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Barry, Ibrahima Djenabou, Yokota, Mitsuhiro, Razak, Angger Abdul.  2018.  Design of a New Type of Square Lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber with Flattened Dispersion and Low Confinement Loss. 2018 Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar (EECCIS). :229-233.

A new kind of Square Lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber (SLPCF) is proposed, the first ring is formed by elliptical holes filled with ethanol. To regulate the dispersion and the confinement loss we put a circular air-holes with small diameters into the third ring of the cladding area. The diameter of the core is arranged as d2=2*A-d, where A is the pitch and d diameter of the air-holes. After simulations, we got a dispersion low as 0.0494 (ps/Km. nm) and a confinement loss also low as 2.6×10-7(dB/m) at a wavelength of 1.55 $μ$m. At 0.8 $μ$m we obtained a nonlinearity high as 60.95 (1/km. w) and a strong guiding light. Also, we compare the filled ethanol elliptical holes with the air filled elliptical holes of our proposed square lattice photonic crystal fiber. We use as a simulation method in this manuscript the two-dimensional FDTD method. The utilization of the proposed fiber is in the telecommunication transmission because of its low dispersion and low loss at the c-band and in the nonlinear applications.