Inference of unknown opinions with uncertain, adversarial (e.g., incorrect or conflicting) evidence in large datasets is not a trivial task. Without proper handling, it can easily mislead decision making in data mining tasks. In this work, we propose a highly scalable opinion inference probabilistic model, namely Adversarial Collective Opinion Inference (Adv-COI), which provides a solution to infer unknown opinions with high scalability and robustness under the presence of uncertain, adversarial evidence by enhancing Collective Subjective Logic (CSL) which is developed by combining SL and Probabilistic Soft Logic (PSL). The key idea behind the Adv-COI is to learn a model of robust ways against uncertain, adversarial evidence which is formulated as a min-max problem. We validate the out-performance of the Adv-COI compared to baseline models and its competitive counterparts under possible adversarial attacks on the logic-rule based structured data and white and black box adversarial attacks under both clean and perturbed semi-synthetic and real-world datasets in three real world applications. The results show that the Adv-COI generates the lowest mean absolute error in the expected truth probability while producing the lowest running time among all.
For aerospace FPGA software products, traditional simulation method faces severe challenges to verify product requirements under complicated scenarios. Given the increasing maturity of formal verification technology, this method can significantly improve verification work efficiency and product design quality, by expanding coverage on those "blind spots" in product design which were not easily identified previously. Taking UART communication as an example, this paper proposes several critical points to use formal verification for asynchronous communication protocol. Experiments and practices indicate that formal verification for asynchronous communication protocol can effectively reduce the time required, ensure a complete verification process and more importantly, achieve more accurate and intuitive results.