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Ahmedova, Oydin, Mardiyev, Ulugbek, Tursunov, Otabek.  2020.  Generation and Distribution Secret Encryption Keys with Parameter. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—4.
This article describes a new way to generate and distribute secret encryption keys, in which the processes of generating a public key and formicating a secret encryption key are performed in algebra with a parameter, the secrecy of which provides increased durability of the key.
Yakymenko, I., Kasianchuk, M., Gomotiuk, O., Tereshchuk, G., Ivasiev, S., Basistyi, P..  2020.  Elgamal cryptoalgorithm on the basis of the vector-module method of modular exponentiation and multiplication. 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). :926–929.
This paper presents the implementation of the ELGamal cryptoalgorithm for information flows encryption / decryption, which is based on the application of the vector-modular method of modular exponentiation and multiplication. This allows us to replace the complex operation of the modular exponentiation with multiplication and the last one with addition that increases the speed of the cryptosystem. In accordance with this, the application of the vector-modular method allows us to reduce the modular exponentiation and multiplication temporal complexity in comparison with the classical one.
Krasnobaev, Victor, Kuznetsov, Alexandr, Babenko, Vitalina, Denysenko, Mykola, Zub, Mihael, Hryhorenko, Vlada.  2019.  The Method of Raising Numbers, Represented in the System of Residual Classes to an Arbitrary Power of a Natural Number. 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON). :1133–1138.

Methods for implementing integer arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication in the system of residual classes are considered. It is shown that their practical use in computer systems can significantly improve the performance of the implementation of arithmetic operations. A new method has been developed for raising numbers represented in the system of residual classes to an arbitrary power of a natural number, both in positive and in negative number ranges. An example of the implementation of the proposed method for the construction of numbers represented in the system of residual classes for the value of degree k = 2 is given.