properties of the radio or acoustic channels. However, a remaining challenge is to secure face-to-face D2D communication even in the middle of a crowd, within which an attacker may hide. In this paper, we present Nhuth, a nonlinearity-enhanced, location-sensitive authentication mechanism for such communication. Especially, we target at the secure authentication within a limited range such as 20 cm, which is the common case for face-to-face scenarios. Nhuth contains averification scheme based on the nonlinear distortion of speaker-microphone systems and a location-based-validation model. The verification scheme guarantees device authentication consistency by extracting acoustic nonlinearity patterns (ANP) while the validation model ensures device legitimacy by measuring the time difference of arrival (TDOA) at two microphones. We analyze the security of Nhuth theoretically and evaluate its performance experimentally. Results show that Nhuth can verify the device legitimacy in the presence of nearby attackers.
Hofnăr, Aurel-Dragoş, Joldoş, Marius.  2019.  Host Oriented Factor Normalizing Authentication Resource: More Secure Authentication for Legacy Systems. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP). :1–6.
Whenever one accesses a computer system there are three essential security issues involved: identification, authentication and authorization. The identification process enables recognition of an entity, which may be either a human, a machine, or another asset - e.g. software program. Two complementary mechanisms are used for determining who can access those systems: authentication and authorization. To address the authentication process, various solutions have been proposed in the literature, from a simple password to newer technologies based on biometrics or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). This paper presents a novel scalable multi-factor authentication method, applicable to computer systems with no need of any hardware/software changes.
Gulsezim, Duisen, Zhansaya, Seiitkaliyeva, Razaque, Abdul, Ramina, Yestayeva, Amsaad, Fathi, Almiani, Muder, Ganda, Raouf, Oun, Ahmed.  2019.  Two Factor Authentication using Twofish Encryption and Visual Cryptography Algorithms for Secure Data Communication. 2019 Sixth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). :405–411.
Dependence of the individuals on the Internet for performing the several actions require secure data communication. Thus, the reliable data communication improves the confidentiality. As, enhanced security leads to reliable and faster communication. To improve the reliability and confidentiality, there is dire need of fully secured authentication method. There are several methods of password protections were introduced to protect the confidentiality and reliability. Most of the existing methods are based on alphanumeric approaches, but few methods provide the dual authentication process. In this paper, we introduce improved graphical password authentication using Twofish Encryption and Visual Cryptography (TEVC) method. Our proposed TEVC is unpredictably organized as predicting the correct graphical password and arranging its particles in the proper order is harder as compared to traditional alphanumeric password system. TEVC is tested by using JAVA platform. Based on the testing results, we confirm that proposed TEVC provides secure authentication. TEVC encryption algorithm detected as more prudent and possessing lower time complexity as compared to other known existing algorithms message code confirmation and fingerprint scan with password.
Ibrokhimov, Sanjar, Hui, Kueh Lee, Abdulhakim Al-Absi, Ahmed, lee, hoon jae, Sain, Mangal.  2019.  Multi-Factor Authentication in Cyber Physical System: A State of Art Survey. 2019 21st International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :279–284.
Digital Multifactor authentication is one of the best ways to make secure authentication. It covers many different areas of a Cyber-connected world, including online payments, communications, access right management, etc. Most of the time, Multifactor authentication is little complex as it require extra step from users. With two-factor authentication, along with the user-ID and password, user also needs to enter a special code which they normally receive by short message service or some special code which they got in advance. This paper will discuss the evolution from single authentication to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) starting from Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) and through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). In addition, this paper presents five high-level categories of features of user authentication in the gadget-free world including security, privacy, and usability aspects. These are adapted and extended from earlier research on web authentication methods. In conclusion, this paper gives future research directions and open problems that stem from our observations.
Detken, K., Jahnke, M., Humann, M., Rollgen, B..  2018.  Integrity and Non-Repudiation of VoIP Streams with TPM2.0 over Wi-Fi Networks. 2018 IEEE 4th International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the International Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS). :82–87.
The complete digitization of telecommunications allows new attack scenarios, which have not been possible with legacy phone technologies before. The reason is that physical access to legacy phone technologies was necessary. Regarding internet-based communication like voice over the internet protocol (VoIP), which can be established between random nodes, eavesdropping can happen everywhere and much easier. Additionally, injection of undesirable communication like SPAM or SPIT in digital networks is simpler, too. Encryption is not sufficient because it is also necessary to know which participants are talking to each other. For that reason, the research project INTEGER has been started with the main goals of providing secure authentication and integrity of a VoIP communication by using a digital signature. The basis of this approach is the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) of the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) which works as a hardware-based trusted anchor. The TPM will be used inside of wireless IP devices with VoIP softphones. The question is if it is possible to fulfill the main goals of the project in wireless scenarios with Wi-Fi technologies. That is what this contribution aims to clarify.