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Simulation Study on Wideband Transducer with Longitudinal-Flexural Coupling Vibration. 2019 13th Symposium on Piezoelectrcity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications (SPAWDA). :1–4.
2019. This paper designed a longitudinal bending coupled piezoelectric transducer. The transducer is composed of a rear metal block, a longitudinally polarized piezoelectric ceramic piece and a slotted round front cover. The longitudinal vibration of the piezoelectric oscillators drive the front cover to generate bending vibration to widen the operating frequency band while reducing the fluctuation of transmission voltage response. In this paper, the design method of this multimode coupled transducer is given, and the method is verified by numerical simulation. The results show that the analytical theory and numerical simulation results have good consistency. This longitudinal-flexural coupled vibration transducer widens the bandwidth while preserving the emission voltage response.