The automatic face tracking and detection has been one of the fastest developing areas due to its wide range of application, security and surveillance application in particular. It has been one of the most interest subjects, which suppose but yet to be wholly explored in various research areas due to various distinctive factors: varying ethnic groups, sizes, orientations, poses, occlusions and lighting conditions. The focus of this paper is to propose an improve algorithm to speed up the face tracking and detection process with the simple and efficient proposed novel edge detector to reject the non-face-likes regions, hence reduce the false detection rate in an automatic face tracking and detection in still images with multiple faces for facial expression system. The correct rates of 95.9% on the Haar face detection and proposed novel edge detector, which is higher 6.1% than the primitive integration of Haar and canny edge detector.
Steganography means hiding secrete message in cover object in a way that no suspicious from the attackers, the most popular steganography schemes is image steganography. A very common questions that asked in the field are: 1- what is the embedding scheme used?, 2- where is (location) the secrete messages are embedded?, and 3- how the sender will tell the receiver about the locations of the secrete message?. Here in this paper we are deal with and aimed to answer questions number 2 and 3. We used the popular scheme in image steganography which is least significant bits for embedding in edges positions in color images. After we separate the color images into its components Red, Green, and Blue, then we used one of the components as an index to find the edges, while other one or two components used for embedding purpose. Using this technique we will guarantee the same number and positions of edges before and after embedding scheme, therefore we are guaranteed extracting the secrete message as it's without any loss of secrete messages bits.
A multipurpose color image watermarking method is presented to provide \textcopyright protection and ownership verification of the multimedia information. For robust color image watermarking, color watermark is utilized to bring universality and immense applicability to the proposed scheme. The cover information is first converted to Red, Green and Blue components image. Each component is transformed in wavelet domain using DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) and then decomposition techniques like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), QR and Schur decomposition are applied. Multiple watermark embedding provides the watermarking scheme free from error (false positive). The watermark is modified by scrambling it using Arnold transform. In the proposed watermarking scheme, robustness and quality is tested with metrics like Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Correlation Coefficient (NCC). Further, the proposed scheme is compared with related watermarking schemes.
MANET is vulnerable to so many attacks like Black hole, Wormhole, Jellyfish, Dos etc. Attackers can easily launch Wormhole attack by faking a route from original within network. In this paper, we propose an algorithm on AD (Absolute Deviation) of statistical approach to avoid and prevent Wormhole attack. Absolute deviation covariance and correlation take less time to detect Wormhole attack than classical one. Any extra necessary conditions, like GPS are not needed in proposed algorithms. From origin to destination, a fake tunnel is created by wormhole attackers, which is a link with good amount of frequency level. A false idea is created by this, that the source and destination of the path are very nearby each other and will take less time. But the original path takes more time. So it is necessary to calculate the time taken to avoid and prevent Wormhole attack. Better performance by absolute deviation technique than AODV is proved by simulation, done by MATLAB simulator for wormhole attack. Then the packet drop pattern is also measured for Wormholes using Absolute Deviation Correlation Coefficient.
In traditional steganographic schemes, RGB three channels payloads are assigned equally in a true color image. In fact, the security of color image steganography relates not only to data-embedding algorithms but also to different payload partition. How to exploit inter-channel correlations to allocate payload for performance enhancement is still an open issue in color image steganography. In this paper, a novel channel-dependent payload partition strategy based on amplifying channel modification probabilities is proposed, so as to adaptively assign the embedding capacity among RGB channels. The modification probabilities of three corresponding pixels in RGB channels are simultaneously increased, and thus the embedding impacts could be clustered, in order to improve the empirical steganographic security against the channel co-occurrences detection. Experimental results show that the new color image steganographic schemes incorporated with the proposed strategy can effectively make the embedding changes concentrated mainly in textured regions, and achieve better performance on resisting the modern color image steganalysis.
The SDN (Software Defined Networking) paradigm rings flexibility to the network management and is an enabler to offer huge opportunities for network programmability. And, to solve the scalability issue raised by the centralized architecture of SDN, multi-controllers deployment (or distributed controllers system) is envisioned. In this paper, we focus on increasing the diversity of SDN control plane so as to enhance the network security. Our goal is to limit the ability of a malicious controller to compromise its neighboring controllers, and by extension, the rest of the controllers. We investigate a heterogeneous Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model to evaluate the security performance and propose a coloring algorithm to increase the diversity based on community detection. And the simulation results demonstrate that our algorithm can reduce infection rate in control plane and our work shows that diversity must be introduced in network design for network security.
A lack of awareness surrounding secure online behaviour can lead to end-users, and their personal details becoming vulnerable to compromise. This paper describes an ongoing research project in the field of usable security, examining the relationship between end-user-security behaviour, and the use of affective feedback to educate end-users. Part of the aforementioned research project considers the link between categorical information users reveal about themselves online, and the information users believe, or report that they have revealed online. The experimental results confirm a disparity between information revealed, and what users think they have revealed, highlighting a deficit in security awareness. Results gained in relation to the affective feedback delivered are mixed, indicating limited short-term impact. Future work seeks to perform a long-term study, with the view that positive behavioural changes may be reflected in the results as end-users become more knowledgeable about security awareness.
In this paper, a novel quantum encryption algorithm for color image is proposed based on multiple discrete chaotic systems. The proposed quantum image encryption algorithm utilize the quantum controlled-NOT image generated by chaotic logistic map, asymmetric tent map and logistic Chebyshev map to control the XOR operation in the encryption process. Experiment results and analysis show that the proposed algorithm has high efficiency and security against differential and statistical attacks.
In this paper, we propose a new color image encryption and compression algorithm based on the DNA complementary rule and the Chinese remainder theorem, which combines the DNA complementary rule with quantum chaotic map. We use quantum chaotic map and DNA complementary rule to shuffle the color image and obtain the shuffled image, then Chinese remainder theorem from number theory is utilized to diffuse and compress the shuffled image simultaneously. The security analysis and experiment results show that the proposed encryption algorithm has large key space and good encryption result, it also can resist against common attacks.
The TRECVID report of 2010 [14] evaluated video shot boundary detectors as achieving "excellent performance on [hard] cuts and gradual transitions." Unfortunately, while re-evaluating the state of the art of the shot boundary detection, we found that they need to be improved because the characteristics of consumer-produced videos have changed significantly since the introduction of mobile gadgets, such as smartphones, tablets and outdoor activity purposed cameras, and video editing software has been evolving rapidly. In this paper, we evaluate the best-known approach on a contemporary, publicly accessible corpus, and present a method that achieves better performance, particularly on soft transitions. Our method combines color histograms with key point feature matching to extract comprehensive frame information. Two similarity metrics, one for individual frames and one for sets of frames, are defined based on graph cuts. These metrics are formed into temporal feature vectors on which a SVM is trained to perform the final segmentation. The evaluation on said "modern" corpus of relatively short videos yields a performance of 92% recall (at 89% precision) overall, compared to 69% (91%) of the best-known method.
A variety of methods for images noise reduction has been developed so far. Most of them successfully remove noise but their edge preserving capabilities are weak. Therefore bilateral image filter is helpful to deal with this problem. Nevertheless, their performances depend on spatial and photometric parameters which are chosen by user. Conventionally, the geometric weight is calculated by means of distance of neighboring pixels and the photometric weight is calculated by means of color components of neighboring pixels. The range of weights is between zero and one. In this paper, geometric weights are estimated by fuzzy metrics and photometric weights are estimated by using fuzzy rule based system which does not require any predefined parameter. Experimental results of conventional, fuzzy bilateral filter and proposed approach have been included.
Steganography is the art of the hidden data in such a way that it detection of hidden knowledge prevents. As the necessity of security and privacy increases, the need of the hiding secret data is ongoing. In this paper proposed an enhanced detection of the 1-2-4 LSB steganography and RSA cryptography in Gray Scale and Color images. For color images, we apply 1-2-4 LSB on component of the RGB, then encrypt information applying RSA technique. For Gray Images, we use LSB to then encrypt information and also detect edges of gray image. In the experimental outcomes, calculate PSNR and MSE. We calculate peak signal noise ratio for quality and brightness. This method makes sure that the information has been encrypted before hiding it into an input image. If in any case the cipher text got revealed from the input image, the middle person other than receiver can't access the information as it is in encrypted form.
Detecting stationary crowd groups and analyzing their behaviors have important applications in crowd video surveillance, but have rarely been studied. The contributions of this paper are in two aspects. First, a stationary crowd detection algorithm is proposed to estimate the stationary time of foreground pixels. It employs spatial-temporal filtering and motion filtering in order to be robust to noise caused by occlusions and crowd clutters. Second, in order to characterize the emergence and dispersal processes of stationary crowds and their behaviors during the stationary periods, three attributes are proposed for quantitative analysis. These attributes are recognized with a set of proposed crowd descriptors which extract visual features from the results of stationary crowd detection. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is shown through experiments on a benchmark dataset.
This paper presents the application of fusion meth- ods to a visual surveillance scenario. The range of relevant features for re-identifying vehicles is discussed, along with the methods for fusing probabilistic estimates derived from these estimates. In particular, two statistical parametric fusion methods are considered: Bayesian Networks and the Dempster Shafer approach. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a metric to allow direct comparison of the benefits of the two methods. This is achieved by generalising the Kelly betting strategy to accommodate a variable total stake for each sample, subject to a fixed expected (mean) stake. This metric provides a method to quantify the extra information provided by the Dempster-Shafer method, in comparison to a Bayesian Fusion approach.