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Tsado, Y., Lund, D., Gamage, K..  2014.  Resilient wireless communication networking for Smart grid BAN. Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 IEEE International. :846-851.

The concept of Smart grid technology sets greater demands for reliability and resilience on communications infrastructure. Wireless communication is a promising alternative for distribution level, Home Area Network (HAN), smart metering and even the backbone networks that connect smart grid applications to control centres. In this paper, the reliability and resilience of smart grid communication network is analysed using the IEEE 802.11 communication technology in both infrastructure single hop and mesh multiple-hop topologies for smart meters in a Building Area Network (BAN). Performance of end to end delay and Round Trip Time (RTT) of an infrastructure mode smart meter network for Demand Response (DR) function is presented. Hybrid deployment of these network topologies is also suggested to provide resilience and redundancy in the network during network failure or when security of the network is circumvented. This recommendation can also be deployed in other areas of the grid where wireless technologies are used. DR communication from consumer premises is used to show the performance of an infrastructure mode smart metering network.